Anonymous ID: 1a382d June 20, 2024, 6:01 a.m. No.21054685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5168 >>5357 >>5378 >>5476 >>5502 >>5504

Winters: Fauci is So High on His Own Supply. The reason for Fauci’s book being released now, and going on Madcow and other shows, is all about going after Trump to interfere in 2024 Election. That’s why Sad Rachel mentioned, Trump injecting bleach in their veins.This was specifically planned again, Fauci is the weapon they are using. The Press is engaging in it, and loving it, and know, and they will “Get Trump”


We need a Social Media War on Anthony Fauci and his fucking lies, he cannot get away with this again. Any ideas anons? We need to hammer that he still pushes the virus came from the bat cave, he banned and interfered with Hydrochloriquin and Ivertmectin, he lied about giving money to Wuhan lab owned by the CCP. He agreed with Birx on the masks. Don't forget Birx is as evil as him, she intentionally lied and covered up her plan working against Trump. She came up with the masks and the lockdowns, and more, she's as responsible as the harm done to children, their education, their ability to talk, the lock downs where people in nursing homes died alone, people that should have gotten hospitalization but they were banned if it wasn't covid; she is a major player in the WW destruction too.Don't forget Birx, she's as evil as Fauci and has worked with him since 1989And she still makes millions on AIDS research in Africa, why are they still researching it? It's a billion dollar industry, every researcher still does it. NIH and others fund it still.


PS: the NIH budget needs to be cut in half, the have a bigger budget than the Military. CUT THEM OFF.


DOJ refusing to prosecute Fauci, may be anger stirring, but what the Statute of Limitations for International Genocide?



Anonymous ID: 1a382d June 20, 2024, 6:05 a.m. No.21054703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4716 >>5075 >>5168 >>5357 >>5476 >>5502 >>5504




Tailgate For Trump:


I’m driving across Pennsylvania & stopped at a Service Plaza off of the Turnpike.


What a great place to tailgate & register voters!


I’m asking Pennsylvanians to visit their plazas, rest stops, & truck stops as places we can get out the vote.


Let’s go!

Anonymous ID: 1a382d June 20, 2024, 6:17 a.m. No.21054742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5168 >>5252 >>5357 >>5476 >>5502 >>5504

June 19, 2024 Will Upton


Someone In the Biden Campaign is Leaking Data to the Press.


Here’s Why…

A curious, if bland, process story ran in POLITICO Tuesday morning, appearing intended not to catch the eye of the average reader, but a small group of influential D.C. politicos tasked with harming President Trump’s reputation on the national stage.


The story—one of many regarding the implications of the guilty verdict against former President Donald J. Trump in the New York hush money trial late last month—contains substantial information that will doubtless inform the activities of Democrat-aligned SuperPACs supporting Joe Biden‘s re-election bid.


In essence, POLITICO ran a story that breaks down Biden‘s presidential campaign committee’s messaging, data, and advertising pitches regarding the Trump verdict, point-by-point.


The story was likely leaked to POLITICO by the Biden campaign as a workaround for federal campaign finance laws that bar direct coordination between a presidential campaign committee and partisan-aligned PACs.


The tell? It quotes generously from anonymous Biden campaign sources, including campaign pollsters.


“We’ve seen in polling since the conviction that the more the conviction is front and center in voters’ attention, the worse it is for Trump,” one anonymous source told POLITICO—signaling to aligned SuperPACs to focus future ads on the conviction.


Biden’s pollster elaborates further, noting to allies that the messaging should be tied to a broader narrative accusing Trump of “being self-centered and unwilling to take responsibility for his actions.”


POLITICO then provides Biden-aligned SuperPACs a look at the 81-year-old Democrat incumbent’s internal polling, noting that it mirrors that of the outlet’s Ipsos-conducted survey.



Process stories, like the one published by POLITICO, often occur when a campaign wants to shift messaging and alert its allies without overtly breaking

the law. After noting that the Biden campaign’s initial strategy was to remain hands-off following Trump‘s conviction, the outlet states: “But even then, Biden aides privately noted they could always readjust their hands-off strategy if the ruling served to be more damaging down the road.” The strategic shift appears to be now taking place, and the very story covering it is also serving as the vehicle to alert Biden’s non-campaign affiliated groups.


