Anonymous ID: 4f91b8 July 10, 2018, 11:04 a.m. No.2107118   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I think that it's because normies think of Israel as the "Holy Land" (we know it's more like HolyWood). It's part of normies identities because of the Judeo-Christian bullshit that's implanted in their heads, even Democrats fear more Bibi than Republicans (pic related). They are the ones manipulating us the most, they have the control over all that we watch, use and eat, they are the step before uncovering the worldwide cabalist-satanist cults that this bastards really are.


Most normies already know the shit Islam is, a lot are woke with the "Christianism" (((they))) sell specially the Vatican BS, but most still aren't aware of the shit protestants, mormons, Jehovah's witnesses do (ALL ARE COMPED, UNDERSTAND THAT), also the Dalai Lama, and more. So we go on and on until we get to Israel and the Jews.


That's what I caught with this, it's just my opinion.