various "mensa" sites have online tests that are fairly accurate i would say, but they all say that to get it really accurate you have to do it properly under supervision at location
there are no written questions on an IQ test, it's 100% pattern recognition, his test was probably the kind of "IQ test" they used to have on facebook "what country is this?"
this kind (pic rel)
>I've seen some that ask vocabulary questions.
welp, maybe? but that isn't IQ so it would be weird, but maybe that's how you do things across the pond, i wouldn't know
blessed day to you as well
? i'm probably misunderstanding you, but if i'm not:
bottom row is answers "which one of these 5 do you put where the question mark is?" it's examples to show (from before taking an online test) what to expect and how to answer it (with the marked ones being the correct ones)