Anonymous ID: 18682e June 24, 2024, 11:49 a.m. No.21078607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8891 >>9253 >>9370 >>9380

Two-Tier Justice: Boeing May Evade Criminal Charges Over 2018, 2019 Crashes as Biden’s DOJ Claims Prosecuting the Company is Legally Risky


The DOJ is now set to decide by July 7 whether to prosecute Boeing or not, according to New York Times.


However, senior department officials appear to have already concluded that prosecuting the company would be too “legally risky.”


“Officials see the appointment of an independent watchdog as a quicker, more efficient way to ensure that the troubled company improves safety, manufacturing and quality control procedures,” the Times reported.


The DOJ’s potential decision not only undermines the rule of law but also sends a message to other corporations that they can evade justice if they are big enough and powerful enough.

Anonymous ID: 18682e June 24, 2024, noon No.21078661   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8769 >>8891 >>9253 >>9370 >>9380

SCOTLAND – Huge explosion and plumes of toxic gas over Glasgow as a battery recycling factory burns out of control.


Here are the facts regarding the incident at the battery recycling plant near Glasgow:


Location and Incident Details:

A massive fire broke out at WEEE Solutions Ltd, a specialist waste electrical and battery recycling treatment facility at Burnbrae Road in Linwood Industrial Estate near Glasgow.

Eyewitnesses reported hearing loud explosions and a chemical smell.

The thick, black smoke plume could be seen for miles across Glasgow and beyond.

Emergency services were called to the scene shortly after 9:00 PM on Sunday.

Response Measures:

Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) officers are on-site.

People in the area were advised to remain indoors, keep windows and doors closed, and avoid the affected area.

Glasgow Airport reported no flight disruptions but monitored the situation.

Casualties and Investigation:

As of 5:39 AM, no casualties were reported.

The cause of the fire will be subject to an immediate and thorough investigation by waste management company Enva, which operates WEEE Solutions.

Anonymous ID: 18682e June 24, 2024, 12:03 p.m. No.21078669   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8706

New Legal Powers for Settlers Facilitate West Bank Annexation


Tel Aviv’s finance chief Smotrich favors ethnic cleansing and annexation of the West Bank as well as Gaza


The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) quietly issued an order which transfers substantial legal powers over the occupied West Bank to Settlements Administration bureaucrats working under Israel’s extremist minister Bezalel Smotrich, The Guardian reports. This paves the way for annexation of the territory, illegally occupied since 1967, where millions of Palestinian Muslims and Christians live. This objective, which will eliminate the potential for a two-state solution, has been long sought by Smotrich and other far-right elements in Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling coalition.


Posted on the IDF’s website on May 29, the new order shifts responsibility for dozens of bylaws at the West Bank’s Civil Administration from the IDF to civilians working for Smotrich at the Defense Ministry, facilitating the expansion of Jewish-only colonies.


Critically, Finance Minister Smotrich also holds a position in the Defense Ministry in which he serves as de facto governor of the occupied territory, allowing him to expropriate land and expand settlement construction. He and his ultra-Orthodox settler allies aim to achieve command of the heretofore IDF-run Civil Administration, or large parts of it, as a means of gaining Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank.


Since Smotrich took his position leading the Settlements Administration last February, Israel has set records for illegal settlement construction. As Al Jazeera notes, “responsibility for monitoring illegal construction in the occupied West Bank came under Smotrich. Meaning that illegal settlement or outpost construction would be ignored and eventually approved, while Palestinian construction would be subject to intense scrutiny over permits, and often demolished.”


Smotrich – himself a resident of the West Bank settlement of Kedumim – has thus far green-lit the legalization of previously unauthorized outposts, approved the building of thousands of new illegal settlement homes, and further impeded the ability of Palestinians to travel or build their own homes.


The Civil Administration mainly oversees planning and construction in Area C of the West Bank, which comprises 60% of the territory and is under full Israeli security and administrative control. This transfer of powers will cover the management of, among other things, building regulations, administration of agriculture, bathing locations, parks, and forestry. Last year, Smotrich vowed he would seek authority to demolish Palestinian residences in Areas A and B, where the Palestinian Authority maintains civil control, using a national security pretext.


According to The Guardian, Smotrich and his allies ultimately desire “direct control by [the] central government and its ministries. The transfer reduces the likelihood of legal checks on settlement expansion and development.”


