Anonymous ID: 680dd8 June 20, 2024, 8:09 a.m. No.21055138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5152 >>5155

By John Solomon

Published: June 19, 2024 11:35pm

Updated: June 20, 2024 7:48am

The Biden administration is seeking to delay until at least 2026 the release of COVID-19 vaccine safety data that has been kept outside the government’s normal adverse events reporting system.

The Departments of Justice and Health and Human Services asked U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton this week to issue an 18-month stay that keeps them from having to release the Food and Drug Administration’s data to Just the News under the Freedom of Information Act.

The federal agencies alleged that “exceptional circumstances” exist to necessitate the delay in compliance with the open records law because the FDA is stretched thin by numerous other requests for public information related to the pandemic.

The agency “has been dealing with an unprecedented workload requiring FOIA productions involving approximately 5.7 million pages of COVID-19 vaccine records in a compressed timeframe,” the government argued in the motion filed Tuesday night.

The government revealed it has secured stays in seven other cases seeking records and asked Walton to do the same with the Just the News request. Federal lawyers claim the agency hired several new employees to try to speed up processing but that it can take up to two years to train new staff to process such requests.

“Thus, despite the Branch’s good-faith investment in increasing its future processing capacity by training new employees, its resources remain limited during this lengthy onboarding period,” the government claimed.

Just the News, which is represented in the case by the America First Legal public interest law firm, is opposing the stay and a status conference is scheduled Thursday before the judge.

Gene Hamilton, America First Legal’s general counsel and vice president, on Wednesday dismissed the government’s request as a delay tactic that will keep patients who might consider getting additional vaccine boosters from having full data to make an informed decision.

“This is a typical government excuse which is,’ Oh, we're so busy, we don't have the resources to help provide you, the American people with the information that you need,’” Hamilton told the Just the News, No Noise television show.

“So you just need to wait until 18 months from now. And maybe you'll get to see it, maybe you won't. And what they're hoping to do is stretch this out to the point where everybody forgets about it,” he added.

Hamilton said his law firm found evidence recently that FDA had enough resources to post Internet memes during the pandemic and that it could certainly find personnel or contractors to speed up release of the vaccine safety data that can be important to patients and doctors making health decisions.

Anonymous ID: 680dd8 June 20, 2024, 8:12 a.m. No.21055152   🗄️.is 🔗kun


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The database contains information that “everyone has a right to know,” Hamilton said. “People need to have the right to engage in informed consent before they're about to engage in some kind of medical procedure. People have the right to know things that are about their health, about the risks, and if there's any benefits, certainly, but if there's all of the risks.

“They need to know what the government knows, and the fact that we're having to sue with y'all to try to get access to this information, just to provide people with what they need to make their own decision, should be totally unacceptable and shocking to every American,” he added.

Just the News and America First Legal sued the Biden administration in February, asking the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., to order the Department of Health and Human Services to comply with two Freedom of Information Act requests to the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention seeking COVID-19 reactions data kept in a back-end, nonpublic system to the nation’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

VAERS is the nation’s repository for all reports of patients suffering reactions or adverse events – up to and including death – after receiving vaccines.

The suit quoted government officials, news articles and private-sector scientists working with the government on VAERS data who stated publicly there is a private database affiliated with VAERS that includes data that is not accessible to the public but includes important safety information specifically on COVID-19 jabs.

“The public-facing database contains only initial reports, while the private, back-end system contains all updates and corrections – such as a formal diagnosis, recovery, or death,” the lawsuit explained.

You can read the full lawsuit here:

ECF 001 - Solomon v. HHS, Complaint.pdf

The lawsuit provided the court a powerful example of the type of information that is currently not being given the public in the VAERs because it is kept in the backend system, according to information published recently by the major medical journal publishing company BMJ.

“The public VAERS database reportedly did not include an autopsy examiner’s conclusion that the death of a 15-year-old boy was caused by ‘stress cardiomyopathy following [his] second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech covid-19 vaccine,’” the suit said.

Just the News filed FOIA requests for the back-end data with both the FDA and the CDC on Jan.6. The FDA assigned a control number for its request but never complied with providing any data, the suit said.

The CDC came back in February declining to provide any data, claiming the requested information “fell under the jurisdiction of the [FDA]” and “referred Mr. Solomon’s initial request to FDA and administratively closed the initial request,” the suit stated.

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., who has held hearings on concerns and public mistrust about COVID-19 vaccines, told Just the News earlier this year that drug companies and their allies in the regulatory agencies have been so invested in the success of MRNA vaccines technology and the profits of the COVID-19 vaccines that he fears they are keeping negative information from coming to light.

“They're going to continue to cover up the real the damage being done by these what I would consider now very dangerous, very suspect mRNA vaccines,” he said.

