Anonymous ID: 55121e June 20, 2024, 12:43 p.m. No.21056430   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Leaks of findings from Oct. 7 IDF probe show: Friendly fire incidents, hesitation to fight


The IDF has aggressively denied various other leaks about failures related to October 7, so the complete silence in the face of this latest report was telling.


According to the report, the probe will find numerous cases of friendly fire errors leading to tragic deaths, groups of IDF soldiers who were too hesitant to confront Hamas invaders (as still others rushed to fight without being formally summoned), higher-up commanders ordering some groups of soldiers to remain in a reserve second-line capacity – when they should have headed into the front, and not knowing how to handle complex battlefield questions involving a hostage situation in Be’eri.


One of the consequences of the findings to date – some of which are final, while others are interim – could be a freezing of the promotion of Brig.-Gen. Barak Hiram to the post of commander of the Gaza Division.


He has been one of the most controversial commanders in this war since he allegedly gave orders to fire on residential units that included both Hamas terrorists and hostages, potentially killing a dozen hostages.


Even this narrative is debated, as his attack order may have been focused on saving his soldiers who were under fire. It is also unclear whether there was any other way to secure the hostages’ release without attacking their Hamas captors.


Some hostage families would raise an outcry if he were posted to the Gaza Division command, while many military personnel would object if he were not, given his overall success rate and record.


On June 5, the IDF announced that it would release its probes on a rolling basis in July and August.


Aspects will be presented by key officers to IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Herzi Halevi in early July and will be available to the public late summer after they are integrated with other issues.

Details of the probe


It will examine everything relating to the Gaza concept and the security establishment’s outlook on it back to 2018.


The IDF has said it expects probes to look even further back in time, as part of a state inquiry and State Comptroller report. If the military itself went back beyond 2018 though, it would mean delaying the publication, which would be increasingly problematic with the passage of time.


The probe of the invasion and the battle for Be’eri could potentially be the first, led by Maj.-Gen. Mickey Edelstein. Some 40 other probes are expected to follow.


A probe focusing on the events of October 6, including specific warnings and operational moves made or not made during that period, will likely be publicized in early August.


Despite the IDF probe, most defense officials are calling for a state inquiry to probe the decisions and actions of the government. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has opposed any state inquiry, fearing its political consequences for his coalition.

Anonymous ID: 55121e June 20, 2024, 12:47 p.m. No.21056466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6631 >>7087

‘Get Out Of Israel’s Way’: Hagerty Rips Biden For Withholding Arms To Israel


Tennessee GOP senator Bill Hagerty slammed the Biden administration from withholding arms to Israel that have been approved by Congress, snapping they should “get out of Israel’s way.”


Hagerty responded to a story indicating the White House was angry at Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for stating that the Biden administration has been withholding weapons and ammunition from Israel as the Jewish state is threatened by Hamas in the south and Hezbollah in the north. Netanyahu released a video in which he stated:


When Secretary Blinken was recently here in Israel, we had a candid conversation, I said, “I deeply appreciate the support the U.S. has given Israel from the beginning of the war.” But I also said something else. I said, “It’s inconceivable that in the past few months the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel. Israel, America’s closest ally, fighting for its life, fighting against Iran and our other common enemies.” Secretary Blinken assured me that the administration was working day and night to remove these bottlenecks. I certainly hope that’s the case; it should be the case. During World War II, Churchill told the United States, “Give us the tools; we’ll do the job.” And I say: Give us the tools and we’ll finish the job. A lot faster.

Anonymous ID: 55121e June 20, 2024, 12:56 p.m. No.21056499   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli Army Announces Strikes On Hezbollah Commander, Air Defense System (Videos)


The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced on June 20 that it had killed the operations officer of Hezbollah’s Jouaiyya regional unit.


Abbas Ibrahim Hamza Hamada, also known as Fadl Ibrahim, was killed in a drone strike in the southern Lebanese town of Deir Kifa. According to an IDF statement, Fadl Ibrahim was in charge of operations in the Jouaiyya area, a town close to Deir Kifa.


