Thanks for keeping the place running Jim. I know it's a bit late, but sorry for the crack a few years ago about making us all verify ourselves with our SSNs. I think I hit a nerve that time. My apologies.
The debate is what, Thursday? So why the attacks today? It seemed like a fairly slow day until it went sideways.
Maybe he'll get angry and have a meltdown about hunter. Or another 'sonofabitch' story. Or just blankly stare for ten minutes straight. Or fall down again. Crap himself. Ask for a kid to sniff. Tell us Beau died on DDay in Vietnam. I haven't been excited to see live TV in some time, but it's going to be one to remember, I think.
Yep. Like bush41 and Romney. Or hochul and the Rockefellers. And on and on.
My brain just noticed tomorrow is 6/24/24…. another form of 6/6/6… watch for shenanigans tomorrow. Eyes on.
Don't know, but the 21st and solstice time is prime time as well. Just a habit to be watchful at this point, I suppose.