Last month, as the IDF and settlers escalated their attacks on Palestinians living in the territory, Smotrich threatened Palestinians in the West Bank that they could be subjected to the kinds of mass slaughter ongoing in the besieged Gaza Strip.


“We will turn you into ruins like in the Gaza Strip,” he boasted. Since the war began, more than 550 Palestinians – including at least 137 children – have been killed in the West Bank by settlers and the IDF. Smotrich supports ethnically cleansing, annexing, and re-settling the Gaza Strip as well.


Israeli human rights lawyer Michael Sfard explains “The bottom line is that [for] anyone who thought the question of annexation was foggy, this order should end any doubts. What this order does is transfers vast areas of administrative power from the military commander to Israeli civilians working for the government.”


The finance head acknowledged the need to circumvent international criticism. Therefore, the Defense Ministry will still ostensibly be involved in the process, he said. However, Smotrich added, “we created a separate civilian system.. So that they won’t say that we are doing annexation here.” He also made clear, Netanyahu is “with us full-on.”

Anonymous ID: 18682e June 24, 2024, 12:04 p.m. No.21078676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8682

IDF Kills Over 100 Palestinians in Weekend Strikes Across Gaza Strip


The Israeli military is working toward a complete capture of Rafah, while attacking International Red Cross and UN humanitarian sites throughout Gaza


Tel Aviv carried out several attacks across the Gaza Strip this weekend. On Saturday, Gaza’s Health Ministry said more than 100 Palestinians were killed, along with 169 others wounded, in 24 hours amid various strikes. This was the deadliest day in the Strip since the June 8 massacre on the Nuseirat refugee camp, which slaughtered at least 274 Palestinians and wounded hundreds more. A UN facility was hit on Sunday, killing at least four people.


On Friday, the IDF bombarded areas in southern Gaza near the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) base at the al-Mawasi camp, a location Tel Aviv claimed was a safe zone for displaced Palestinians following its invasion of Rafah. Palestinian officials say two Israeli strikes killed a minimum of 25 people and wounded 50 others, the Associated Press reported. The victims were among hundreds of Palestinians sheltering in tents outside the ICRC office.


Witnesses whose family members were slaughtered in the bombing told AP that the IDF fired a second volley that killed people making their way out of their tents. The ICRC denounced the mass killing at the camp and noted the warring parties were aware of the location of its humanitarian office, which was also struck during the attack.


“Firing so dangerously close to humanitarian structures, of whose locations the parties to the conflict are aware and which are clearly marked with Red Cross emblems, puts the lives of civilians and Red Cross staff at risk,” an ICRC statement reads. It added, “The strike damaged the structure of the ICRC office, which is surrounded by hundreds of displaced civilians living in tents, including many of our Palestinian colleagues.”


A day later, Al Jazeera documented further assaults on the al-Mawasi camp with Tareq Abu Azzoum, one of the outlet’s correspondents on the ground, reporting “Witnesses said Israeli tanks carried out a sudden and unexpected incursion in al-Mawasi, launching a number of artillery shells towards the evacuation centers and makeshift tents… The entire area of al-Mawasi is an evacuation center. It’s a very tiny strip of land where more than 100,000 Palestinians have been taking refuge. It’s the place where field hospitals have been established and it’s a center for humanitarian organizations.”


In northern Gaza, on Saturday, at least 43 more Palestinians were murdered by Israeli attacks on the Shati refugee camp as well as Gaza City’s Tuffah neighborhood. Abu Azzoum said a residential area in the Shati refugee camp was targeted, another location where displaced Palestinians from the north were told they could seek refuge.


“Rescuers with the help of civilians are trying to sift through the rubble to find survivors… The casualties arriving at Al-Aqsa hospital are surging,” he said. The head of Gaza’s Government Media Office told the outlet that, in Shati, 24 people were killed in 7 homes. Gaza’s Civil Defense reported recovering 19 bodies from Tuffah.

Anonymous ID: 18682e June 24, 2024, 12:16 p.m. No.21078721   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8726

US Senator Lindsey Graham: Iran must be liable for any major Hezbollah attack on Israel - interview


In an interview with "The Post" Graham said that he plans to submit a congressional resolution next week, holding Iran responsible if Hezbollah launches an all-out attack against Israel.