The story even serves as a mechanism for Democrat SuperPACs and political groups to signal receipt of the messaging shift.


POLITICO quotes Matt Bennett, co-founder of the center-left group Third Way: “What the polling clearly shows is there is a group of voters for whom the convictions matter and … it is the voters who are going to decide the election.” Ostensibly, this response came after the outlet approached Bennett with the Biden campaign data and news of its messaging shift.



Federal Election Commission (FEC) rules make coordination between a campaign and aligned SuperPACs difficult—and illegal.


However, their three-pronged test to determine coordination does not include planting useful data or messaging instructions in media stories. Nor does it cover what can made to appear as an accidental leak.


The latter occurred when the Ron DeSantis-aligned SuperPAC “Never Back Down” leaked internal memos detailing attacks on their opponents ahead of a Republican presidential primary debate last year. Made to look “accidental,” the leak provided detailed lines for the DeSantis campaign to use during and after the debate.

Anonymous ID: 1a382d June 20, 2024, 6:38 a.m. No.21054791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4796 >>4801 >>4835 >>5168 >>5357 >>5476 >>5502 >>5504

In the EU, the House Always Wins

It appears that European elites have once again outmaneuvered conservatives. Rod Dreher — June 19, 20241/3


In recent weeks, Americans have seen the shocking lengths to which the Deep State will go to prevent Donald Trump from returning to power.

There was his phony show trial in New York City, the result of which now allows the Democratic Party to describe Joe Biden’s rival as a “convicted felon.” The subsequent trial of Hunter Biden on gun charges made clear that Deep State actors—especially former senior intelligence officials—lied during the 2020 election about the incriminating evidence found in the younger Biden’s laptop. “Russian disinformation!” they cried. But it was true.


Meanwhile, this week in Europe, theEuropean People’s Party made a shameful governing alliance with European parliamentary liberals, to marginalize conservatives who challenge the system. In a post on X,Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán summed up its meaning with great clarity:


The result of the European election is clear: right-wing parties got stronger, the Left and the liberals lost ground.The EPP, on the other hand, instead of listening to the voters,finally teamed up with the socialists and the liberals: today they made a deal and divided the top jobs of the EU among themselves. They don’t care about reality, they don’t care about the results of the European elections, and they don’t care about the will of the European people. We shouldn’t be naive: they will continue to support migration and send even more money and weapons to the Russia-Ukraine war.


What EU elites are doing is maintaining a cordon sanitaire to keep popular conservative parties away from power. The Dutch establishment did this to keep Geert Wilders out of the prime ministership.This is what the French elites have done for decades against Le Pen’s party, though the massive vote for the National Rally in the recent European parliamentary balloting seems to have breached the wall. Eric Ciotti, head of the center-right Republicans, responded to the NR’s smashing victory by announcing the party’s intention to form a coalition with them. “Over our dead bodies!” screamed other party bigs, impotently. The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on.


Now we are learning that the European Commission, which has let France escape censure for its flagrant violations of EU budget rules, is preparing to punish the country if Marine Le Pen’s National Rallymakes substantial gains in the upcoming French parliamentary elections. The Commission fired warning shots on Wednesday, when France topped a list of EU countries reprimanded over its budgetary shortfalls.


“This will put [France] into what’s called an ‘excessive deficit procedure,’ which requires governments to take action to rein in their spending—and to set out in detail how they’re going to do it,” Politico said. “It’s a typically drawn-out EU process that can take years but ultimately they could be fined.”..

Anonymous ID: 1a382d June 20, 2024, 6:40 a.m. No.21054796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4798 >>4801 >>5168 >>5357 >>5476 >>5502 >>5504



None of these blatantly unprincipled maneuvers surprises any Hungarian conservative, as Hungary has been the whipping boy of Europe’s bureaucratic elites for years. So was Poland under the rule of the Law & Justice party; now that a properly tamed Euro-liberal, Donald Tusk, is in charge there, theBrussels bureaucracy has developed a strange new tolerance for Poland’s fiscal shortfalls.


