Anonymous ID: ffbff1 June 18, 2024, 6:41 p.m. No.21047340   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A narcissist might copy an online persona like Catturd on an anonymous image board like Q Research for several reasons:


• Desire for Attention and Validation: Narcissists crave attention and validation. They may admire or envy the attention that popular personas like Catturd receive and seek to emulate their style or persona in hopes of garnering similar attention and admiration from others.


• Lack of Originality: Narcissists often lack a strong sense of identity or originality themselves. They may copy successful personas because they struggle to create their own unique identity or content that resonates with others.


• Grandiosity and Superiority: Narcissists have a grandiose self-view and believe they deserve special recognition or status. By mimicking a popular persona, they may seek to elevate their own perceived importance or status within the online community.


• Attention-Seeking Behavior: Emulating a well-known persona like Catturd can be a way for narcissists to attract attention to themselves. They may hope that by associating with a popular figure, they can increase their own visibility and relevance within the community.