It's spelled freemason
They are the slavers and everyone else is slaves
They may be able to quote the Bible or the Quran
But they are loyal to money and child brides only
Foreign agents from a foreign land
1000 points of lights' is a reference to their take over from MENA(33 if M=13) and beyond. The bases on C before D(Cops before Deputies) but you can't just shoot one Sheriff, that would leave 999 more lights, 666 if mirrored. That is what they want, to clamp down and get rid of 2nd amendment. Leaving the protection to them.
They then create the problem like ms13 and immigration to cause chaos so someone begs for a solution
Good thing the fake wars militarized them
Here is an exclusive 8kun drop. Our metadata, location, texts, notes on phone are sold to countries maybe like Israel. Who packages it and gives real time access to these corrupt freemason law enforcement. Allowing them to gangstalk, harass, frame etc