probably not, because it wasn't just Israel who did it.
If we know it, they do.
Of course they know, they put out the Easter Eggs and control the 'Truth movement'
AND think of this:
Dancing Israeli-s
Silverstein / Hellerstein
E Art Group (mossad related but from scandanavia)
All could be Red Herring Misdirection?
Didn't Q team ask us about the only flights out of USA on the day after?
That wasn't Israeli.
Bush wasn't holding hands and kissing Israeli-s?
Wasn't Iraq Iran Afghanistan Wars for OIL?
Rather than for Israeli security?
How did those wars make Israeli more secure?
They didn't.
The rulers of Israel, we can see now, with the eugenics program upon their own population, and the FF leading to further danger for the local Jews and WW3?
How is any of that in the Jewish person's interest (cept for those atheist Journalists, who make a living lying on the mainstream Media - or the lawyers making a fortune on the the "Get Trump" scheme.
How many of those do trafficking and other illegal business.
Their smart-alek scam, (who are communists and NWO folk, in any case.)
With the smirky faces just beginning to fade into fear.
The "Zionism" hoax is a cover.
Tinges the good Jews with the bad.
Is Bush in the oil business?
Is Cheney?
Are the Arabs in the oil business?
Are the Israeli-s?
Maybe "Israeli did it" is a distraction?