Now that the absence of catalog increases the threadly IQ at least marginally, can we all weigh in on this critically important piece of information (pic related)?
I went all in on this one, lo and behold day 2 and my hunger is reduced. Nothing spectacular so far but it's certainly beginning to work!
Or at least some form of negative entity.
Q doesn't troll us, the people he's helping free. See the signs, they speak louder than words.
This is no longer a meme. It's the only reasonable conclusion. Yes, it's extraterrestrials, and if you are not a Flat Earth shill that doesn't believe in the Universe and has never looked at the sky - it's time to accept this new reality.
Hmm I wonder who stopped that missile?
You think there's only one type of "aliens" in the whole universe?
>"non-interferance" policy
You need to familiarize yourself better with Quarantine Earth situation before making such posts. And the sooner you drop the attitude, the sooner it will happen. Part of why it's like that can be read in the Q's crumb I linked - we are hostages, and hostage rescue has to be done carefully. It's the negative, unaware people that are most likely to end up as "puppy chow", so be sure you're on the right side of the fence when the shift hits the fan.
Various ET contactees ranging from Billy Meier, Ivo Benda, @kabamur_taygeta, COBRA, David Wilcock, etc etc.
Personal proof is possible too.
There's spadeloads of proof, here's just one random video I've been listening to… choice to know is your anon, and I know you'll remember this exchange when the time comes.
Maybe we have more we know because we didn't make the neccessary connections yet?
I mean no disrespect, but The Plan was a thing back when you were sucking on your mother's titties (or a plastic bottle). It's been getting into gear recently. Trust it, because it's amazing, even if you can't see it from your almighty earth human perspective (which can't even see .1% of the Universe)
weigh in on my posts so I can rate the LARP