Anonymous ID: 8b4fd9 June 23, 2024, 10:14 a.m. No.21071765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1769


QPost review for today:

Worth remembering.

What happens when 'racists' are running a supposed 'anti-racist' organization? - they show their true intention of genocide while using the tactic of projection and hidden in plain sight

Hatred? - We see

Violence? - We see

Destruction? - We see

Murder? - We see

Division pushed every election year [4 years]? - Every.Single.Day culminating up to preferred candidate

Why? - Hate, project their true selves onto us

Political advantage to one party over another? - Backed and multiplied by mockingbird media and media matters bots

What if [D]s never let go post civil war? - They never did, like Britain never let go of the Revolutionary war

What if they simply implemented a new form of control [ownership]? - KKK(if a=1 and k=11 then KKK=33)

Knowledge is power.

Take ownership of yourself [your life]. - Our Future


Because [your life] has been in their kill box before you were even born or posted here on 8chan or 8kun. The millions who never heard of this site lumbering towards a meat grinder for a geo-political slave world

Anonymous ID: 8b4fd9 June 23, 2024, 10:34 a.m. No.21071861   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Operation Mockingbird was a clandestine operation by the CIA in the mid-20th century that aimed to influence media for propaganda purposes. It involved recruiting journalists to spread CIA propaganda and gather intelligence. The Smith-Mundt Act, on the other hand, was originally designed to prevent the U.S. government from disseminating propaganda to domestic audiences, but it has undergone revisions over the years.


Theoretically, if Operation Mockingbird were still active and combined with the possible relaxation of restrictions under the Smith-Mundt Act, along with the widespread use of television cameras and skilled actors, it could potentially create a scenario where fictional or misleading news and narratives could be disseminated to manipulate or stress a populace. Here’s how this could hypothetically unfold:


  1. Manipulation of Media: Operation Mockingbird involved influencing mainstream media through journalists who were either directly employed by the CIA or were unwittingly spreading CIA-approved narratives. If such operations were still in place, it could influence the content and tone of news stories.


  1. Legal Framework (Smith-Mundt Act): Originally, the Smith-Mundt Act restricted the dissemination of propaganda to domestic audiences. However, revisions have loosened these restrictions, potentially allowing government-produced content to be more readily available within the United States. This could include narratives that align with government agendas, even if they are not entirely truthful.


  1. Visual and Theatrical Impact: With the widespread use of television cameras and skilled actors, visuals and narratives can be crafted to evoke specific emotional responses from the audience. This combination could amplify the impact of fictional or exaggerated stories meant to induce fear, anxiety, or stress among the populace.


  1. Social and Psychological Effects: If fictional or misleading news were systematically spread through mainstream media channels and supported by visual elements and credible-looking actors, it could erode public trust in the media and government institutions. This erosion could lead to heightened social tension, polarization, and anxiety among the population.


It’s important to note that while the theoretical possibility exists, there are significant ethical, legal, and practical barriers to such manipulative actions. Contemporary media landscapes involve multiple checks and balances, journalistic ethics, and independent scrutiny that make widespread manipulation on the scale of Operation Mockingbird less likely in democratic societies. However, vigilance against misinformation and propaganda remains crucial to maintaining informed public discourse and democratic processes.