Anonymous ID: a44856 June 24, 2024, 8:49 a.m. No.21077873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7883 >>7892 >>7903 >>7941 >>8074 >>8276 >>8291 >>8425 >>8488 >>8561 >>8572

The Powers That Be wanted to enslave humanity. Instead, they caused a Great Awakening



Yesterday, Neil Oliver – a Scottish broadcaster who hosts the podcast Neil Oliver’s Love Letter to the World and The Neil Oliver Show on GB News – joined Tucker Carlson to discuss how banks took over empires, and the truth about World War II, Brexit and covid.


“They have exposed themselves,” Oliver said. “They’ve gone galloping towards the finishing line too early, in the wrong way, and too many people have seen it.”


Whoopsie. The Powers That Be wanted to enslave humanity. Instead, they caused a Great Awakening. It seems that they “fumbled the ball” when they pushed too hard and gave the people nothing in return.


Neil Oliver, a prominent Scottish broadcaster, explained this to Tucker Carlson brilliantly. Now, the overreach of the covid era has sparked widespread scepticism about various subjects, including:


Central bank digital currencies (“CBDCs”)

Digital IDs

15-minute cities

The prevailing climate change narrative

Anti-meat messaging

Conventional medicine

All vaccines

The integrity of the electoral process itself

“I think that in the final moves towards this kind of neo-feudalism, they have exposed themselves. They’ve gone galloping towards the finishing line too early, in the wrong way, and too many people have seen it,” Oliver said.

Anonymous ID: a44856 June 24, 2024, 11:15 a.m. No.21078447   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I've been here a long time…and over that time I have been exposed to all kinds of theories.


The way I have dealt with with them is to kind of assign a probability of them being true based on my current understanding… And then focus primarily on those areas I feel have a good probability of being true.


For example:


Time Travel = Low probability


Alien life playing a major role in events =Low probability


Current NWO are descended from ancient Khazarians who were/are Satanic =Medium High Probability


Additionally I've come to embrace the "Remain Fluid In Your Beliefs" mantra encouraged here….


So…I've heard people talk about ancient civilizations throughout the globe that seem to be connected in their architecture…


Came across the attached vid…and don't know how this fits or has any relevance to what's going on today…


Thoughts others might find it interesting.