Anonymous ID: 2a7e15 June 20, 2024, 8:03 p.m. No.21058574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8637 >>8663 >>8736 >>8737 >>8799 >>8801

NEW SHOCK POLL: Rishi Sunak Projected To Be UK’s FIRST Prime Minister In HISTORY To Lose Seat 😂




The Tory Party continues to entertain the UK with its gravity-defying pre-election limbo dance — as the country breathlessly demands: “How low can you go?!” — andpollsters respond open-mouthed as Rishi Sunak takes the party down to unprecedented levels of unpopularity.


Just when you tentatively think — surely it can’t get any worse! Rishi responds: Hold my beer. KEK, that is definitely KEK


Two polls today predict that Nigel Farage gets 5 MPs, ¾ of the cabinet lose their seats (including Rishi!), Labour doubles Tony Blair’s landslide 1997 majority. And the Tories are obliterated to only 53 seats — 15% of what Boris got in 2019.


(This makes me so happy, my mother was 1/2 English and 1/2 Irish, actuallyboth sides of my mother's heritage is fucking happy today.The Irish lefties are still fighting but the Fighting Irish are fighting BACK. Believe me, knowing my mother, they can definitely fight till the end. Thank you Mom, I got your genes)

Anonymous ID: 2a7e15 June 20, 2024, 8:20 p.m. No.21058663   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is funny as hell, Ben equates the current Tory party to a Doctor WHO, Darleks, Autistic machines that have no understanding of human kind. I loved watching Dr. WHO and Ben compares the stupid conservatives in the UK that betrayed all conservative in the UK to little machines.And their leader was "Davros"


So even Dr. WHO was predictive Programming from the 1960's when it started? Wow

Anonymous ID: 2a7e15 June 20, 2024, 9 p.m. No.21058827   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ex-FBI official says Trump’s half-staff flag order has neo-Nazi symbolism=


A former FBI official floated a theory on MSNBC that neo-Nazis may be heartened by President Trump’s order to fly the nation’s flags at half-staff through Thursday evening to commemorate the victims of this past weekend’s mass shootings.


Frank Figliuzzi, now a national security analyst for the cable news channel, said the shorthand version of the Aug. 8 end date for Trump’s proclamation can be interpreted as a coded salute to Adolf Hitler.


“The numbers eight-eight are very significant in the neo-Nazi and the white supremacy movement,” Figliuzzi said Monday night on “The 11th Hour with Brian Williams.”


“Why? Because the letter ‘H’ is the eighth letter of the alphabet, and to them, the numbers eight-eight stand for ‘Heil Hitler.’ ”


Figliuzzi, who led worldwide counterintelligence investigations as an FBI assistant director, insisted he wasn’t suggesting that Trump “did this deliberately, but I am using it as an example of the ignorance of the adversary that’s being demonstrated by the White House.”


“The president’s either getting really good advice and rejecting it, or he’s getting really bad advice,” he said.


“We have to understand the adversary and the threat we’re dealing with, and if we don’t understand how they think we’ll never understand how to counter them, so it’s the little things and the language and messaging that matters.”


Conservative commentator and author Ann Coulter mocked Figliuzzi’s analysis of the possible hidden message, tweeting: “WINNER! Craziest thing ever said on TV: MSNBC regular Frank Figliuzzi claims that Trump ordering flags at half mast until Thursday was secret ‘HEIL HITLER!’ signal.” (because 8 is the letter H in the alphabet he connects Trump with Neo Nazis and uses 88. This is how smart ex FBI are


In response, Figliuzzi told Coulter, “Dear craziest person on TV, listen carefully; I clearly said I’m not saying Trump did this deliberately, I’m saying he needs advice on how extremists will interpret raising the flag on 8/8. He needs advice on putting out the fire he started. Are you part of that solution?”


In Trump’s Sunday proclamation, he said that “Our Nation mourns with those whose loved ones were murdered in the tragic shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, and we share in the pain and suffering of all those who were injured in these two senseless attacks.”


Trump also condemned the mass shootings as “hateful and cowardly acts” and said lowering Old Glory through sunset on Thursday would be “a mark of solemn respect for the victims of the terrible acts of violence.”…


(NO wonder why they are going after trad Catholics, they are all stupid and they believe what they have been told, 8 8 is a neo nazi sign) This tells you MSM is desperate to prove that they are stupidly wrong)

Anonymous ID: 2a7e15 June 20, 2024, 9:14 p.m. No.21058862   🗄️.is 🔗kun



are they supposed to monitor all their donors, do you know how crazy that sounds. Go after the ones that rake in millions and see if anyone chekck out who they are.


every sign is this is a smear job by an agency or leftiesmonitor who the lefties take money from?