“I will be introducing a resolution when I get back to the Senate next week…basically saying that a major attack against Israel launched by Hezbollah that could overwhelm Iron Dome or destroy the State of Israel would be considered an attack by Iran against Israel.


“I think it’s very important that we’re crystal clear to the world that if Hezbollah escalates and goes against Israel, the target [for retaliation] will not just be Beirut; it will be Tehran. I am telling my Senate colleagues that they should be thinking that way,” Graham said.

Anonymous ID: 18682e June 24, 2024, 12:18 p.m. No.21078725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8762 >>8846 >>8867 >>8891 >>9253 >>9370 >>9380

Uri Geller: Aliens built the Jerusalem Temple, may help Israel during war


Israeli mystifier and entertainer Uri Geller claims that aliens built monuments like Stonehenge and the biblical Temple in Jerusalem, and reaffirms the benevolent nature of these aliens.


Uri Geller: Aliens built the Jerusalem Temple, may help Israel during war

Israeli mystifier and entertainer Uri Geller claims that aliens built monuments like Stonehenge and the biblical Temple in Jerusalem, and reaffirms the benevolent nature of these aliens.


Though the monument is shrouded in mystery, many people believe that Stonehenge was constructed by or with the help of aliens. While modern experts disagree with these claims, many people still believe them—including Geller.


"I believe Stonehenge was built by aliens or with the help of aliens, who used advanced technology to help us," the Israeli spoon-bender told The Jerusalem Post. He added his belief that Stonehenge's purpose was to create a model of the Solar System and serve as an alien landing pad.

Anonymous ID: 18682e June 24, 2024, 12:23 p.m. No.21078753   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8891 >>9253 >>9370 >>9380



Documents on the crimes and acquittal of Erich Gustav Scharfetter, the Nazi mass murderer sentenced to 18 life terms and pardoned by Ursula von der Leyen’s father, have been published in Russia for the first time. Expert of the Russian Military Historical Society, head of the project “Digital History” Egor Yakovlev together with a group of researchers found and translated documents of the investigation of the case of Nazi criminal Erich Gustav Scharfetter, who was sentenced on February 1, 1980, by the Land Court of the city of Stade to 18 life terms for 18 murders committed in a concentration camp in the occupied territory of the USSR.


On February 1, 1980, the Land Court of Stade sentenced Nazi criminal Erich Gustav Scharfetter to 18 life terms for 18 murders committed in a concentration camp in the occupied territory of the USSR. Ten years later, in February 1990, Minister-President of the state of Lower Saxony Ernst Albrecht (CDU), father of the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen (CDU, in 1976-1999 headed the state government of Lower Saxony), pardoned him due to his hoary age and deteriorating health. Scharfetter was set free on March 30, 1990. He died in 1998 at the age of 90.


Erich Gustav Scharfetter was born in Danzig on May 27, 1908. After school, he tried his hand at various jobs, joined the NSDAP (from February 1931) and the general SS (from November 1933). In July 1939 he was drafted into the Waffen-SS, where he received military and sanitary training. He participated in the Polish campaign, then served in various SS units as a sanitarian, receiving additional training in disease and epidemic control.


In the fall of 1943, Scharfetter was sent to occupied Estonia to the branches of the Vaivara concentration camp – Ereda, Kuremäe, Joehvi – where he committed his crimes, for which he stood trial decades later. These camps were established as part of the liquidation of ghettos in the Baltic States and Belarus. The commander of the Vaivara concentration camp complexes was SS Hauptsturmführer Aumeier (executed in Poland in 1948); the medical section was under the responsibility of the first camp doctor, SS Obersturmführer Franz von Bodmann. Outside security was provided by Estonian police battalions, and internal order was maintained by kapo prisoners. The German staff was small, and the main part of employees were collaborators.


After being evacuated from Estonia due to the approach of the Red Army, Scharfetter served in the Stutthof concentration camp, a branch of Troli. There he injured his leg and from the fall of 1944 he was in a military hospital. In the last months of the war he moved to Hamburg, where he stayed with his family. From 1956 he went to sea as a machinist’s mate on various vessels of the Hapag Company. After his wife wrote to him in November 1960 that the police were interested in them, Scharfetter disembarked from the Hamburg in Port Said and sought asylum in Egypt. In the following years he worked as a technician for an Egyptian state-owned company, but in November 1977 he decided to return to the FRG. He was arrested immediately upon arrival at Munich airport on the basis of a warrant issued by the Stade District Court. On December 13, 1978, the trial began.


