Anonymous ID: 54f74e June 20, 2024, 2:34 a.m. No.21054157   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4162


Indasting take, I see where Flynn is coming from with such as method for replacement and I also lean heavily with them trying to put Hilldawg in office. If his assumptions are correct, it is one way of dealing with the Cackling Cuntress whose party now realizes it was a mistake to place her in there. My assumption is she only got the VP seat so they would have a weak story to swat away Slow Joe's previous statements, "See Joe has no problems with the black population, the hoe that sucked dicks to get a head (smirk) and is black is his VP" The thing is I see no way of her getting confirmed and the window is getting pretty short to do so. So there is no way to remove Slow Joe from the picture without first removing the hyena otherwise she takes the seat which complicate getting in who they would prefer. Hillary as unlikable as she is, is the best shot they have. First off she has a vagina so they will push the woman vote "woe is me, my body my choice." She has excellent foreign relations experience officially as Secretary of State, and unofficial as that bitch who can suck in money from all over the world. Then Biden is low energy so not much to run with compared too the cage match between


"It Was My Turn, Her Excellency, Madam President, Heiress to the Throne of Cabbages and Urine"


"Grab Them by the Pussy, Convicted Felon, Hitler Squared. Orange Man Bad."


Maybe in slightly different terminology, but that is a media orgy that they have all been edging to and it scores over 9000 in the circus category. Maximum hype is Hillary vs Trump which will bring people back to watching the show. The major propaganda outletsโ€ฆ. er news outlets have been bleeding hard for revenue and have lost of eyes and minds. So this outcome would be a wet dream for them and let them draw their flock back into the pen. The Democrats have been taking their fair share of black eyes paired up with a weak president who embodies low energy so they need a turn around to pep things up like a drug runner from Mena. Again the beast is their best option it will generate the most hype and the most money to keep those foundation doors open.

So those are my thoughts on it and why I think there is a decent chance we get round 2. Plus who could deny Trump would love to be able to call her a two time loser and that is one of the best punishments for that prideful bitch.