The unelected members of the European Commission are using their bureaucratic powers in other ways to affect, or even nullify, the democratic wishes of European voters. Ursula von der Leyen has reportedly buried, at least temporarily, an EU report critical of Italy’s media environment, in a bid to win the support of Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni. For her part, Meloni has to operate knowing that her country’s indebtedness gives them a weak hand to play against Brussels, which holds the money cards.


Brussels’s hardball tactics seem to be working. Meloni, leader of the hard-right ECR bloc in the European Parliament, may have attempted to reverse the EU establishment’s rude snub of her earlier this week by throwing Orbán under the bus, refusing on Wednesday to allow Fidesz to join the ECR. To be fair to Meloni, other European populist parties reportedly also expressed hostility to Fidesz’s hopes to join the bloc.


Whatever the full truth, prospects remain bleak for a united Right. It appears that European elites have once again outmaneuvered conservatives. Conservatives must comfort themselves with the prospect that French voters will deliver such a resounding right-wing result in the coming weeks that Brussels bureaucrats are forced to reconsider their position. That, however, is the triumph of hope over experience.


How long can democratically unaccountable EU institutions—the European Commission, and even the European Central Bank, a supposedly apolitical entity that is not—get away with it? Answer: for as long as European voters let them. European polities will continue to get more of the same from these elites:more migration, more war, more centralized power at the expense of national sovereignty, and more gender ideology and other forms of wokeness. At a conference this week, a Romanian conservative lamented to me that all of his neighbors hate the Left-liberal politics of their government, but fear of putting their material security at risk cows them into silence.


This is untenable. Germany, for example, has been de-industrializing, partly under the influence of climate-change politics, and partly as a result of Germany’s fealty to the United States and its Russia policy. With public, pro-Hamas demonstrations all over the continent this year, Europeans can see perfectly well what third world immigration is doing to their countries. Nobody likes what Russia is doing to Ukraine, but Washington’s determination to wage a proxy war against Moscow to the last Ukrainian could very quickly become a catastrophe for ordinary Europeans, even as Americans live secure behind the barriers of the oceans.


At some point, this will stop.As Harvard Law school professor Adrian Vermeule has said, liberal institutions “will have to become systematically undemocratic in order to remain liberaland, even where they do so, that will be but a stopgap measure in light of their systematic self-delegitimation.”

Anonymous ID: 1a382d June 20, 2024, 6:41 a.m. No.21054798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4801 >>5168 >>5357 >>5476 >>5502 >>5504



Europeans are willing to live under an undemocratic political order as long as it produces personal comfort. Indeed, the European Union is precisely that, despite its pretensions. But what happens when it ceases to work?What happens when that order delivers impoverishment, war, and the dissolution of communities and nations in the face of mass migration?


In a powerful and evenfrightening essay this week, historian Niall Ferguson explored the ways the United States these days mirrors the late Soviet Union. One of the signs, says Ferguson, is the large and growing disconnect between the leadership class (the nomenklatura, in Soviet terms) and the broad population that suffers from the policies the nomenklatura impose on everyone else.


Eventually, Europeans will cease to believe in the authority of the European Union, because the governing elites will have failed in ways that even the wishful thinking of see-no-evil voters can deny. Then what? Perhaps the historical model to observe is not the fall of the Soviet Union, but the collapse of Imperial Russia.


The Tsarist autocracy began losing legitimacy after its failed response to the 1891-92 famine, which shook the confidence of Russians in their rulers. Then Russia’s shocking loss to Japan in the 1905 war was a further blow to the monarchy. Economic precarity added to the instability, as did the unpopular imperial policy of “Russification,” in which the central state suppressed nationalities within the Empire.


Facing a revolution in 1905, the Tsar yielded to some reforms to save his throne, but ultimately proved too rigid to make the changes needed to maintain popular support. What happened in 1917 proved worse than anybody chafing under Romanov autocracy could have imagined.


COVID. Ukraine. Migration. The housing crisis. Diminished economic expectations. Hostility to legitimate expressions of national identity. A ruling elite that maneuvers to keep power for itself, and to serve its own interests, above the common good. Sound familiar?


Given Europe’s immense challenges, both internally and externally, and observing the inability of the ruling class at both the national and European level to deal effectively with them, something will have to give. If, as seems likely at this point,Donald Trump returns to the White House next year, the investment Hungary’s Orbán has made in their friendship could pay real dividends for Europe’s populists, who might have a powerful ally in the White House. The longer Europe’s deep-state nomenklatura puts off dealing with reality, the more ferocious and rabid reality’s eventual bite will be.

