>the Global Elite control the financial industry
Yea, BUT…
can AI do stock trading? Against the 80% owned by blackrock/vanguard etc?
Whatif AI could setup "gamestop" & short everything against them? That would be a game worth watching?
>the Global Elite control the financial industry
Yea, BUT…
can AI do stock trading? Against the 80% owned by blackrock/vanguard etc?
Whatif AI could setup "gamestop" & short everything against them? That would be a game worth watching?
>here are no written questions on an IQ test, it's 100% pattern recognitio
piccies & memes? anon might have a crack then, otherwise i'd prob fail.
I passed the narsasistic one. Diagnosed and confirmed as a narsasistic a'hole. tested & confirmed by my ex's lawyer.
>this kind
ok then I got 100% before I ttried the ones on the bottom row. which would be open triangle & tin hat?
I must be 'mental retard' ask scool kids called me