Anonymous ID: e5528d June 18, 2024, 7:06 p.m. No.21047482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7504



anon really worrries about bakers not including the statements from trump rallies.

no matter our differences,

The information which has always been notable to anons and those lurking including those of us who are helping to spread trumps messages to the internet via social media, fighting the fake media and countering their narrative are purposely being ignored due to control of the information.

Whether admin, b.v or bakers.

this has never been done before by any baker or admin due to spite of a single anon.

There is 3 weeks left before trump could be jailed and his life put into danger as well as the maga supporters.

The deep state is vicious and the world is at stake.

put aside your divisions and return to the call.