Fadi Ibrahim was responsible for planning and carrying out attacks against Israel, while commanding Hezbollah’s ground forces in Jouaiyya, IDF said, adding that he “advanced the entrenchment of the group in southern Lebanon while attempting to improve the organization’s ground combat”


Hezbollah acknowledged the death of Fadl Ibrahim in a statement, but didn’t not describe him as a commander. This casts some doubts on the IDF’s claims.


The strikes didn’t deter Hezbollah, which later announced a series of attacks against the IDF. In five separate statements, the group said its fighters fired dozens of Katyusha rockets at the Zar’it barracks, struck a gathering of Israeli troops in the al-Samaqa site with suitable weapons, targeted the Ruwaisat al-Alam site with heavy machine guns and shelled with artillery the sites of Zabdin and Naqoura.


The attacks were carried out “in support of the steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and to support their brave and honorable resistance,” Hezbollah noted in its statements.


The IDF said that some 25 rockets were launched from Lebanon at the Western Galilee, but didn’t report any damage or casualties.


Hezbollah and its allies began launching near-daily attacks against the IDF in support of the Hamas Movement and other Palestinian armed factions in Gaza after the outbreak of the Israeli war on the Strip last October.


So far, the clashes on the Lebanese-Israeli border have resulted in ten civilian deaths on the Israeli side, as well as the deaths of at least 15 IDF soldiers and reservists. On the Lebanese side, more than 500 people have been killed, including 330 fighters of Hezbollah and at least 90 civilians.

Anonymous ID: 55121e June 20, 2024, 1:01 p.m. No.21056516   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Congress subpoenas State Dept. for secret payments to news suppressors


'Federal funds being used to demonetize, tarnish, or censor'


The State Department's secret payments to organizations that "rate" American news sources – campaigns that have been used to stop companies from doing business with conservative publications – are the subject of a new congressional subpoena.


The Washington Examiner explains the action was triggered by State's refusal to turn over records on programs that are part of what Republicans charge is a "censorship-by-proxy" scheme that interferes with small businesses.


The subpoena is from the House Small Business Committee and is part of a year-long investigation into the Global Engagement Center in State, which gave $100,000 of tax money to the Global Disinformation Index, a London-based group that works in America to "pressure advertisers to boycott conservative media."


That funding triggered a new law just last year that bans some Pentagon money from being given to the London group. Also, the Federalist and Daily Wire have sued the Biden administration for its "egregious government operations to censor the American press."


The committee, headed by Rep. Roger Williams. R-Texas, has been trying to extract financial records from the Global Engagement Center over charges of censorship schemes.


Committee members want to see a list of recipients of GEC money.


But the State Department has refused.


The subpoena specifically asks for details on cash handed out to NewsGuard, the Global Disinformation Index, the Atlantic Council, Park Capital Investment Group, and Poynter Institute.


Williams told Anthony Blinken, Joe Biden's secretary of state, "The House Committee on Small Business is investigating the U.S. government’s censorship-by-proxy and revenue interference of American small businesses because of their lawful speech."


GEC, housed at State, was supposed to focus on propaganda abroad, but has been revealed as a leader in the domestic journalism censorship of what it calls "disinformation."


That would whatever facts do not support the leftist political and social agenda.


A key component has been GDI's insistence that mainstream news organizations are not credible if they are not leftist, and its pressure on advertisers to hurt them.


Williams said he is working on "legislative solutions to federal funds being used to demonetize, tarnish, or censor domestic small businesses on the basis of their lawful speech."


"Rather than comply with the committee’s investigation into and oversight of the GEC’s funding of third parties who engage in these activities, the State Department has, stunningly, provided only two documents totaling 12 pages, with heavy redactions, in the span of one year,” he charges.


One option the House Republicans could choose would be to defund GEC, the report said.


The legal case by the Wire, Federalist and the state of Texas charges that promoting companies that create lists of conservative news outlet targets is a violation of the First Amendment.


