Anonymous ID: 2a100b June 19, 2024, 3:59 p.m. No.21051879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1941 >>2031

Steve Bannon Calls Out MSNBC For Ignoring Americans’ Lived Experience. The Best Rant in a while, KEK. Rachel is continuing on as her “Sad” face. The fact that they don’t know what is happening is dramatic. Their coalition is collapsingThey didn't like it when I called them feral dogs, and that's an insult to feral dogs.





Anonymous ID: 2a100b June 19, 2024, 4:02 p.m. No.21051900   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1941

Steve Bannon On The Inevitability That President Trump Returns To The White House. McCarthy's Revenge tour is not working out. Done and Dusted, Kevin, you are being humiliated. DiSantist is NEVER GOING TO BE PRESIDENT, NOT THAT



Anonymous ID: 2a100b June 19, 2024, 4:12 p.m. No.21051961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1963 >>2049

Bannon On DC’s Spending Deficits, Destroying Retirements, Creating Financial Bondage. They lied about the deficit






(For all the trolls, shills, bots that hate Bannon, Jones and others, no one cares, you are only paid an hourly wage, just in case a name comes up, that the regime has told you must be destroyed. Your lives are a pathetic waste of air and intelligence. If the IC agencies are paying you that is even more pathetic)

Anonymous ID: 2a100b June 19, 2024, 4:23 p.m. No.21052009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2015 >>2024 >>2032

Dave Brat Reveals Shocking Increases In U.S. Debt Projections, Up To $57 TrillionThis is bad, we thought it was at $46 Trillion.



Anonymous ID: 2a100b June 19, 2024, 4:37 p.m. No.21052096   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bannon Thanks You For Standing In The Way Of The Establishment | Time To Put American Citizens First



Anonymous ID: 2a100b June 19, 2024, 4:52 p.m. No.21052204   🗄️.is 🔗kun

E.J. Antoni Warns Of GDP Growth Going Negative Due To Massive Drops In Consumer Spending



Anonymous ID: 2a100b June 19, 2024, 5:05 p.m. No.21052281   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Natalie Winters Fights Back Against Dr. Fauci’s Lies About Dr. Navarro And Bannon


DOG COLLAR will be the only justice, with a live fead



Anonymous ID: 2a100b June 19, 2024, 5:29 p.m. No.21052440   🗄️.is 🔗kun

RFK Jr. won’t meet CNN debate requirement for ballot access

The independent presidential candidate has said he has qualified for enough state ballots, but state election officials have said that’s not true


Updated June 19, 2024 at 10:16 a.m. EDT1/2


Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has repeatedly claimed that he appears on enough statewide ballots to qualify for next week’s debate between President Biden and Donald Trump and has threatened to sue CNN for not letting him on the stage. But a Washington Post survey of state election officials found Kennedy is not on the ballot in several states where he has claimed he is — and he will not reach the requirement by Thursday’s deadline to qualify for the debate. The rules of CNN’s debate indicate candidates must appear on enough ballots nationwide to earn the requisite 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency, along with earning 15 percent support in four national polls.


Election officials in Utah, Delaware, Oklahoma, Michigan and Tennessee have confirmed Kennedy will be on the ballot. Additionally, CNN has counted California and Hawaii, where Kennedy is the presumptive nominee of minor parties where the states have either not certified him or received paperwork. Those states add up to 100 electoral votes. Kennedy also has not yet met the polling requirement for the debate, though could if a qualifying poll is released before Thursday. Kennedy intended to get on all 50 states’ ballots quickly as he sought to gain national attention that would come from sharing a debate stage with the two major-party candidates. Kennedy has pointed to his exclusion as evidence that he has been treated unfairly by the parties and the media.


His campaign has spent months gathering the signatures that states require for independent candidates — those not affiliated with a political party — to appear on the ballot in November. Those signatures are then verified by state election officials before the candidate is certified to appear. Kennedy can also appear on states’ ballots if he’s nominated by a minor political party that has already petitioned for ballot access. But many election officials told The Post they won’t certify those petitions or green-light minor party nominees for several weeks, making it impossible for Kennedy to check off the requirement in time for the debate.


