Anonymous ID: 53a6bf June 20, 2024, 6:36 a.m. No.21054787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4789 >>4813 >>5168 >>5357 >>5476 >>5502 >>5504




#129- The Magic Show (12/5/78)

After a magician drinks a glass of vodka instead of water by mistake, Fonzie is asked to perform the magic act.


Al is getting ready for a radio interview at the Cunningham house. George Fenneman and the radio station are broadcasting live. Al and Howard are co-chairman of the Leopard Lodge's annual Sunnyside Orphanage Fund-raising dinner show being held tomorrow night at the Pfister Hotel. Howard gives the information on the show as Al is afraid. The 'Incredible Crustini' will attempt the suspenseful trick, the famous milk can escape. Louise and Louie, their poster children from the orphanage make an announcement for people to come to the show. Fonzie makes an announcement. Potsie sings and Ralph tells jokes before a piece of the radio equipment blows up. Marion receives a call that the Great Crustini is in the hospital, injured while doing the milkcan escape. Fonzie tells them about The Amazing Randi who is in Chicago. Richie, Ralph, and Potsie go to Chicago to find The Amazing Randi. Ralph and Potsie play with some of the tricks. They go to the window and see The Amazing Randi hanging upside down in a straight jacket 14 stories over Michigan Avenue. He signs the contract. Joanie is dressed in a red glitter outfit as Randi's assistant. Randi coughs and Potsie gives him a glass that has straight vodka in and passes out. Howard tells some jokes and Marion tells him about The Amazing Randi. Fonzie does some tricks. He does the disappearing box trick. Fonzie and Mrs. C. do the floating woman trick. Randi is not sober yet as everyone waits for the great milk can escape. Louise and Louie beg Fonzie to do the dangerous trick. Ralph and Potsie prepare the milk can. After 40 seconds, Randi says Fonzie could drown. Fonzie completes the great milk can escape. Howard says they cleared almost $12,000. The Amazing Randi makes the radio disappear and congratulates Fonzie.


Directed by: Jerry Paris

Written by: Don Safran

Guest stars: George Fenneman as himself, James Randi as The Amazing Randi, Kathi Marshall as Louise, and Scott Marshall as Louie.



Richie (Ron Howard) at the beginning of this episode: "In this episode of Happy Days, there was no trick photography used. All magic feats were done live".

Louie mentions an Alvin and the Chipmunk record.

Fonzie says the can is solid steel and is the same can that Houdini used.

James (The Amazing Randi) Randi is a real-life escape artist/magician. Currently the president of the JREF (James Randi Educational Foundation) which offers a million dollar reward to anyone who can prove paranormal or psuedience (ghosts, esp, aliens, pyschics, etc.) actually exist. He has had several specials on TV debunking this stuff as well as numerous appearances on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson several years ago. He is Penn & Teller's hero in life!

Anonymous ID: 53a6bf June 20, 2024, 6:38 a.m. No.21054789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5168 >>5357 >>5476 >>5502 >>5504


Lodge's annual SunnysideOrphanageFund-raising dinner show being held tomorrow night at the Pfister Hotel. Howard gives the information on the show as Al is afraid. The 'Incredible Crustini' will attempt the suspenseful trick, the famous milk can escape. Louise and Louie, their poster children from theorphanagemake an announcement for people