Louis CK accidentally reveals the bigger plot behind flooding the US with illegals—no, it’s not just for votes…
June 20, 2024 (a day ago)1/2
Every once in a while, you listen to someone, and what comes out of their mouth is so raw and real, it makes you wonder if they meant to say it. That’s exactly what many people are saying about comedian Louis C.K. after his recent chat with Joe Rogan about Biden’s devastating border invasion. It was one of those candid moments where he let the beans spill all over the floor, revealing,firstly, that this invasion was planned. He then went on to discuss why the left is determined to see America overrun with uneducated, low-skilled, and often-times criminal illegals.
As Louis C.K. pointed out, he believes it’s simply not “fair” that the US is so much better than everyone else. According to what he expressed, the leftist mindset is that we need to be brought down a few pegs, andthe quickest way to do that is by importing low-IQ, low-skilled filth into the country. This isn’t how you create “fairness.” It’s how you topple an entire country from within. And the fact of the matter is, the left knows this and is more than okay with it. Just look at what the left is doing with their twisted and dangerous DEI agenda that promotes people based on charity, not excellence. We’re dumbing down the US at a rate that’s mind-blowing, and it will take decades to recover from this.
The left wants to turn the US into a third-world country, all to satisfy some misguided elite white guilt and even out the playing field.
Will Tanner:
Reminder that the goal of mass migration isn’t “equity” or “justice” or whatever else the people promoting it claim
Rather, it’s about destroying the countries to which the migrants are heading, dragging them down to the level of the rest of the world
Here’s Louis CK admitting as much to Joe Rogan, saying that’s it’s not “fair” that America is so much better off than the rest of the world, so it needs to be destroyed and brought to the same low level as the Third World
This is very revealing, and yes, while they want votes to secure power, in reality, they have even bigger plans. What they’re doing is based on history—just look at what happened to Rome.
The American Tribune:
Ever since Reagan gave amnestyto about three million illegal immigrants, undoing the deterrence posture created by Eisenhower’s massive deportation operation,America has suffered under the weight of an increasingly onerous illegal immigration problem. Even as advances in robotics make unskilled field and factory labor less and less needed, millions upon millions more unskilled, illegal laborers pour into the country. Some presidents, such as Trump, attempt to stop them. Others, like Biden, leave the gate wide open. These illegal immigrants cost the public coffers titanic sums each year, bring crime and third-world horror shows with them, and there are tens of millions of them.
Meanwhile, Americans refuse to procreate. Whether because they’re depressed, something is in the water, it’s just too expensive, or some combination thereof, fertility is falling like a rock and is now well below replacement level. Some groups, such as religious conservatives, are at least close to replacing themselves. But, amongst the petty bourgeoise class, or the college-educated functionary class (think middle managers), fertility is extremely low and somehow getting even lower.
To where will that lead? Unfortunately, probably not a Black Death-like Renaissance created by once overly expensive land becoming cheaper after the population starts to fall; the tidal wave of illegal immigration precludes that. Rather, we have to look forward to experiencing what Rome experienced: foreigners overtaking the “management” class as it fades from existence thanks to low fertility.