The court dealt with the events in the camps of Kuremea (500-1000 prisoners), Joehvi (150 prisoners) and Ereda (up to 1000 prisoners). The first charge was the murder of a group of Jews in Kuremea. According to witnesses, in the winter of 1943-1944 (they had no calendar), Scharfetter arrived at the camp and requested a list of sick and incapacitated prisoners from the camp medic (who was also a local prisoner). Initially he planned to kill these people by injection, for which he prepared a syringe and drugs. With the help of camp commandant Engst, the prisoners on the list – there were 15-22 of them, witness accounts differ – were taken one by one into the barracks, where they were to receive a lethal injection.

Anonymous ID: 18682e June 24, 2024, 12:30 p.m. No.21078790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8829 >>8891 >>9181 >>9192 >>9253 >>9370 >>9380

Senator Warren: Democrats Want ‘A Pathway To Citizenship’ For All Illegal Aliens


Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said over the weekend that Democrats want a “pathway to citizenship” for the millions of illegal aliens that have entered the U.S.


Warren made the remarks during a Sunday ABC News interview on “This Week” with Martha Raddatz when pushed about President Joe Biden’s failure on immigration and border security.


“We need a pathway to citizenship for people who are here, for spouses, for dreamers, for essential workers, for people who serve in our military, for people who come to school here and want to help make this a stronger country,” she said.


Warren blamed Republicans for the crisis that Biden unleashed on the U.S. southern border when he came into office and reversed all of former President Donald Trump’s border policies.


Raddatz compared the number of illegal aliens that have entered the U.S. under Biden, which some estimates say is north of 10 million, to the 2 million who entered during Trump’s first term in office.


“What did the president do wrong?” Raddatz asked.


“No, this isn’t about what the president did wrong,” Warren claimed. “Remember, on the very first day that he was sworn into office, President Biden asked Congress both for the resources and for comprehensive immigration reform. The Republicans blocked it, blocked it, blocked it, blocked it.”


Raddatz fired back: “Donald Trump didn’t have that either, Senator. He didn’t have that either, and there were 2 million during his entire term.”


Raddatz also noted that voters overwhelmingly trust Trump more than Biden when it comes to immigration and securing the border.

Anonymous ID: 18682e June 24, 2024, 12:33 p.m. No.21078801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8891 >>8918 >>9253 >>9370 >>9380

Dr. Anthony Fauci STILL has a taxpayer-funded security detail after leaving his $480K-a-year government job… and is accused of trying to get 'sympathy' with death threat claims


Fauci has repeatedly brought up threats made to him and his family recently

Sen. Rand Paul says he is being overdramatic, pointing to his security detail


Anthony Fauci is still getting a taxpayer-funded security detail and SUV, despite retiring from his $480,000-a-year government job 18 months ago.


Now a top Republican has accused the former White House COVID advisor of trying to get 'sympathy' by claiming extremists want to kill him and he is the target of death threats.


During the publicity tour to promote his new book, 83-year-old Fauci recently said he is scared 'deep down, that there's a possibility that somebody's gonna kill me.'


But that is just a strategy to 'develop empathy and sympathy' and paint 'Republicans as creating this danger,' Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., told in an exclusive interview.


Dr. Fauci, who has an estimated $11 million net worth, is constantly surrounded by US Marshals whether he is at home or going to TV studios to film interviews.


Over the weekend he was spotted arriving back at his home in the Washington D.C. area in workout gear after getting out of a black government SUV.

Anonymous ID: 18682e June 24, 2024, 12:38 p.m. No.21078826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8891 >>9253 >>9370 >>9380

Human trafficking action week: 219 criminals arrested and 1 374 victims identified


EMPACT joint action days ‘GLOBAL CHAIN’ focused on cases of sexual exploitation, forced criminality and forced begging


Between 3 and 9 June, 39 countries from across the globe participated in the EMPACT joint action days against trafficking in human beings. Led by Austria and co-led by Romania, Europol, Frontex and INTERPOL, the massive operation codenamed ‘GLOBAL CHAIN’ resulted in the arrest of 219 persons and the identification of over 1374 victims, including 153 children. Aimed at disrupting high-risk criminal networks, the action week focused on cases of sexual exploitation, forced criminality and forced begging.


