you are such a pathetic nigger
imagine being outraged over the 10 commandments but not when they're giving kids gender reassignment surgery and pushing trans/faggot ideology on them
well what do ya know
not one mention of dEmOcRaCy
the left's pledge:
>i pledge allegiance
>to the fag
>of the divided cheeks of the faggots
>and to the trannies
>for which they/them fags,
>many nations
>under baphomet
>completely visible,
>with niggardly
>and aids for all
the alex jonestein tactic
don't worry
trump is going to build the fbi a brand new building for their spectacular patriotic efforts
couldn't even type that with a straight face
it's going to be a big, beautiful building within walking distance of the doj
because they totally deserve it
>as a thank you for spying on my campaign
>and for entrapping my national security advisor
>and for raiding mar a lago
>and for orchestrating several false flags over the decades you've been in existence
>i'm going to build you guys a brand new purty building