"All Americans deserve a fair shot to compete in the marketplace, and the government should not be tipping the scales against any business for their legal speech on the internet." Williams told the Washington Examiner. "The refusal to comply with repeated document requests is unacceptable, especially when the livelihoods of many small businesses are on the line."

Anonymous ID: 55121e June 20, 2024, 1:05 p.m. No.21056531   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6545 >>6554 >>6555 >>6594

So the first of these arrived just as the jab was released December 2020.


Now we have a new one near Vegas


Mysterious metal monolith shows up in Las Vegas after reappearing in Wales


The art installation first appeared in the U.S. in 2020 but has been erected in cities across the world.

Anonymous ID: 55121e June 20, 2024, 1:08 p.m. No.21056544   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Executives for Fresno-Based Business American Labor Alliance Convicted of Multi-Million Dollar Fraud Following Five-Week Trial

Anonymous ID: 55121e June 20, 2024, 1:10 p.m. No.21056548   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Leaders Of One Of The Largest No-Fault Insurance Frauds In New York History Sentenced To 15, 12, And Seven Years In Prison

Anonymous ID: 55121e June 20, 2024, 1:33 p.m. No.21056652   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In Satan’s Upside-Down World, West are ‘Goods Guys’ and East are Demonized ‘Bad Guy’ Enemies


Without fail, every week global tensions keep heating up on two kinetic warfronts Ukraine and Middle East, while the next designated third warfront Taiwan also ratchets up. The globalists’ long planned, now staged, grand fireworks endgame finale, their conjured-up West vs. East WWIII Armageddon showdown, at the not so OK Corral, by the day looms ever more imminent than ever. It’s all being centrally scripted by the same bloodline controllers, you know, the same usual suspects.


Since the Napoleonic Wars, the City of London moneylender central banksters maintain increasing control over our planet by constantly creating every geopolitical conflict and kinetic war they finance and execute. For over 200 years this same nonstop warring pattern, working so well for the Rothschild clan, has allowed a handful of mentally ill psychopaths to rape, pillage and plunder our planet for way too long. Are the global masses finally realizing the singular source of all wars are the controlling bloodline dynasties? People are beginning to wake up after millennia being duped by puppet masters’ divide and conquer tactics of deception, repeating their M.O. ad nauseam, inventing the problem that they create, then execute a worst-case scenario reaction, to then install their plotted, readymade solution from hell that keeps providing increased centralized insular power and control into their fewer hands.


This is the governing pattern behind human history for thousands of years, ingeniously, brutally, malignantly played out to this very day. The growing problem this time around for the ruling class is that its methodology isn’t quite working so well anymore, as the once all-powerful controller pulling the levers behind the curtain finally gets exposed, not unlike the Wizard of Oz unmasking, where the lever controller turns out to be a fallible, frail fraud, not nearly as all-powerful as blind deception had the people mistakenly believing. The bloodline elites today are no different. And because their crimes against humanity have been more deeply exposed to the public than any prior time in history, the jig is finally up and their Babylonian magick spells aren’t nearly as effective or convincing any more.


Since the end of WWII, this same Satanic fallen angel descendant lineage of the Rothschilds dating back to the Cain clan, joined by other coconspirator bloodline clans the Rockefellers and the Black Nobility royals of Europe, have weaponized their divide and rule wedge to separate nations and peoples around the globe into two ideologically opposing camps. The postwar Cold War myth “benevolently” exports around the globe actual predatory vulture capitalism masquerading as Western liberal democracy. These are the elites deemed “good guys,” always opposing their invented, highly demonized, evil tyrannical enemy – the Eastern “Communist” bloc.


This deceptively propagandized dynamic again has worked exceedingly well for the globalists for many decades. Hence, various ethnically homogeneous peoples worldwide have been artificially, forcibly separated into West controlled South Korea vs. Communist controlled North Korea, West controlled Taiwan vs. Communist controlled Red China, West controlled South Vietnam vs. Communist controlled North Vietnam. Thankfully, the Vietnamese won their latter war of independence from the imperialistic clutches of first France and then United States. Vietnam is largely liberated from past colonial shackles, though still courted with coercive undercurrents from the US while warmer ties with regional powers China and Russia have the edge.