Building on the operation’s successful previous iterations, the proven multidisciplinary approach involved Europol, Frontex and INTERPOL along with police forces and border guards from several continents. This year, one aim was to identify and disrupt the most-threatening criminal networks active in the EU, such as mafia-type, ethnicity- and family-based organisations and other structured networks engaged in trafficking of human beings. Within the criminal phenomena of sexual exploitation, forced begging and forced criminality, law enforcement put a special emphasis on targeting cases involving children as victims.


Similar to actions carried out in the years prior, this large-scale and jointly-executed action aimed to encourage authorities to conduct targeted activities within their respective countries and collectively with each other for a week, but also to draw attention to this despicable crime. The results of these joint action days reached not only the authorities, but also many other external stakeholders who may have a part to play in reducing the number of victims of human trafficking.


Jean-Philippe Lecouffe, Deputy Executive Director of Europol, Operations Directorate, said:


Close and efficient cooperation between law enforcement and border protection authorities on an international level is key in targeting those who exploit the most vulnerable among us. The impressive results of this year’s EMPACT joint action days show that the despicable crime of human trafficking is best fought together. For this, I express my gratitude to all countries and partners that once again joined forces with Europol in this global endeavour to take down these criminal networks.


Lars Gerdes, Deputy Executive Director for Operations at Frontex, said:


Human trafficking is an abhorrent crime that preys on the vulnerable and undermines our shared values of human dignity and freedom. Detecting these crimes is incredibly challenging due to the frequent absence of victim testimonies, leading to a significant number of unreported cases. This is why our international cooperation with Europol, Interpol, Austria and over 39 countries worldwide is so crucial.


Richard Chambers, INTERPOL Director, Organized and Emerging Crime, said:


Operations such as GLOBAL CHAIN demonstrate that no country or continent is immune to trafficking and exploitation. Whether committed by family members or highly-organised crime groups, the impact on victims is devastating. As a global law enforcement community, we are committed to sharing the vital intelligence needed to bring all perpetrators to justice.


276 new investigations launched

Overall results of the EMPACT joint action days:


362 suspects identified;

219 perpetrators arrested;

1 374 (1 221 adults, 153 children) victims identified and assisted;

2 074 criminal assets such as cash or devices seized;

363 fraudulent documents detected;

over 276 new investigations initiated.

In addition to the fight against child trafficking and the most-threatening criminal networks, this international law enforcement effort saw several targeted focal points against the trafficking of human beings across the world. This included actions in Latin America, Asia, Africa as well as Eastern Partnership countries and Ukraine.


https://www.europol.europa .eu/media-press/newsroom/news/human-trafficking-action-week-219-criminals-arrested-and-1-374-victims-identified

Anonymous ID: 18682e June 24, 2024, 12:45 p.m. No.21078854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8873 >>8887 >>8891 >>9253 >>9370 >>9380

Major Study Confirms Covid Shots Cause Brain Damage


The researchers compared the rates of various new medical conditions in Covid mRNA-vaccinated versus unvaccinated groups over three months.


The study revealed that those who had received mRNA injections experienced the following:


• A 68% rise in depression


• A 44% surge in anxiety and related disorders


• A 93.4% increase in sleep disorders


• A staggering 138% jump in mild cognitive impairment


• A 23% rise in Alzheimer’s disease


Leading American critical care physician Dr. Pierre Kory warns that a growing number of patients are suffering from cognitive impairment after receiving the injections.


“In my practice of treating vaccine injuries, one of the three most common symptoms I see is brain fog,” Kory notes.


Broad-spectrum of non-serious adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination: A population-based cohort study in Seoul, South Korea


“So many of my patients had been in the prime of their lives, can now barely function, have significant cognitive impairment, and need a lot of help from our nurses to carry out their treatment plans.


“I never imagined I would see any of this in people far younger than me, and instead, I see it every day.


“I bear witness to an immense amount of suffering on a daily basis that is hard to put into words.”


This news comes after a separate new study has warned of a major spike in brain clots among the vaxxed.

Anonymous ID: 18682e June 24, 2024, 12:55 p.m. No.21078913   🗄️.is 🔗kun



He's cabal he knows Asteroids shower which NASA has been hiding will arrive.


