Anonymous ID: c50a70 June 24, 2024, 10:08 a.m. No.21078156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8196

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna introduced two immigration bills to tackle fake migrant and child trafficking at the southern border while increasing penalties for employers hiring ineligible workers.

“Today, Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna (FL-13) introduced a legislative package that aims to combat child trafficking and the hiring of illegal migrants in our country,” Luna said in a press release Friday.

The first bill, the Family Reunification Act, will mandate rapid DNA testing for all families detained at the U.S.-Mexico border.

It also seeks to verify familial relationships and stop child trafficking. The policy was initially enacted by President Donald Trump but discontinued under Joe Biden.

“DNA rapid testing works, and it’s time to bring it back for every ‘family’ crossing the border,” Luna 1805012579267551362 on X.

“Until that happens, the U.S. government is complicit in trafficking. Under Joe Biden’s watch, over 85,000 children have gone missing. We need accountability.”

Anonymous ID: c50a70 June 24, 2024, 10:20 a.m. No.21078194   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8276 >>8291 >>8425 >>8488 >>8561 >>8572

(Headline USA) Perhaps the biggest setback to the first Trump administration was not anything inherently flawed in Republican President Donald Trump’s leadership but the sheer bulk of disloyal individuals embedded within the Washington, D.C., bureaucracy, who were eager to undermine him at every level with little or no accountability.

In a normal workplace, these employees would be fired for insubordination. In the most extreme of circumstances they would be charged with sedition against the government and punished accordingly, with execution not outside the range of possibilities.

Instead, many of these conspirators—some of them dedicated socialists—were celebrated for their efforts by the Trump-Deranged media and the Democrat leaders who egged them on. But the day of reckoning may arrive with a second Trump term that offers the benefit of hindsight, having rooted them out while their guard was down.

From his home office in small-town Kentucky, a seasoned political operative is quietly investigating scores of federal employees suspected of being hostile to Trump’s policies, an effort that dovetails with broader conservative preparations for a new White House.

Tom Jones and his American Accountability Foundation are digging into the backgrounds, social media posts and commentary of key high-ranking government employees, starting with the Department of Homeland Security, where one top official was recently found to harbor Hamas sympathies.

They’re relying in part on tips from his network of conservative contacts, including workers, and are preparing to publish the findings online.

With a $100,000 grant from the influential Heritage Foundation, the goal is to post 100 names of government workers to a website this summer to show a potential new administration who might be standing in the way of a second-term Trump agenda—and ripe for scrutiny, reclassifications, reassignments or firings.

“We need to understand who these people are and what they do,” said Jones, a former Capitol Hill aide to Republican senators.

Anonymous ID: c50a70 June 24, 2024, 10:24 a.m. No.21078208   🗄️.is 🔗kun