Anonymous ID: d04fdc June 24, 2024, 9:57 a.m. No.21078107   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8222 >>8255 >>8425 >>8488 >>8561 >>8572

Fmr U.S. Ambassador David M. Friedman Demands Americans be Imprisoned for 'Antisemitism'


David M Friedman, former Trump-appointed US Ambassador to Israel, threw a fit Monday on X demanding Americans be imprisoned en masse for "antisemitism."


Friedman said that President Biden or "whoever tells [him] what to do" needs to "get tough on Jew-hatred" and suggested they launch a "federal" effort to "arrest and prosecute" anti-Semites for "hate crimes."


Not doing so will lead to the end of the American Empire, Friedman argued.


Of course, Americans have been rounded up en masse for talking part in pro-Palestine protests throughout the country – without any regard for the First Amendment.


"More than 2,950 people have been arrested at pro-Palestinian protests on at least 61 college campuses across the U.S. in recent weeks," Axios reported on May 10.


The Washington Post reported last month that over a dozen Jewish billionaires working secretly in concert with the Israeli government were part of a private WhatsApp group chat which conspired to push New York City Mayor Eric Adams to launch said crackdown on pro-Palestine protests at Columbia University.


Current US antisemitism czar Deborah Lipstadt scolded the Post last week for "fostering antisemitism" through their factual reporting on the leak.


*Washington Post Article:


The Post's report revealed how many of the most prominent Jewish billionaires and multimillionaires in America worked together in secret to advance Israeli interests on multiple fronts, suppress Americans' free speech rights, reward politicians who do their bidding with donations and hide their connections with the Israeli government.


"The chat was initiated by a staffer for billionaire and real estate magnate Barry Sternlicht" and members of the group ranged from "Kind snack company founder Daniel Lubetzky, hedge fund manager Daniel Loeb, billionaire Len Blavatnik and real estate investor Joseph Sitt" to "Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, Dell founder and CEO Michael Dell, hedge fund manager Bill Ackman and Joshua Kushner, founder of Thrive Capital and brother of Jared Kushner, former president Donald Trump's son-in-law," the Post reported.


Lipstadt told the Post's associate editor Jonathan Capehart that the notion that Jews control various aspects of our society is not just a "conspiracy theory" but a "conspiracy myth."


"I don't want to suggest that there's any truth to this myth of Jewish control, of all sorts of power, power in all sorts of areas of the society," Lipstadt said.


The only reason more Americans haven't been jailed for their speech as Friedman and other Zionists are demanding is because we still have a First Amendment (or at least some shreds of it).



Anonymous ID: d04fdc June 24, 2024, 10:26 a.m. No.21078216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8425 >>8488 >>8561 >>8572


Maybe this is why EV Sales are tanking:

How Long Does It Take To Charge A Tesla?


Tesla Supercharger (DC Fast Charging)*

Superchargers can provide an impressive amount of power, with most stations capable of recharging up to 200 miles of range in just about 15 minutes, depending on the charge rate.


At a Tesla Supercharger station, the Model S can be charged in about 30 minutes, making it the fastest option available.


*(Side Note: Assuming the Supercharger Station's Copper Cables haven't been CUT and STOLEN by thieves.)



Tesla Model S Charging Time

Using the basic Level 1 NEMA 5-15 charger (120V outlet), the Tesla Model S gains about 3 miles of range per hour. This is the slowest method.


The Level 2 NEMA 14-50 charger (240V outlet) can fully charge the Model S in approximately17 to 18 hours.

Using a Tesla Wall Connector reduces this time significantly, taking about9 hours for a full charge.


Tesla Model X Charging Time


With the Level 1 NEMA 5-15 charger, the Model X also adds about 3 miles of range per hour.


Using the Level 2 NEMA 14-50 charger, it takes around18 hours for a full charge.The Telsa Wall Connector can charge the Model X in about 8 to 8.5 hours, but supercharging the Model X can take between 25 and 30 minutes for a full charge , depending on battery level and temperature.



Anonymous ID: d04fdc June 24, 2024, 11:05 a.m. No.21078383   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8488 >>8561 >>8572

Jewish voters overwhelmingly prefer Biden as US Democratic nominee, poll finds


Times of Israel

JTA — Jewish voters overwhelmingly favor former US Vice President Joe Biden over Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont as the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee, a new poll has found.



Anonymous ID: d04fdc June 24, 2024, 11:10 a.m. No.21078416   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ashkenazi JEW Genetic Testing


by Chani Wiesman, MS, CGC


Until a few weeks ago, the cost of Ashkenazi Jewish carrier screening could be as much as $4,000 – $6,000. I’ve even had a patient call me saying that the lab she reached out to quoted her a price of $9,000!


