Anonymous ID: a52276 June 21, 2024, 5:50 p.m. No.21063453   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3468 >>3474 >>3488 >>3570

got my first full-time factory job in the 60s

minimum wage was $1.80/h, $72/wk BEFORE taxes


there were 2 dozen gas stations in town

representing ten or more INDEPENDENT oil companies

gasoline cost 22¢/gal on avg

but there were occasional price wars with gas as cheap as 18¢/gal


one hour labor at minimum wage bought 8-10 gallons of gasoline

for the arithmetic challenged…

MINIMUM wage for a full-time factory job today needs to be ~ $35/h to have comparable purchasing power to 60 yrs ago

i won't bother with the price of milk, eggs, steak, a used car, or college tuition

only anons my age would believe me

Anonymous ID: a52276 June 21, 2024, 6:48 p.m. No.21063732   🗄️.is đź”—kun


ya don't just "call yourself" any religion

yer born into that religion

yer ancestors were born into that religion

ya actively participate in rituals of that religion

as much as possible, ya associate exclusively with others of that religion


that's MOAR than "calling themselves" jews


but hey, at least this time ya gave it more effort than just hurr durr muh joos