The fact that he isn’t ham blasted all day for this single incident just goes to show the people of the country have Zero Power
Why the fuck is this still allowed. I mean good god damn. What kind of people are in this country?
Americans are Jewish by nature.
Money. Politics. Religion. Sex. Shopping. Rich wealthy. Less labor.
According to this, why would people vote for Don? Because Joe inflation makes the rich more wealthy?
Kek. So says the revolution.
Inflation makes homes worth more. Labor worth more, products cost more making more profits. Why would wealthy people which include the majority of Americans vote to lower this?
Aaaaand you’re filtered for being annoyingly stupid.
Da fuq
You’re Christian I can tell you that
Yeah that’s what I thought. Mad masturbator.
No tax on tips? No income tax period.
Kek. Fucking half Chan low life. Worse than a nigger. Just a loser who can’t even win the battle in your own head. Afraid to fight yourself. Fuckin fagg
You can’t crash fake money.
True. The post office for example had to work all throughout the “pandemic” all the shopping from home and what not. Their contract expired and not a peep on the news. No wage increase nothing. They have been fighting from what I heard.
It’s all over the USA. Any day of the week in the middle of the day countless people just off work spending money out and about. It’s weird.
Maybe they do that because they have faith in the dollar crashing and all debt just wiped away and they just get to keep it all.
Congress, Courts, and Banks are the pillars of Corruption in America Today.