experience I had today on racism and how it affects the young today compared to times past.
this will be longer than I like. I just want to tell it the way I experienced this. no copy fucking pasta. HUH?
so I do a job weekly at a co-op grocery every week. lib of lib environment. I clean the windows, (6 years now) and it takes around 3 hours. I interact with a lot of people. I finished the inside and went out to start the out. a guy walks up and asked when we open. I said 20 minutes, but I just clean the windows I don't work here. (this works good so I can keep working and not get more questions… like do you have AA batteries). he sat down at a table and I cleaned.
they opened up and as I worked my way around I saw him at the coffee bar ordering. I thought nothing of it really… (this is the crux… but i'm unaware) I saw him in a window I was cleaning. I finished the area and at that point I always take a smoke break. he was out by the last window there and we exchanged hellos and talked about nothing really. I said i'm going to have a smoke. he pulled out his pack… I walked to my car and grabbed a smoke and walked all the way to the other side of the parking lot. see I wanted to smoke and text… I #walkedaway. dude had no clue followed when he saw me under the trees. he walked up I said I need to hide over here… optics… zact words. he said he likes trees blah blah, landscaper 1'st job blah blah. but we talked.
he had a guilty feeling in his eyes. (ethnic i'd say he's black of unknown origin and middle eastern. (i'm 8 different and Caucasian if Italian is Caucasian). anyway… he looks at me with this long uncomfortable pause… and says… I asked them (inside) if I could charge my phone. I have an android… they said we only have I-phones. I said "why, are you racist"? he said the girl almost cried. he said… "whoa whoa whoa i'm sorry… BAD JOKE… REALLY BAD JOKE" he said this in a tone I thought meant he was looking for an ANSWER to his thoughts. he felt really guilty. know why? this is why it gets longer than I wanted. right here.
the girl he made tear up (20 years old) would DEEP FRY ANY baker girl shown here to date EVER. he's a guy. make that tear up? I NEED ANSWERS! kicker? she wears clothing. you won't see anything but a silhouette (through her floor touching dress) in the sunlight or maybe "more" cleavage when she get's what you ask for. She is… Ominous. Gods greatest creation. and this idiot made her tear up… looking for answers? all i8 said was do you understand the environment out there right now? dude wtf? he #walkedaway… not a word. do you see this? fucking phone charger and racist makes them fucking fear EVERYTHING!
all i'm saying is yesteryear? not a problem.