Study Proposes mRNA Vaccine Spike Protein Production Can Be Deactivated and Turned ‘Off’
The COVID shots are known to increase in lethality after repeated doses. The ‘vaccines’ are linked to turbocancers, reproductive destruction, miscarriages in pregnant women, paralyzation, tinnitus, increased excess death rates, autoimmune disorders in the thyroid, headaches, seizures, heart inflammation and more. Children who received mRNA ‘vaccines’ have also been affected. The mRNA jabs contain hundreds of times the allowable levels of DNA contamination leading to mutagenic effects that change genetic material and increase mutations, contaminating the blood supply, and permanently altering the DNA of the vaccinated and their offspring. Dr. Peter McCullough estimated that over 600,000 Americans have died from COVID ‘vaccines’. The jabs are expected to kill people for a very long time into the future.
The McCullough Foundation published a new study that proposes an intervention to turn off the mutagenic effects of COVID mRNA injections by using small interfering RNA (siRNA) to bind to COVID vaccine mRNA so that the body may eliminate it, and ribonuclease targeting chimeras (RIBOTAC) that can sandwich the mRNA. The introduction of siRNA and RIBOTAC may potentially prevent uncontrolled Spike protein production and reduce toxicity. The targeted nature of siRNA and RIBOTACs allows for precise intervention to inactivate and degrade residual vaccine mRNA, offering a path to prevent and mitigate adverse events of mRNA-based therapies. Dr. McCullough said that some siRNAs [pitirosan and incleanseran] are already used in practice and that he hopes that a biological technology company will produce RIBOTAC.
Dr. McCullough recommends his Base Spike Protein Detoxification protocol that includes nattokinase, bromelin, and curcumin that are available at the Wellness Company He said that nattokinase dissolves blood clots and gave dosages in the video.