Anonymous ID: 1a382d June 20, 2024, 7:13 a.m. No.21054893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4900


Northrop’s coproduction agreement is the first publicly acknowledged deal between a US defense prime and the Ukrainian government for a manufacturing project inside Ukraine.

By VALERIE INSINNA June 18, 20241/2


EUROSATORY 2024 — Northrop Grumman plans to produce medium caliber ammunition inside Ukraine under a project bankrolled by Ukrainian dollars, a company official said today. Althoughseveral European defense firms have committed to large-scale manufacturing programs inside Ukraine’s borders, Northrop’s coproduction agreement is the first publicly acknowledged deal between a US defense prime and the Ukrainian government for a manufacturing project inside Ukraine.


“We’ve been working, as you know, in Ukraine to produce medium [caliber munitions]. That’s our first project that’s paid for with Ukrainian dollars. We are looking to expand that into tank ammo, 155 mm, others as we find innovative processes,” said Dave Bartell, director of international business for Northrop’s defense systems sector. (NOT UKRAINE DOLLARS, US DOLLARS)


The acknowledgment of the agreement occurred during an exchange between Bartell and Stanley Brown, theState Department’s principal deputy assistant secretary for the bureau of political-military affairs, during Brown’s speech at the Eurosatory arms show in Paris. Bartell did not elaborate on the coproduction plan, and Northrop declined to comment for this story.


In his remarks, Brown highlighted theState Department’s new Ukraine Defense Enterprise Program, which invests $2 billion in Ukraine’s defense industrial baseand could open the door to US-Ukrainian coproduction.


“What would incentivize your company to partner with Ukraine on defense coproduction?” Brown asked the industry crowd gathered at the conference. “As we look to build a more robust defense industrial base, American industry is essential. So how do we set the conditions for help to help you be successful?”


In response, Bartell grabbed the microphone to describe Northrop’s efforts to produce munitions inside Ukraine. He then added that while the company understands the importance of reconstituting Ukraine’s defense industrial base, it has encountered barriers when it has tried to offer the latest version of certain weapons, which are typically cheaper and easier to produce.


“As we answered US Army and DoD contracts for 155mm rounds, for example, there are very specific TDPs [technical data packages],”he said.


“Right now, my company has built a better mousetrap, we would prefer to take that generational leap in technology and put that in there. But if we work under US Army regulations and qualifications, we’re going to be doing legacy systems that are expensive, and take a long time to produce.” (Sharing technical data on US weapons with a thoroughly corrupt and treasonous country Ukraine will only sell weapons to terrorists and whoever is willing to pay them)

Anonymous ID: 1a382d June 20, 2024, 7:16 a.m. No.21054900   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Brown deferred to the Army on specific technical requirements, but responded that the US government is open to outside-the-box approaches to meeting Ukraine’s needs.


“We are way more open minded than probably we have been,” he said. “Sometimes it doesn’t look that way because of the bureaucratic problems, but we’re happy to have those discussions on the entrepreneur-like and innovative approaches.”


Building Production Inside Ukraine

US defense firms have lagged behind their European counterparts in forging coproduction agreements inside Ukraine.


Earlierthis month, Germany’s Rheinmetall acknowledged plans to open a Lynx Infantry Fighting Vehicle manufacturing plant in Ukraine“in the near future” and said it is in talks with Ukrainian suppliers on a new joint venture for in-country production of artillery ammunition.


Also this month,Franco-German manufacturer KNDS and Ukrainian firm KZVV signed a contract for production in Ukraine of 155mm artillery shells.


Earlier US coproduction efforts to support Ukrainian needs typically centered on efforts to produce US weaponry within the borders of NATO allies in Eastern Europe —such as a 2023 deal between Lockheed Martin and Raytheon to build Javelin anti-tank missiles in Poland — and stopped short of manufacturing arms inside Ukraine,which would be considerably more vulnerable to attack by Russia.


