only livestream i can find of actuall presser is corsi and some other fag, but at least they have a cam at the presser
only livestream i can find of actuall presser is corsi and some other fag, but at least they have a cam at the presser
fuck these paytriots. theyre so bad at everything they cant even betray their country good enough for the fucking clowns
>2217 viewers
well someone has to report back to the cabal from on site. ABC musta drawn the short straw kek
this guys voice is pretty shakey. hes nervous as fuck kek
>This witness that is supposed to Identify a DEA and ATF agent that killed Seth proves Q was wrong and a larp.
DEA and ATF agents are the eyewitnesses, if ya wanna claim Q said something…prove it nigger its all right here
take my sauce right down your fucking throat clown faggot
feels like this guy is famefagging hard. i hope this doesnt turn out to be counter intel. when was the last time a person on the HRC hitlist survived two 187 attempts.
>will be releasing more info over the coming weeks
we will see.