This will be morphed into an Alien arrivals Bluebeam.


Then they will bring out the fallen angels in their meat suits created in Dumbs and claim they are here to stop the war.


But we must agree to their system of peace, aka luciferian doctrine.


Big hoax to trick everyone into the Noahide World Order

Anonymous ID: 18682e June 24, 2024, 1:01 p.m. No.21078942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8963 >>9055 >>9253 >>9335 >>9341 >>9370 >>9380

They Are Using Lab-Grown Human Brains That They Have Enslaved Called “Organoids” To Run Computers


Scientists at Final Spark are calling their hybrid computer “the Neuroplatform”, and it is being reported that it only uses “a fraction of the energy required to power a traditional set up”…


Swiss tech startup FinalSpark is now selling access to biocomputers that combine up to four tiny lab-grown human brains with silicon chips.


This new bioprocessing platform, called the Neuroplatform, uses small versions of human brains to do computer work instead of silicon chips. The company says it can fit 16 of these mini-brains onto the Neuroplatform and use a fraction of the energy required to power a traditional set up.


The platform, currently adopted by nine institutions, integrates hardware, software and biology to construct a processing system that is energy-efficient and high-performing.


This “breakthrough” is being hailed as a way to save a gigantic amount of energy.


But what about the lab-grown human brains that are being enslaved to run the Neuroplatform?


Each of the 16 mini-brains is made up of approximately 10,000 living neurons, and they are kept alive by a “microfluidics system that supplies water and nutrients for the cells”…


Rather than merely integrating biological concepts into computing, FinalSpark’s online platform ‘taps’ into spherical clusters of lab-grown human brain cells called organoids. A total of 16 organoids are housed within four arrays that connect to eight electrodes each and a microfluidics system that supplies water and nutrients for the cells.


The approach, known as wetware computing, in this case harnesses researchers’ abilities to culture organoids in the lab, a fairly new technology that allows scientists to study what are essentially mini replicas of individual organs.


During their short lives, the mini-brains are literally trained to perform certain tasks using a reward and punishment system…


Researchers do this by training the organoids through a reward system. The organoids are rewarded with dopamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for pleasure (and addiction).


Meanwhile, as “punishment,” the organoids are exposed to chaotic stimuli, such as irregular electrical activity.


If the enslaved mini-brains do what they are supposed to do, they are rewarded with lots of pleasure.

Anonymous ID: 18682e June 24, 2024, 1:14 p.m. No.21078994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9097 >>9147 >>9310

Boris Johnson pictured holding Ukrainian neo-Nazi banner (PHOTO)


The ex-UK prime minister touted the Azov brigade as “heroes” despite reports it has committed numerous war crimes


Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has joined fighters from Ukraine’s notorious neo-Nazi Azov unit to pose for a photo while holding a banner bearing a symbol associated with the Third Reich’s SS.


The controversy erupted on Wednesday when several members of the Azov brigade, widely known for its neo-Nazi ideology and outlawed in Russia, were greeted by British MPs as part of a roundtable discussion on the return of the unit’s prisoners of war in the UK Parliament.


Founded as a neo-Nazi militia in 2014, Azov was a key participant in the fighting in Donbass prior to the outbreak of full-blown hostilities in 2022. During this time it was accused by the UN and several human rights organizations of engaging in torture, rape, and looting. It was eventually integrated into Ukraine’s National Guard, and in 2023 was expanded to a brigade.


The event was chaired by MP Victoria Prentis, attorney general of England and Wales. Johnson also met with the Azov brigade fighters, touting them as “heroes” and urging the West to give Kiev more weapons and the authority to carry out strikes “outside their own borders,” including on Russian soil.


“We rely wholly on such heroes as the people who are here tonight with us, from the Azov brigade,” he added.

Anonymous ID: 18682e June 24, 2024, 1:18 p.m. No.21079019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9163 >>9253 >>9370 >>9380


Anonymous ID: 18682e June 24, 2024, 1:21 p.m. No.21079039   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9058



A group of scientists has warned that California’s use of geoengineering to fight “global warming” could likely have an impact on temperatures in Europe.

As Slay News has reported, scientists in California have been spraying the skies with aerosols in order to reflect sunlight away from the Earth’s surface.


