Anonymous ID: 936b76 June 24, 2024, 7:44 a.m. No.21077616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7622


The inalienable rights enshrined in the First Amendment are a threat to the power and authority of the Religious hypocrites. They re-frame simple words protected by the first amendment as "violent attacks" to invoke pity and hide their criminal conduct behind altered bible texts. When the heat comes, they hide behind the doctrine of qualified immunity granted by their black robed junior gods.


The Republican Relidionists portend that Freedom of Religion equals Freedom for Religious Slave Plantation owners (think Bible college graduates serving in government) to keep their slaves in chains.


It's the Religionists spamming the board

It's the Religionists invoking Proto to silence criticism of Religion

It's the Religionists threatening to murder people for words that "offend their Religious Sensibilities".


Ignore the fucking retards who can't escape their self-made prisons. BLM, Jews, Catholics, Baptists…they all play the same un-American bullshit games.