In the past, the Program for Jewish Genetic Health has used philanthropic funding to enable us to offer prenatal or preconception Ashkenazi Jewish genetic screening to individuals whose insurance wouldn’t cover it or who would be unable to afford the testing.

Philanthropic funds are used to cover 2 additional tests which are not offered by this lab, to ensure that our patients are screened for the most extensive panel of Ashkenazi Jewish genetic diseases out there.


To make an appointment with us for Ashkenazi Jewish carrier screening, visit the “Genetic Testing” portion of our website.



Anonymous ID: d04fdc June 24, 2024, 11:15 a.m. No.21078442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8455

Sephardic JEW Genetic Testing Now Available


For years, when we got inquiries from Sephardi or Mizrahi patients about preconception genetic testing, we would respond that there is currently no testing panel as there is for our Ashkenazi patients. And we would feel bad about that because we know that, like in many other ethnicities, there are genetic diseases which are common in Sephardi and Mizrahi populations too.


When we hosted a genetic testing event at Yeshiva University in 2013, our flyer included a call-out to the Sephardi students to contact us privately and not to register for the event.


Since the genetics for Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews differ by country of origin (and there many countries with Jews), genetics labs never really made it a priority to develop testing panels. After all, why should they develop tests that a tiny number of people will actually need?

We started offering a new panel that was developed for Jews of all backgrounds.


This new panel is made of 96 diseases;48 of them are common in Ashkenazis, 38 in Sephardi/Mizrahis,and 10 overlap between the groups (it is a very large panel!).


Here are some of the things that we have been finding since we upgraded:*''Even though we have tripled the amount of diseases on our testing panel, the ‘classic’ Jewish diseases are still ‘classic.’" I would have thought that the more diseases we screen for, we would see a wider array of results, but we have been seeing that those diseases that have been on the panel since the beginning (the common ones, like Tay Sachs and Gaucher) are still the ones that we have been picking up most often.


  • People think they know what their ancestry is, but are surprised to find out they may be more mixed than they thought. A patient of ours could have sworn he was 100% Ashkenazi, but he came back as carrier for a disease that is common in Yemenite Jews. When he asked his grandmother if there was something he didn’t know, he learned that he had some North African ancestors!


*We have  had a Jewish history lesson for our genetic counselors helping them understand the '''different migrations of Jews over the course of history, and how ‘ASHKENAZI’, ‘Sephardi’, and ‘Mizrahi’ JEWS came to be.


*The bottom line is that carrier screening is recommended before contemplating a pregnancy for anyone that is at least¼ Jewish.

It doesn’t make a difference if one has mixed ancestry, if he/she knows that a relative tested negative in the past, or if he/she chooses to affiliate with a movement within Judaism.


*Our genes do not choose to be transmitted only to the “more Jewish” people.



Anonymous ID: d04fdc June 24, 2024, 11:32 a.m. No.21078529   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Khazarian Mafia owned MSM and our Education System and most of the powerful Federal Agencies have brainwashed the Sheeple in their Satanic Inversion.


Russia was our Ally in both WWI and WWII.


Guess who attacked America and killed Americans?




9-11 A Burnt Offering Holocaust of 2,977 Americans

(Who was cheering and dancing all the way back to Tel Aviv?)






It's a continued Genocide of Christians by the SANHEDRIN/CHABAD/TALMUDIC/JEWISH KABAL.

Anonymous ID: d04fdc June 24, 2024, 11:36 a.m. No.21078547   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The same number of "Russian bots" who voted for President Trump in 2016 and 2020.


Saul Alinsky Tactic 333 - Dehumanize American Patriots.

If you don't bend the knee to the RICO Jewish Mafia Cartel.


i.e. You can't possibly be American

You're not even a Human Being

Anonymous ID: d04fdc June 24, 2024, 11:52 a.m. No.21078624   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Israel is moving their IOF troops out of Gaza because after 9 months of bombing Palestinian apartment buildings and hospitals they can't defeat Hamas.


Israel has been fleecing the US for hundreds of

$$$Billions of Dollars since 1948.


Hamas has old AKs and shoulder fired RPG. They have NO Air Force, NO Tanks, NO Armoured Vehicles, NO Electricity, NO Satellite Surveillance, NO Trucks - yet Hamas is kicking the IDF Soldiers' asses.


Israel, with US supplied 2,000 bombs have bombed nearly stationary building in Gaza.

Israel is good at shooting toddlers and Moms.


Now, Netanyahoo/Mileikowsky is starting a big assault on Lebanon - knowing that Hezbollah has 10x the firepower of the Hamas fighters - the purpose is to make Hezbollah respond bigly - so as to get the US to send American soldiers to fight Lebanon to benefit Israel.


American soldiers to get their limbs blown off or to DIE For ISRAEL.

American Gentiles to DIE for Jews.