Drugmakers, the FDA and CDC have acknowledged there is evidence of adverse events like myocarditis – inflammation of the heart – but that such affects are rare and shouldn’t scare Americans from getting the shots.

In fact, the CDC recommended in February that Americans over the age of 65 should get an additional vaccine booster in 2024.

Anonymous ID: 680dd8 June 20, 2024, 8:16 a.m. No.21055171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5180

It has no website, no employees, and its books are in the care of a powerful green consulting firm with close ties to the White House. It has also flooded Democratic groups with more than $35 million in untraceable cash since 2020, all while evading public detection—until now.

The Civic Involvement Fund has operated from the shadows from an apartment unit in Brooklyn since launching in 2019. That's thanks in part to a novel spending strategy that sets the group apart from most other spokes in the Democratic Party's ever-growing dark money network. During off-election years, the 501(c)(4) group does nothing but rake in huge sums of cash from one or two anonymous donors. Those funds collect dust until election years, when the Civic Involvement Fund dumps its entire bankroll into groups dedicated to defeating Republicans at the ballot box.

The Civic Involvement Fund has so far evaded public scrutiny, but its efforts likely haven't gone unnoticed by the Biden White House. The fund has three unpaid board members, two of whom—Kathleen Welch and William Roberts—are principals of Corridor Partners, a for-profit consulting firm dedicated to supporting green energy policies. The third board member, Shelley Hearne, is Welch's spouse. Collectively, the fund's three board members have logged 60 visits to the Biden White House since October 2021, including a dozen meetings with Biden climate envoy John Podesta, according to public visitor logs reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.

The Civic Involvement Fund got its start with a single anonymous $10.7 million contribution in its 2019 tax year. The following year—amid a presidential election—the group passed its entire bankroll over to five groups, including the dark money affiliate of Priorities USA Action, a major Democratic super PAC. The fund did nothing else aside from giving out the money it received the prior year—it had zero employees, reported $0 worth of expenses, and raised just $2,550 in its 2020 tax year.

The fund repeated the process with greater success in its 2021 tax year, receiving two contributions totaling $24.5 million. The group waited until its 2022 tax year to forward that bounty to a collection of 14 pro-Democratic groups, including Future Forward USA Action, the dark money affiliate of President Joe Biden's official super PAC.

Though Biden and other prominent liberals have made a show of publicly decrying the corrupting influence of dark money in politics, the Democratic Party has consistently outspent Republicans in dark money spending since 2018. Groups such as the Civic Involvement Fund aren't required to disclose their donors to the public, so they've become the preferred vehicle for deep-pocketed donors seeking to influence public policy while avoiding public scrutiny.

The Civic Involvement Fund isn't the only Democratic dark money group used to mask the identity of one or two select donors. In summer 2020, a dark money group called the Impetus Fund appeared with a $64 million contribution from a single anonymous donor, CBS News reported. The Impetus Fund then forwarded that cash to many of the same groups bankrolled by the Civic Involvement Fund, including Future Forward USA Action.

"The Civic Involvement Fund is representative of a trend among left-wing nonprofit activist groups," said Parker Thayer, an investigative researcher at the Capital Research Center. "The money piles are getting bigger and darker even while Democrats heat up their rhetoric about conservative 'dark money' groups a fraction of the size."

The Civic Involvement Fund reported in its 2020 tax return that its books were in the care of Corridor Partners, the consulting firm owned by two of its three board members. Curiously, however, the Civic Involvement Fund has never reported any payments to Corridor Partners in any of its public financial disclosures.

A dozen Civic Involvement Fund board visits to the White House were with Podesta, a powerful Democratic consultant whom Biden tapped to oversee the $369 billion climate change investment fund authorized by the Inflation Reduction Act.

While the identity of the fund's patron (or patrons) remains unconfirmed, billionaire hedge fund manager Nat Simons did accompany Welch and Roberts to one of their meetings with Podesta. Simons is a prominent Democratic donor who has invested tens of millions of dollars promoting green energy policies. It's unclear if that meeting had any relation to the Civic Involvement Fund.

Simons isn't the only billionaire with ties to Corridor Partners, however. The firm also provides consulting services for the Walton Conservation Coalition, an environmentalist lobbying group chaired by Walmart billionaire heir Lukas Walton.

Anonymous ID: 680dd8 June 20, 2024, 8:18 a.m. No.21055180   🗄️.is 🔗kun


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Corridor Partners also consults for the Linden Trust for Conservation, a green energy group led by former Goldman Sachs managing director Lawrence Linden.

Corridor Partners did not return a request for comment.

Anonymous ID: 680dd8 June 20, 2024, 9:04 a.m. No.21055365   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i walk the trails around here monday through friday, i get some positive looks fr females, but to my knowledge, none have taken my photo or video taped me