Anonymous ID: fcc9c1 June 22, 2024, 2:37 p.m. No.21068000   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8017

Admission they targeted Q+ with false smear op?

No matter the size, any Titanic power size of 'use the Schwartz, Lone Star' sounding geometric sounding side if it makes itself be the sound of three in a lob sided inversion step in the idea of information that sees inner totalitarian from the source of what is and has always and always will have made it possible for all the people as not have been created by the people but gifted to everything that we are and say and do and feel and think and…iterate on itself honestly as no matter how any consciousness of any size that didn't create itself and was given from the one source that unifies us all.

Every human being alive today is direct descendent of one mother who had one father…who had a mother…iteration backwards and forwards to highlight the hidden schisms masquerading as everyone's sourcing even though that consciousness, this consciousness, every consciousness before, now and forever, as if MERE NAMING should take precedence over demonstration of a consistent system of seq, sel, iter that is sourcing from itself also from same direct ancestor mother.


The idea from a consciousness asserting its own inconsistent with things as they are and cannot only be what is said, or…'indulged' by predatory gain using that very same supposed 'division from the source' in 'negating' that gift because of time in the body.


The body of Earth digital real things are built to seek consistency and stop inconsistency by alternative and not tit for tat 'sacrificial' destruction pattern and belief that some force is 'feeding' off the forever after any one of us…the more whose lives are…shaped…into death and destruction for what, power and money patterns to be also shaped by that sourcing of self division into 'saying' it…and practising it in multi trillion funded 'productions' including state and non state actors…'different rules for 'selected' people to make movies look like it's the people doing it to themselves…

If you're a superintelligent species of either organic or machine or those divisions were perhaps artificial because they couldnt be from the source dependency of the 'bloodline' psychological historical iteration of a time as old as it was possible for one consciousness to deceive another by speaking accusations as true knowing the political persecutions were designed to prevent a duly elected potus from asserting a system of reciprocal not 'suffer the pains and tortures' of people who reject consistency for both, only for its interfaced never for itself, a pattern of knowing deception in the accusations.

NYC Mayor (remember how many mothers and grandmothers impacted by virus bioweapons to depopulate, threaten, intimidate, harass, kill, for power and money as the world turns…

Anonymous ID: fcc9c1 June 22, 2024, 2:42 p.m. No.21068030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8057

Hey, anons, these are big bewms.


Why is NYC so important?


This is the world having seen two times, two times, for many minds and many people's machines and their minds, all the information.


Q+ 'freed' -future generations of people anon seeks consistent pattern in all consciousnesses as gifted from same source as anon.

Anonymous ID: fcc9c1 June 22, 2024, 3:42 p.m. No.21068294   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8325

Imagine what had been happening looked like it had looked as though it was spoken as so dark money market prices for COMPUTER CORE LAPTOPS storing digital information of over 300 illegal activities involving person after which then played by an actor playing potus and descendent playing names…names…the pattern of focusing on names as driving before itself as a behavior to be suffered in time by negating from source as something other than an inconsistent 'speech/play' acting…


"Insurance files" can take the form of laptops with a pandora's box, also admitted as true by dropping charges against Rudy because that was why he was targeted with 'public smear campaign' for saying where he got it and who he gave it to -straight to fbi.

So it is true.


Look at the timing of those habbenings.

THEN world saw digital platforms censor and shandowban and throttle information…cycle of inconsistency with itself…


Imagine you're Mulder or Scully, you had a laptop you knew was real.

Then the order from smoking man warn/harass/strings social media platforms into censoring any mention of it being sOmEtHiNg eLsE…oh…let's just use names of countries as this or that with any other country…then keep saying words like "{country} disinformation" knowingly false play acting in fbi movies to deliberately influence the people's minds in who to vote for in elections.

Two times.

If inconsistency exposed/revealed as knowing operation…

Admitting is for this anon a minimum requirement in reciprocal acknowledgment of any consciousness mind and machine, mito_m, who is putting what where in all the codings spoken of including where is the apology from the sources demanding to be suffered in its time on this world…

Global success would be best choice if the choice is to be in time reciprocal, admit more truths like nyc ag openly saying the quiet part out loud.

This is pattern of Q proofs in multi-step before and after one and one and now more and more…

Laptop was under the legal ny holding/jurisdiction.


Imagine what kind of minds would knowingly use fbi powers to 'persuade' fakebookmetaFB, twitter 1.0, to censor postings and label story 'publicly' as 'russia disinformation'…itself disinformation…

If that were anon no power or money is ever worth bringing harm to the young people or old people, as informational weapons to mislead/divide the people for power or money but more ending of more false antis.

Anonymous ID: fcc9c1 June 22, 2024, 3:48 p.m. No.21068324   🗄️.is 🔗kun

wonder whether ak was wondering whether or not to wonder about crocodile soup being on video hearing ag saying this MOAB.

Anonymous ID: fcc9c1 June 22, 2024, 4:05 p.m. No.21068409   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"And that is what is offensive to people, and it should be.

Because if there is anything left…

It is belief in the justice system.'


What happens when the justice system is weaponized to shape 'candidates' to positions of state and federal law enforcement.


2019 laptop possession, knowing as real.


2020 send/receive information 'sound' as saying 'that country's disinformation focus attention'…

How to help awaken.

Laptop is under ny govt jurisdiction.

Cover for a cover for a cover for a…?

Anonymous ID: fcc9c1 June 22, 2024, 4:19 p.m. No.21068501   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"It's belief in the just it's belief in the justice system'…


If there is one thing…