The plan is supposedly aimed at tackling so-called “climate change” by cooling the Earth.


However, experts have been raising the alarm that such practices could have a devastating impact on the Earth’s natural climate.


Last month, Bill Gates-funded University of Washington researchers sprayed reflective aerosols into clouds over the ocean near San Francisco Bay.


The practice, called “marine cloud brightening,” allegedly aims to cool down the surface below and “reverse global warming.”


However, a peer-reviewed study published in the prestigious Nature Climate Change journal raises major concerns about the practice.


The researchers found that the experimental geoengineering methods may reduce heat exposure in the region significantly.


Alarmingly, though, they warn that the “same interventions under mid-century warming minimally reduce or even increase heat stress in the Western United States and across the world.”


The study team’s lead researcher, UC San Diego oceanographer Jessica Wan, told The Guardian:


“It shows that marine cloud brightening can be very effective for the US West Coast if done now, but it may be ineffective there in the future and could cause heatwaves in Europe.”


Interestingly, the geoengineering experiment was later shut down by San Francisco’s far-left officials.


City officials cited health concerns when shutting the green agenda program down.


The new study warns that the lack of regulation for experimental geoengineering projects could lead to such efforts severely backfiring across the world.


“The authors of the study said the findings were ‘scary’ because the world has few or no regulations in place to prevent regional applications of the technique, marine cloud brightening, which involves spraying reflective aerosols (usually in the form of sea salt or sea spray) into stratocumulus clouds over the ocean to reflect more solar radiation back into space,” The Guardian reports.


“Experts have said the paucity of controls means there is little to prevent individual countries, cities, companies, or even wealthy individuals from trying to modify their local climates, even if it is to the detriment of people living elsewhere, potentially leading to competition and conflict over interventions.

Anonymous ID: 18682e June 24, 2024, 2:05 p.m. No.21079260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9274 >>9277 >>9283 >>9370 >>9380

Princess Anne rushed to hospital after ‘incident’ on home estate


Buckingham Palace has announced Princess Anne has been rushed to hospital after an incident at her home Gatcombe Park estate.


Princess Anne is recuperating in the hospital after an "incident" at the Princess Royal's Gatcombe Park estate on Sunday evening.


Buckingham Palace disclosed in a statement on social media: "The Princess Royal has sustained minor injuries and concussion following an incident on the Gatcombe Park estate yesterday evening.


"Her Royal Highness remains in Southmead Hospital, Bristol, as a precautionary measure for observation and is expected to make a full and swift recovery.


"The King has been kept closely informed and joins the whole Royal Family in sending his fondest love and well-wishes to The Princess for a speedy recovery."


The cause of the injuries remains unknown, but it is understood they are consistent with impact from a horse’s head or legs.

Anonymous ID: 18682e June 24, 2024, 2:17 p.m. No.21079317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9370 >>9380

Hunter Biden Requests New Gun Trial After Jury Returns Guilty Verdict


Attorneys for Hunter Biden re-submitted a motion requesting a new criminal trial after the first son was found guilty on all charges related to his purchase of a firearm in 2018.


Biden’s defense attorney Abbe Lowell filed the motion Monday, arguing the federal court in Delaware lacked jurisdiction to go to trial earlier this month. The motion comes one week after Lowell filed a similar motion, but quickly withdrew it without explanation.


Biden was found guilty on June 11 of lying about his drug use when purchasing a firearm in 2018. Specifically, he was found guilty on three charges: making a false statement in the purchase of a gun, making a false statement related to information required to be kept by a federally licensed gun dealer, and possession of a gun by a person who is an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance.

Anonymous ID: 18682e June 24, 2024, 2:28 p.m. No.21079387   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden DHS Group Used Jan. 6 To Justify Supercharged Surveillance Of Trump Supporters: Court Docs


A Department of Homeland Security (DHS) 'Experts Group' that included deep state 'laptop letter' partisans James Clapper and John Brennan, advocated using Jan. 6 and the Mar-a-Lago raid to justify expanding surveillance of political dissent.


This latest bombshell comes from America First Legal, which is suing the Biden DHS along with former acting DNI Richard Grenell over the September 2023 formation of the "Homeland Intelligence Experts Group," which they have accused of violating the Federal Advisory Committee Act due to lack of balance and transparency.