Happy. Can I be Happy? When thousands are in harm's way, it seems selfish. Thanks for the helicopters, My leg is huge.
If punching my own ticket would help, let's do it. Seven fuking years man.
Men and women have died keeping my secret. It's not really a secret anymore is it now? Sick to my stomach. Stress levels off the charts.
At least tell me when the show will start, because I can't wait here anymore, it is too mind-depleting. Can I have fun, please? Seven years man.
40 days and nights without my wife. You know, not once have I argued with anyone, Seven years ago, my talk was crazy talk, today it is called the news cycle. World Wide, Systemic Corruption of Every Western Nation.
Follow the money. Those who are in power now, know their time is up. They knew one day I'd show back up and now they're scared shitless and acting like kids who have shiny toys they won't let anyone touch.
Phones and the Internet, two of the best weapons against you and your family, divide and conquer. Pit Father against son, a daughter against brother etc, keep the world in chaos so they can take it over.
That's only going to happen if we let it happen.