I’m comin
Stfu pussy
“Dark to light”
Every time I post CP pops up.
I promise you, they die in the end.
Fucking disgusting FILTH deserve to be buried alive.
Every time I post, CP pops up. Better? Don’t be sarcastic mother fucker.
You’re all corrupt as fuck. Every last one of you. Freed? Freed from what? You prickless sacks of shit. You aren’t the omega, yous are BETA
This is why that post was responded to by 5 people in the matter of 3 minutes. Yous all glow. Thanks for admitting you post CP every time anon posts anything about what you are doing. Buried alive.
I suggest don’t talk to me at all, stop projecting. You project so much you talk about and define projection yet do its 2X 3x as much as the average person. I suggest you stop fucking critiquing my grammar, I suggest you stop fucking with me. Because outside of this internet shit, you don’t want to see me. That’s not a threat, it’s a fucking guarantee.
BO and his/her hooligans need to die.
You fucking cry baby faggot, read that.
Hell is not mentioned one time in the Bible.
Damn according to the internet it’s not mentioned one time.
I’m willing to bet there’s no such thing.
The devil is a lie.
You are a feeder. Who is this that keeps you locked in Hell on your pursuit to purge yourself of sin? They should be hung instantly. So fucking sick and tired of these mother fuckers. CUNT.
I’m so tired of this Ghislaine Maxwell wanna be.