Anonymous ID: b80dc1 June 20, 2024, 6:11 a.m. No.21054726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4730 >>4737 >>5168 >>5236 >>5357 >>5476 >>5502 >>5504

Q+: "All Biden can do is talk about his WEAPONIZED Witch Hunt Trials against me"


Does anyone else see what is happening? Imagine living in a country where you were falsely accused by state and non-state actors, and then through a rigged trial convicted of a crime you didn't commit, then watching those same persecutors repeatedly referencing that conviction as alleged proof that you are a criminal.


What would be the actual phenomena occurring? You would be watching a hermetically sealed inward looking system referencing ITSELF over and over and over again, posturing itself in speech as somehow making observations outside itself on what is occurring in reality as it is.


Is that not what it would look like if it had looked as though warped headed human beings were trying to play God? That reality isn't ready made a priori to those human being's lives, but somehow ALL of reality, including the persons of everyone alive, is somehow a product of those warped human minds who imagine 'visions' and have convinced themselves those visions are from a secret power that only they can tap into and know about because of some specific undefined pattern in their FINITE genetic coding?


Would you not be witnessing a force that would and is implementing in praxis what we have read about in history as "pure evil", because to these warped minds, they are "beyond good and evil", which logically has the necessary result of speaking and acting INCONSISTENTLY, a "these rules are for thee, but not for me" contradiction?


Would you not be witnessing a pattern of devotion, of behavior, dating back many hundreds if not thousands of years, where similarly warped "I am God" minds have made the world suffer because the world isn't in fact merely a product of those warped mind's 'visions' of "I am God and what I say and do is what shall be and what shall happen" ?


Would you not be witnessing a complex formal system eliciting inconsistency after inconsistency because it is trying to seek and take hold of 'completeness' in its own finite coding, an impossibility that Godel proved mathematically?


That this massive inconsistency problem is precisely why reality won't in fact bend or break but will repeatedly reassert itself and what that looks like is perpetual CONFLICT within the human species, revenge for revenge cycles, as "I am God" logic implemented in a world predating those logics, bash against each other?


Is the whole "We are God" or "I am God" not itself an acme of illicit faith? That the world predating all of us will somehow eventually bend or break provided the warped minds repeatedly invoke that projection praxis, the permanent 'revolution' over enough 'generations' of finite mortal corporeal minds of 'proper' bloodline genetic coding in time?


What can this be other than a mental disorder writ large? What can this be other than a tiny number of loud voices screaming and accusing the world of being at fault for not instantly bending or breaking, that everyone is to be in deference and patient and tolerant and sacrifice their own lives for the sake of the warped mind's 'way of life' that consists of PROJECTION of "I am God", resulting in wars, manufactured virus weapons, endless money printing/subjugation, totalitarianism on Earth that forever burns, and if the human species goes extinct, the warped minds don't care because "we're going to die anyway"?

Anonymous ID: b80dc1 June 20, 2024, 6:46 a.m. No.21054805   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The sole exclusive source of "blood libel", purported to explain humanity's actions, with or without their will, are the minds of those invoking it in the first place as explaining the actions of ANYONE living today, as EVERYONE living today is directly descended from ONE female Mother, who had ONE male Father


The mitochondrial "Eve" unites every human being alive today as of IDENTICAL genetic lineage.


Therefore, any human mind alive today who claims to "know" or "see" or "be in a unique position to detect", an alleged schism or split within humanity based on bloodline, are in fact projecting their own experience of self-alienation of having thoughts of "We are God" or "I am God" but in a finite, corporeal MORTAL body that is born and then dies in TIME.


That inability to reconcile that experience, the propensity to quickly "negate" it by outward lashing out at the world, at other people, as all corrupt and guilty and in need of correction as if that were the sole path to reconciling what cannot be reconciled IN TIME, that the mind thinking this is nevertheless correct and true it's just the world of reality that is incorrect and wrong, as "God learns about itself" by having projected itself into the world in time instead of staying as a hermetically sealed infinite perfection…that creation itself is an abortion, a degradation, away from what ought to be only "ONE" and nothing else, a nothingness…


The whole historiosophy of "blood libel" is a rank contradiction of the genetic reality of the human species as it exists and as it had existed for the last 200,000 years, when the mitochondrial Eve, the Mother of us all worldwide, lived her life.


Therefore, IF the voices claiming to know or see or be in a unique position to understand and detect a supposed 'inherent' blood libel in the human species, IF they want to in fact END whatever it is they are claiming shouldn't occur and needs to end, ALL THEY CAN DO AND ALL THE WORLD MUST DO is to MOVE FORWARD, out of sight and out of mind, and view the "blood libel" narrative for what it truly ontologically is and must be, a projection of a person's own self-alienated division from the world, from other people, a thought pattern and a thought pattern alone within the same set as all other fantastical thought patterns throughout history.


The genetic fact is that we are all of the same family. One human family. The conflict and division that is "performed" is akin to sibling rivalry, not "species against species", as much as the "We are God" minds imagine themselves to have successfully evolved or mutated or progressed into a new species leaving everyone else as lesser evolved or lesser species.


Every human being alive today is genetically unified as in the same family as every other human being. All the complexities and diversity in appearances, social mores, beliefs, they're all the genetic outcome of ONE Mother who lived 200,000 years ago.


Does it make logical sense for any one family to believe that the only purpose of raising a family is to raise children to fight with each other in a tit for tat revenge for revenge cycle, because fuck the world anyway as everyone is going to die anyway, so "wHy nOt hAvE sOmE FuN"?