If it's suddenly, I'd suspect distraction. YouTube is a giant wormhole, they expect you to click in curiosity. Also unless you like it, disable Autoplay.
youing myself it's actually Cow Appreciation Day
This is why I don't trust LEO even though a loved one was one, another is. I say was because he was killed on Thanksgiving morning by a nut case with a car.
He was the only one left I trusted. Who do you trust in these cases besides yourself?
I know what you speak of lemmy look…
now I can't find it, but I realize what it was getting at. There's another with cows admiring humans pictures in their house.
NoName Action sounds…fun
He's really lived quite a long time with his brand of cancer hasn't he? Cures for that vet but not our real Vets that didn't fuck up his/her mates. Give the Vets the Cures nao
I had a dream a year ago that he was still alive. I was watching him shopping for groceries of all shit. Dreams are weird like that though.
It was one of those vivid ones too, and those are the ones that sometimes come to pass.
I don't Fakebook, are people falling for that?
Could be Julian or Seth…gah
911 is something I haven't been able to reconcile until it's complete for me. I've been fed lies and need the truth. I wasn't even awake when it happened, just turned on the squawkbox and was traumatized by people jumping to their deaths. Fucking horrifying.
I need Waco reconciled, Ruby Ridge, OKC, etc These school shootings that are staged, let that dog loose.
>I've been here too long. My first thought was "controlled opposition."
See, our minds are connected here…it was mine too.
Good ol' Mr. Bones Wild Ride
Interesting theory, could be. Wonder if it's the beginning of Surname or First
Is that a boy on the left? At first I thought it was a girl walking from behind, now I see a boy, his hand out like "stop"
Well it's definitely VJ standing next to him, she's unique looking. See if the ears match Podestas. I don't have the software handy for that.