It's nice when people show appreciation for meme work!
thank you!
I also did a twenty dollar version, but it was federal reserve note and I think I got flack for it from an anon, so I kicked it up to 10,000 dollars in gold!
It's nice when people show appreciation for meme work!
thank you!
I also did a twenty dollar version, but it was federal reserve note and I think I got flack for it from an anon, so I kicked it up to 10,000 dollars in gold!
and then he goes to Heaven to be with Rosaline?
The first meme is always complimentary . . .
I looked for real anime currency or paper money. I found a lot that are doctored bills but didn't find any country that issues notes with anime.
there are plenty of postage stamps with it.
some day for real it will exist.
of course he did.
Ukrain oligarch and their frens always win.
he's under 60. why isn't he back in his homeland where he was born.
if he goes there can they conscript him?
oh, wait, he's an untouchable. at least I wouldn't touch him.
During the 'Great Depresion' when Rosevelt was in power he had bankster friends and a bankster cabinet.
they would go to any and all banks and say 'by the way we notice an issue here. We're taking over.
and if the bank became even a little bit insolvent (because of a bank run) the theives at the Fed would say 'we are calling in all the loans. pay the full amount now'
but but but I can only pay so much a month as agreed.
'tough, pay it all now'
but no one will make me a new loan to pay it all back at once.'
'your bank went insolvent. We hold the note. pay us or loose your collatoral'
that's what happened.
over and over.
and that's why people hated Rosevelt because even though they could pay the loan as it was, they were unable to pay it all back at once. But continuing to make payments wasn't good enough for the bankster.
This is how I understand that the situation was.
PS: the federal reserve travalled the world and bought up debt all over the world and then monetized that debt to make even more money , then they would sell the debt to a high bidder (probably a friend of theirs).
gee, how did people come here broke from Vienna and then suddenly become millionaires.
could it be bankster frens?
technically you're not 'surrounded' by anyone from here, are you.
but I know what you mean.
no he didn't
from the wikipedia article about this book:
The New Orleans panel's book introduction concluded "[t]hat Bacque is wrong on nearly every major and nearly all his minor charges seem to us to be overwhelmingly obvious. To sum up: Eisenhower was not a Hitler, he did not run death camps, German prisoners did not die by the hundreds of thousands, there was indeed a severe world food shortage in 1945, there was nothing sinister or secret about DEF designation or about the Other Losses column. Bacque's "Missing Million" were old and young boys in the militia dismissed early from the American camps; they were escapees from camps and POWs/DEFs transferred from camp to camp in Germany and Europe for various reasons."[43]
there is a large section of this article explain about the 'New Orleans Panel' who debunked this fiction writers claims.
anon, if it were true there wouldn't be just ONE book about it.
read the wikipedia article and then decide.
when do you post '2 weeks'?
they've been doing it for two weeks?