Anonymous ID: beca7d June 20, 2024, 7:29 p.m. No.21058398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8446 >>8459 >>8493



The truth about the nuclear sites should not be equated to the US mil releasing a virus in China, that is disinformation.


  1. Covid was not a virus but a bio-weapon

  2. Covid was from locals DS crony chemical sabotages

  3. Covid was never replicated as a virus in a petri dish

  4. All covid testing sites are closed now further proof

  5. Covid was a Deep State Department project and Trump said that to Faucci.



Anonymous ID: beca7d June 20, 2024, 7:48 p.m. No.21058493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8509 >>8583


>1. Covid was not a virus but a bio-weapon

>2. Covid was from locals DS crony chemical sabotages

>3. Covid was never replicated as a virus in a petri dish

>4. All covid testing sites are closed now further proof

>5. Covid was a Deep State Department project and Trump said that to Faucci.


In addition to that, no matter what proofs I give you all try to minimize my work by calling me names like a larp, famefag, or delusional even though I gave you proof of foreknowledge about all the chaos out of experience. Trump called it China dust because he sampled the toxic dust that I complained about and found out exactly where it is was coming from. This bio-weapon has a biological element to it that can replicate like a fungi, larva, or how a worm can replicate. This dust is used in conjunction with other toxins such as pesticides, cyanide, and or chemtrails for plausible deniability. I know all this by experience and logical reasoning and know they have been using gain of function on these toxins since specialized children's hospitals were built and gave you all discourses on how it became their number weapon against non-club members and is in fact the number one cause of all illnesses, disease, and deaths. I also told you that the DS works with local chemical saboteurs and cronies in health care institutions to finish the job, over 1000 times. I know that forms of these toxins were used:


  1. On 911 against emergency workers.

  2. In their required shots for compensation collection

  3. Used to cause Covid "symptoms"

  4. Then put into the vaccines to genocide the masses.


I knew what was going to happen to America because I was dealing with all it since 911, not magic here. I had to do what I did and let PDJT know, at all costs. Praise God Almighty.

Anonymous ID: beca7d June 20, 2024, 7:51 p.m. No.21058509   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>21058446 You are 100% wrong and read my explanation, there is a reason I was the first to know what was about to happen worldwide and not only in America. Read this first >>21058493


And by the way Coronavirus is just the name of the common cold and was used as plausible deniability for the future, logical thinking. Many people were put to death.

Anonymous ID: beca7d June 20, 2024, 8:04 p.m. No.21058583   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Seems some here want to blame the US Military and PDJT when in fact it was the Deep State Department, Faucci and Obama and his gang that went to Wuhan. China was R&D only, Ukraine was production. We are way past any arguments about this and the war has been on for years now. Anyone trying to dissuade is trying to turn people away from PDJT and to turn against the US Mil. Not on my watch.


And if any of you actually were thinking clearly, you would take into deep consideration my discourses on cyanide and especially diabetes and the loss of limbs; because that secret that was revealed, hit so hard, that they actually panicked and came after me from all angles. 6 ways till Sunday. Knowing this, you can save lives, accumulatively millions a year.