However, in recent months, theUS government has stepped up efforts to work directly with Ukraine’s defense sector.In December, the White House held a Ukraine Defense Industrial Base Conference that included 350 representatives from the US and Ukrainian governments along with their respective defense industries, which resulted in thecountries signing a Statement of Intent on Co-production and Technical Data Exchange to address Ukraine’s urgent needs on munitions production, air defense systems, and repair and sustainment. (So Stupid Joe is giving State Secrets and Technical data to Ukraine, treason)


The Ukraine Defense Enterprise Program program, which was announced in May, will draw fromForeign Military Financing dollars in the $60.8 billion Ukraine supplemental funding billpassed in April, as well asfunding from previous defense budgets, Inside Defense reported.


And last week, PresidentJoe Bidenand Ukrainian President VolodymyrZelenskyysigned a bilateralagreement espousing the need for “defense industrial cooperation, including codevelopment, coproduction, and supply of Ukraine’s defense industrial base requirements.”(Joe setting up his family to make Billions and Billions when he leaves the WH, or while he is still there)



Anonymous ID: 1a382d June 20, 2024, 7:30 a.m. No.21054959   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5022


At 10 a.m. EDT, the court expects to issue one or more opinions in argued cases from the current term.


Announcement of opinions for Thursday, June 20

By SCOTUSblog on June 20 at 8:15 a.m.


We will be live blogging as the court releases opinions in one or more argued cases from the current term.

• In Moore v. United States, the court rules 7-2 that the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act known as the “mandatory repatriation tax,” which required U.S. taxpayers who owned shares in foreign corporations to pay a one-time tax on their share of the corporation’s earnings, does not violate the Constitution.

• The court rules 6-3 in Chiaverini v. City of Napoleon that valid criminal charges do not create a categorical bar on a subsequent malicious prosecution claim. It leaves “for another day the follow-on question of how to determine in those circumstances whether the baseless charge caused the requisite seizure.”

• In a victory for federal prosecutors, the court rules in Diaz v. United States that expert testimony that ‘most people” have a particular mental state is not an opinion about the defendant and therefore does not violate federal evidentiary rules.


Click here for a list of FAQs about opinion announcements.



Anonymous ID: 1a382d June 20, 2024, 7:39 a.m. No.21055002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5015 >>5168 >>5357 >>5476 >>5502 >>5504

Supreme Court adds four cases to next term’s docketBy Amy Howe on Jun 17, 2024 at 10:49 am


The justices on Monday morning added four new cases to their docket for the 2024-25 term. In a list of orders from the justices’ private conference last week, the court agreed to tackle issues ranging from the burden of proof for an employer hoping to rely on an exemption from the Fair Labor Standards Act to the pleading standards for cases under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act.


Once again, the court did not act on a group of petitions urging them to weigh in on the constitutionality of bans on gender-affirming care for minors in Tennessee and Kentucky. They also did not take action on a group of petitions challenging bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in Illinois.


In E.M.D. Sales v. Carrera, the justices agreed to decide what burden of proof applies to an employer arguing that it is exempt from the general requirement, imposed by the Fair Labor Standards Act, to pay employees overtime when they work more than 40 hours per week.


The question comes to the court in a case filed by three sales representatives of E.M.D. Sales, which distributes Latin American, Caribbean, and Asian foods to grocery stores in the Washington, D.C., area. The sales reps contended that because they worked 60 hours per week, they were entitled to overtime. But the company countered that the sales reps were “outside salesmen,” who are exempt from the overtime requirement.


The issue that the justices agreed to decide was whether the company must provide “clear and convincing evidence” that the exemption applies, or whether it must merely make that showing by a preponderance of the evidence. After the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit ruled that the company must meet the more stringent “clear and convincing evidence” standard, the company came to the Supreme Court, which asked the federal government to weigh in.


The Biden administration urged the justices either to take up the case or even reverse the lower court’s decision without additional briefing or oral argument. It explained that the 4th Circuit’s ruling was wrong and that the question is an important one. In a brief order on Monday morning, the justices granted

E.M.D. Sales’ petition for review.


The justices also granted review in three additional cases:

Kousisis v. United States, involving (among other things) whether the use of deception to bring about a commercial exchange can constitute mail or wire fraud, even if the scheme was not intended to inflict economic harm on the alleged victim.


