Anonymous ID: ef9b3c June 24, 2024, 6:34 a.m. No.21077341   🗄️.is 🔗kun

KEK. He's just another stage prop in her show now. He has literally become her bitch; she wears the pants, he wears the skirt. That's not being pussy whipped, that's cucking dignity. Seeing that on the news this morning made my day and I actually and genuinely feel sorry for him now as the gut is telling me she's going to leave him a broken mess when the breakup inevitably happens.


They're glaringly not sharing an orbit with each other, he solely orbits her, blindly and willingly. That relationship is not going to last if it needs to be constantly given support from the media to remind everyone that they're still a couple. Looks like they've built theirs on a foundation of their popularity and potential influence rather than actual love; built on outside guidance and interference rather than between themselves, figuring out their own way along the way together.


Basically, their relationship is the equivalent of being auto-tuned, has seemed completely artificial since day one, and appears to be moar business arrangement than actual love. Those two are just moar fake shoved down people's throats, and people are getting tired of the fake.

Anonymous ID: ef9b3c June 24, 2024, 7:24 a.m. No.21077552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7558

FakeShift is stinking up the place again trying to make it all about him, trying to be the sole center of attention. Displaying the very character flaws that were projected onto someone else for close to a year. I'm sure that is just a random coincidence and no connection at all to the attacks they dished out for a year after the MuhJoo global was added to the bread and they got pissy over the taunting Anons were giving them.

Anonymous ID: ef9b3c June 24, 2024, 7:31 a.m. No.21077572   🗄️.is 🔗kun


One day maybe. I'm not too bad with words, it's just a matter of getting everything in a coherent order for a book, and that's the difficult part on this end. I tend to be non-linear and jump around a lot in conversations IRL. It's actually easier to communicate with just text for me.