Oh look, the feds fired up their NPC persona, deliberately designed to look schizophrenic, to slide the board.
The little lackey CP linker is scared again. He obviously feels like him and his fakefag coworkers losing on optics. Poor bastards.
Well that was odd. The delivery, not the words themselves. Thought he was supposed to be the normal one out of all the Baldwins? At least he's not his douchebag brother though.
Silence, fakefag.
Filtered for failing to blend in. It's the consensus generation attempts on behavior that you always try to force.
Wouldn't that be something.
Holy fuck, Faux. Better run with Timberlake's favorite drink and how to make it for that segment, huh? And of course, it's Cavuto's show, the haven for deep state guests on faux.
Two spaces after a sentence ending period is still preferred in certain areas of work. And some that don't work in those areas have been doing it for over 40 years now and it's just muscle memory and there is no interest in changing to "blend in."
KEK. The pic and video of that folder saying president puts a different spin on things when looking back on behavior for the past 3 years. If people knew, would they have behaved the same? Almost like some Ender's Game shit or something.
The little schizophrenic lackey is sucking and stroking air dick again.
Not saying that is what is happening, that POTUS Trump is still actually president, just toying with the idea and looking at it. What an M. Night Shamalamadingdong twist that would be to the movie that everyone is supposed think of what they're seeing as.
Even his least successful movies were pleasures to watch.
Awww… the deep state loser thinks him and his fakefag coworkers are losing on optics, even with trying to blend in and running their NPC slide personas. Poor bastard.
Can't speak for everyone, but I can think of a way to do it. It'd be made by hand and the symmetry could be off under scrutiny though.
You smell that, Anons? That the smell of lackey fear. Evil is scared. The deep state defenders of the pedophiles, traitors, and criminals against humanity assigned here are not having a good day by the looks of it.
They're moar scared than they normally are today. Weak and ineffective. Needing multiple devices and personas to take on people that need none of that.
It's also full of bullshit clowns attempting to crack consensus and failing miserably. Go stink up the filter, ya little snot-nosed, paid posting lackey. If you're not, then you're kind of dumb.