LB bakes slacking on the notables
Fringe[d] Flag
Fringe[d] flag
[Not Babel/Babylon/Babble]
: Correct-Sentence-Structure-Communication-Parse-Syntax-Grammar-Performance.
[Plain-English = INGSOC?]
Chill with your fascination with anon'stits
Anon should keep _ in pants]
(Not this)
"Cutesy slogans don't need to make sense"
: Language-matters.
[Psychological warfare is ..complicated]
: Spiritual-war.
[I would MUCH rather talk about this..
[..than this.
P.s. love ya too]
[Eyes on JCoS.
Eyes on Navy.
That's Pentagram/on?
Verbal command/authorization.
Navy to certain distance of formerUScorp land territory ..~~embassies~~?
Publish Navy Title-4-Flag lease terms?
Who manufactures the Title-4-Flags that military uses?
Publish military tribunals?
Border of formerUSCorp same border of now-space?
Many queries.]
[No pope]
[Yay biblical literalism
My favorite]
>fiat voluntas tua