they flip out if you critisize or challange their lame assertions about time of day psyops.
they've turned them into 'here is what we are, we are this'
and if you point it out they will not let you post any furhter comments about it.
theywill say 'you were warnned'
or 'how dare you attack time of day' (where time of day is the particular psyop based upon the time of day.
last night it was 'time of day greats you' and I pointed out 'you don't speak for anyone but yourself' and that triggered the juvenile persona.
anon know that no one speaks for all the anon, and yet that crowd needs that 'this shift verses that shift' psyop for some reason.
my guess is that the crews have placed a lot of their egos into it and attacking the idea of it being anything more than a solute to the troops (operators in the field) is a personal insult against them.
I think the crew probably started mid or early march. They probably all work in the same office, and they are all young.
the use the names of old personas but I doubt that it's the same people.