After all, multipolar world leader Vladimir Putin on June 20th is currently paying his respects to the unified Vietnam after rekindling ties with ally North Korea the days prior. But you can easily see how days of yore US hegemon always came with this parasitic divide and rule formula, determining the destined, divided fate of all these Asian ethnicities to face off in manipulated, horribly brutal, bloody wars killing millions of their own people. Both the intense mainland China-Taiwan division as well as the percolating Korean Peninsula conflict, despite previous costly wars, still stand out today as unresolved, never settled conflicts, and potential next WWIII Asian Pacific combat operational theater, that is, if the US and its controllers push it.

Anonymous ID: 55121e June 20, 2024, 1:44 p.m. No.21056704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6753

New report claims Woolworths, NAB and others 'cashed in' while Aussies struggled through COVID-19, international conflict


A new report has called for companies which made "staggering" profits during the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine to face steep 90 per cent taxes to ensure everyday Australians are never again "pushed to the brink" by soaring cost of living pressures.


A new report has hit out at major companies, including Woolworths, NAB and BHP, claiming they "cashed in" on economic conditions during COVID-19 and Russia's invasion of Ukraine while average Australians were "pushed to the brink."


Consumer groups and some politicians have already levelled allegations of price gouging at Australian companies over the past 12 months, with the major supermarkets coming in for particular scrutiny.


Several investigations were launched into the claims, with a Senate inquiry into the supermarket sector calling on the Albanese government to amend consumer and competition laws to prohibit charging excessively high prices and place greater oversight on how companies such as Coles and Woolworths make pricing decisions.


While those recommendations were generally well received, the new report, published by Oxfam Australia, argues the government should go further still, slamming some of Australia's largest companies for their conduct at a time when households were "pushed to the brink" by soaring cost of living pressures.


"It was a tough start to the decade for most. First came an unprecedented pandemic causing immeasurable suffering; then the Russian invasion of Ukraine, its ripple effects helping to fuel global inflation and sparking a cost-of-living crisis," the report maintains.


"Even in relatively wealthy countries like Australia, millions of people have been pushed to the brink by rising prices of food, energy and unaffordable housing.


"In stark contrast, it has been a bonanza for some of Australia's biggest corporations, who have amassed staggering profits –not in spite of, but because they cashed in on volatile global conditions."

Anonymous ID: 55121e June 20, 2024, 2:08 p.m. No.21056841   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Dr Swaminathan is accused of sending a deliberately misleading tweet on 10th May 2021 against the use of Ivermectin, which led to Tamil Nadu removing the medication from its treatment protocol the following day. According to the IBA, this decision resulted in thousands of deaths and constitutes a crime against humanity. If found guilty, Dr Swaminathan could face the death penalty or life imprisonment. The IBA, based in Mumbai, initially sent a 51-page notice to Dr Swaminathan on 25 May 2021, followed by another on 13th June. These notices responded to her statement that the WHO does not recommend Ivermectin for treating COVID-19, except in clinical trials. Barrister Dipali Ojha, the principal advocate of the IBA, warned that the criminal action against Dr Swaminathan for "every death" caused by her actions is ongoing.


Dr Swaminathan resigned from her senior role at the WHO shortly after legal proceedings began, but Barrister Ojha maintains that the case against her continues. The charges accuse Dr Swaminathan of misconduct, claiming she used her authority to serve the interests of the vaccine industry. The specific allegations include conducting a disinformation campaign against Ivermectin and publishing misleading statements in the media to dissuade the public from using the drug, despite significant clinical data supporting its effectiveness in preventing and treating COVID-19. Ivermectin, an inexpensive antiparasitic medication, was blacklisted by the WHO and FDA during the vaccine rollout but has gained popularity for COVID-19 prevention.