Nvidia Corp. v. E. Ohman J:or Fonder AB, involving the pleading standards to show knowledge or intent for securities-fraud claims that rely on internal company documents.


Wisconsin Bell v. United States ex rel. Heath, involving whether reimbursement requests submitted to the Federal Communications Commission’s E-rate program are “claims” under the False Claims Act.


Monday’s addition of four cases to the court’s docket for the 2024-25 term brings the number of cases slated for argument to 16, with only two conferences (June 20 and the traditional “clean-up” conference after all of the decisions have been released) remaining before the summer recess. Cases: E.M.D. Sales, Inc. v. Carrera, Wisconsin Bell, Inc. v. United States, ex rel. Todd Heath, NVIDIA Corp. v. E. Ohman J:or Fonder AB, Kousisis v. United States

Anonymous ID: 1a382d June 20, 2024, 7:50 a.m. No.21055061   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5168 >>5357 >>5476 >>5502 >>5504

Astronauts stuck in space at least another week as Boeing and NASA troubleshoot Starliner spacecraft issues

Katie Hawkinson Wed, 19 June 2024 at 11:06 am


Two astronauts will be stuck on the International Space Station for at least another week as experts at NASA and Boeing struggle to fix their spacecraft.


Astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore arrived on the ISS on June 6 after a successful Boeing Starliner launch. Expected to only stay a week, the two will not be arriving on Earth before June 26, NASA and Boeing officials said in a Tuesday press conference.


The Boeing Starliner is facing several mechanical problems. En route to the station, the crew reported problems with five thrusters and four helium leaks. A fifth helium leak has since cropped up. Crews are working to make sure its safe before the astronauts are put back on and return home.


This delay comes after NASA and Boeing crews announced June 22 as their return date.


“We want to give our teams a little bit more time to look at the data, do some analysis, and make sure we’re really ready to come home,” Steve Stich, NASA’s Commercial Crew Program manager, said on Tuesday.


Stich said they do not see a scenario “where Starliner is not going to be able to bring Butch and Suni home.”


Crews will attempt to land in the White Sands area of New Mexico next week. If the crew cannot make the June 26 landing, the next “prime opportunity” will be on July 2, .


Dana Weigel, manager of NASA’s International Space Station Program, said the crew is feeling positive.


“They love Starliner, they love being in the vehicle, they love being on ISS,” Weigel said on Tuesday. “I think, you know, if you ask Butch and Suni, they might want to stay for a long period of time.”


Mark Nappi, vice president and program manager for the Commercial Crew Program at Boeing, said the crew is taking advantange of the extra time.


“I don’t think a lot of us don’t look at that as a delay,” Nappi said. “We look at that as an opportunity, and in this case, privilege to stay on station and do more work.”


Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner, with Williams and Wilmore onboard, lifted off from the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida on June 5. After a 24-hour flight, they successfully docked on the ISS.


Boeing hopes Starliner will compete with SpaceX’s Crew Dragon capsule, which has been NASA’s only vehicle for sending ISS crew members to orbit from the US since 2020.(Dream on and KEK)


This mission follows years of other challenges Boeing has faced with Starliner.

In 2019, an unmanned aircraft saw a test failure with dozens of software glitches, design problems and management issues. Three years later, a repeat unmanned test successfully landed on the ISS.

(This is why Russians refused to get on the Starliner)

Anonymous ID: 1a382d June 20, 2024, 7:54 a.m. No.21055082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5114

Citizen Free Press



Nathan Wade will regret this Comedy Central interview.


How is it possible he agreed to do this.


The joke about positions.

Anonymous ID: 1a382d June 20, 2024, 8:05 a.m. No.21055114   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Think about this, Wade got paid close to $750,000 from Fani, and he agrees to go on Comedy Central, how stupid can this person be? That's what happens in GA courts every single day. It's a black lawyers thing (not all but a lot)

Anonymous ID: 1a382d June 20, 2024, 8:09 a.m. No.21055136   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5251





This is why we need to let black people know that it was republicans that abolished slavery, gave blacks the right to vote, and it was Democrats that started the KKK

Anonymous ID: 1a382d June 20, 2024, 8:12 a.m. No.21055150   🗄️.is 🔗kun


watch till the end, I kind of feel sorry for the SS

