Well this SR shit is bunk to me, 'witness' over the phone is bullshit. It could be fucking BHO for all we know. We are not corsi and alex, taking shit at face value. No wonder they're both being shilled ITT right now. Back to crumbs.
Officially bullshit. Contradicting Q.
Let's get back to business anons, good to note the narrative they're running with but that is all. Why are anons under the impression that RR is /ourguy/? He's not. This phonefag is larping and probably lurks here too. He's spreading disinfo for a purpose and throwing RR under the bus as a sacrifice.
Bye corsi
Kek, I called it before it was even brought up. Told you that Luke faggot lurked here. Time to move on you glowing niggers.
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