Kennedy’s campaign has argued that Biden and Trump similarly should not qualify for the stage under CNN’s rules because they have not yet officially been selected as the presidential nominee by their respective parties. The Republican and Democratic nominating conventions are in July and August, respectively. But CNN has said that because Trump and Biden are their respective parties’ presumptive nominees, and major-party candidates don’t have to petition states for ballot access, both satisfy the electoral college criteria for the debate, according to CNN.


“The mere application for ballot access does not guarantee that he will appear on the ballot in any state,” a CNN spokeswoman wrote in an email to The Post. “In addition, RFK, Jr. does not currently meet our polling criteria, which, like the other objective criteria, were set before issuing invitations to the debate.” Statements from Kennedy’s campaign and on his website have depicted Kennedy’s ballot effort using various descriptors. A tracker on his campaign website lists 23 states where it declares “petitioning complete,” but when you select a state, it is then described as “on the ballot.”


“While the dark purple color indicating ‘petitioning complete’ is accurate, the statement below, ‘We’re on the ballot’ is premature,” Kathleen McGrath, a New York Board of Elections spokeswoman, wrote in an email, adding the board will certify in “the late summer” after reviewing objections to the petition. Campaign spokeswoman Stefanie Spear did not respond to questions about the discrepancies in the campaign’s claims about Kennedy’s ballot access, but she said questioning Kennedy’s failure to meet the 270 electoral votes requirement was “nonsensical.”

Anonymous ID: 2a100b June 19, 2024, 5:34 p.m. No.21052480   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>21052440I still don't get why he rannot even a little bit


“The bottom line is he is eligible for more electoral votes than both Presidents Trump and Biden,” Spear wrote in an emailKEK. The campaign filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission on May 29, alleging that Biden, Trump, their respective campaigns and CNN “colluded” to leave Kennedy off the debate stage, but the FEC disputes typically take a while to resolve.In news releases, Kennedy’s campaign also has claimed ballot access it has not achieved. The campaign first claimed it had “surpassed eligibility” in a June 7 news release, listing nine states where Kennedy was “officially” on the ballot: Utah, Michigan, California, Delaware, Oklahoma, Hawaii, Texas, South Carolina and Florida. However, officials in Florida, California, Hawaii, Texas, and South Carolina told The Post that, while Kennedy has either submitted petitions or been nominated by a minor party with ballot access, their certification process is not yet complete.

In Florida, Kennedy has been nominated by the Reform Party, a centrist party created by Ross Perot in 1995, but the near-defunct political party had lost its ballot access last year. It has been reinstated by the state, but party officials need to complete the paperwork to get Kennedy on the ballot, according to Reform Party national chair Nicholas Hensley. Hensley said they expect to meet the September deadline to get Kennedy on the ballot in Florida, which is far past CNN’s June 20 debate deadline. The assertion that Kennedy is on the ballot in the state has been left out of future press releases issued by the campaign but remains on the website.“I think someone got ahead of the horse,” Hensley said.

In South Carolina, election officials said the Alliance Party — a minor party with ballot access in the state — nominated Kennedy, but they also received petitions submitted on Kennedy’s behalf to run as an independent. Despite verbalizing his acceptance of the Alliance Party’s nomination, state election officials said they haven’t received written confirmation of his acceptance, meaning Kennedy isn’t officially on the ballot, as he claims.

“We anticipate him being on the ballot, but we can’t say for certain,” said John Michael Catalano, South Carolina State Election Commission spokesman. Seeking ballot access as an independent candidate is cumbersome, costing a large sum of money to attain by signature collectors in many states as well as lawyers to adhere to a complex patchwork of election laws that vary state by state. Kennedy has sued election officials in Nevada, New York and Idaho, arguing the rules are unfair or illegal. In New York, for instance, where his lawyer said the campaign spent $1.1 million on gathering signatures, Kennedy’s campaign faces a slew of challenges from Democratic groups. Those groups allege Kennedy’s petition should be disqualified because he gave an address that isn’t his home and tens of thousands of the signatures were illegible or didn’t belong to New York voters. The Kennedy campaign has not responded to all of the allegations, but told media outlets that Kennedy considers the New York home his legitimate address.

