>No FRESH violation
>Double Dough infraction
TY Ghost Baker have a good workfag.
>No FRESH violation
>Double Dough infraction
TY Ghost Baker have a good workfag.
And now we're stuck and have to make it to the finish line somewhere down the line.
Yeah, ok, I like that one.
Yeah, if he's the mouthpiece for real ackshyual sauce of bad shit that went down then not good.
At least watching it play out could be entertaining.
From a Precipiss standpoint that's all you can ask for.
AOC mania ends once the real thing is revealed.
Fake or otherwise.
Not gonna click that shit nigga.
>Keep /ourplant/ pure
Fauci: Death Penalty
Doable realistically?
PDJT says: no don't want to hurt him always a possibility.
We got the best newbots o7.
>Hannity (sorry)
No need to be.
Hannitus Interruptus is on the cover of the debut issue of Q.
Hannity Hating is still love in the end.
Oh shit.
PDJT says they emptied their jails.
Not sure this latest wave of mass immigration is as family oriented as the meme suggests.
These niggas have a 6+ hour pregame show?
The marriage was sanctioned by the State unless it was private contract only in which case where's the crime?
Wew lads the Boar Log is smoking.
The virgin version of this bread will be another (1K) club member.
Anons please vote it's important because you'll be getting it one way or the other anyway (filter don't work on hops).
>MAGA Payback
Give me a +1 for payback to start it off.
There should be some Debate distraction shit coming up soon.
Calm down vatty.
No need to get Proto involved.
>some of the most hated anons of all time
Anons don't want it to be like it is but it do.
Weed is pretty much where weed is gonna stay.
It's street legal with a higher than alcohol sales tax in all States except the slow tarded ones.
You can grow a little but not there over there instead.
It's 90% set in stone at this point.
I believe you, but ya gotta admit not many Bump memes making the rounds here.
>the hit pieces came to a halt to try and prevent any more Streisand Effect, but the damage had only just begun
Yeah, I think so, too.
Nah, man, Moab's out west dude.
What time does PDJT start talking?
Are there many flavors of streams to choose from?
TYIA for doing the kindful.
Near virgin 751.
Can anyone beat it rn?
>t. pardon the pun
The Day
The Rally Bread
No, I don't think so.
QR is a lot like kindergarten.
The littlest shit sets it off.
Those (bots?) that didn't refresh just think it's the end of the bread already and suddenly it's nap time.
PDJT or not.
Oh, so it is at 7PM EDT I wasn't being bs'd.
You see, it's that damn RSBN 12 hour pregame show that always throws me off.
Board is just reg ded with a touch of late 1K bread blues.
Vatty has that beat easy.
He maintains a Pain Index to prove it.
If board names are tied to post counts then Vatty is the name a ebot is the sidekick.
KEK suddenly got 'dasted.