Third-party candidates would typically be advantaged by the late summer deadlines for ballot access, allowing them time to continue to organize even after major-party candidates are nominated, said Bernard Tamas, a political science professor at Valdosta State University in Georgia and author of “The Demise and Rebirth of American Third Parties.” Kennedy has said he has strategically delayed some petitions to avoid challenges.

“His problem is, for the debate, it’s so fast that it’s not set up for him to get on,” Tamas said. “It’s just a moment that’s not working for him.” Kennedy has sought out easier paths to getting on the ballot, including seeking the nominations of minor parties that already have ballot access in states or creating his own minor party. However, that has come with its own challenges and confusion….

Meanwhile, election officials in Hawaii say they have not received the nomination of Kennedy’s We the People party which Kennedy recently formed in an effort to get on more ballots. “He may be the presumptive nominee through the We The People party which has qualified to field candidates in the 2024 elections, but we cannot say who will be on the ballot until we’ve received nominees from a qualified political party,” Aulii Tenn, spokeswoman for the state’s office of elections, wrote in an email. On Monday, Kennedy’s campaign declared yet another state it had achieved ballot access in, Mississippi, where his own party nominated him, according to a news release. But, in the same email, Kennedy’s campaign acknowledged the party had not yet submitted the paperwork to the state.

Anonymous ID: 2a100b June 19, 2024, 5:44 p.m. No.21052539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2547

Elon Musk Says Two ‘Mentally Ill’ People Tried To Assassinate Him

Musk says the men were ‘detached’ from reality.


SUN STAFFMonday, March 18, 202411:31:56 am


In a stunning disclosure, Elon Musk is saying that two different, unrelated men have attempted to assassinate him in recent months, going so far as to travel to the billionaire’s hometown of Austin, Texas with weapons to carry out the murder.


In an X audio space with Canadian professor Gad Saad on Sunday, Mr. Musk said that there have been two individuals in just the last six months who traveled to Texas in order to kill him.


“It’s very rare for me to get actual death threats or anything,” Mr. Musk said when asked about his fame and personal security requirements. “No one’s ever said: ‘I’ve got this terrible beef against you and I’m going to kill you because of the following well thought-out ideas.’”


“I have had two cases in the last six months of two people who are unfortunately very mentally ill” threatening to kill him, Mr. Musk continued.


“They have come to Austin to try to kill me … with guns.”


“One guy thought I put a chip in his head, like a Neuralink or something,” Mr. Musk said, citing his neurotechnology company that aims to cure physical disabilities like quadriplegia through brain implants. “Basically, just an extreme schizophrenic,” Mr. Musk said of the first man.


The other would-be assassin had stopped taking his medication and suffered from “total detachment from reality,” Mr. Musk said.


Messrs. Musk and Saad were discussing the realities of being the world’s richest man and his inability to walk through life in anonymity. Mr. Musk said that he had experienced “a decrease in happiness that occurs when the fame level exceeds that which is useful,” noting that he remembers being famous enough to get a good table at a restaurant on short notice, but now cannot dine out without being bothered by other patrons.


“People are very nice to me … but I do often get stuck in the, ‘Can I have a selfie?’ infinite loop,” Mr. Musk continued, saying that it was his “personal hell.”


These issues of stalking and the potential of violence have followed Mr. Musk for years. During the pandemic, a Florida student set up an account on the site that was then known as Twitter called @ElonJet, which tracked Mr. Musk’s private jet and provided real-time travel information about the aircraft. Mr. Musk called the account a “direct personal safety risk” and later shut down the account and the student’s other accounts when he purchased Twitter in 2022.