Anonymous ID: d07074 June 24, 2024, 2:39 p.m. No.21079465   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Saw posted elsewhere that 'the guardian" is trotting this bitch out again, crying the 'antisemit' (spelled wrong on purpose) card, so in case it hasn't yet been posted here – POTUS was such a horrible hitler that this commie worked for him for 20 years; STAYED with him ALL those years despite having Trump Tower, ETC. on her resume by her MID-THIRTIES:


(barbra) Res started working in construction in 1971 and began to work for Donald Trump in a junior position during his first construction in Manhattan, the Grand Hyatt. Res joined the Trump Organization in 1980 and then worked for Trump over the course of eighteen years as a vice president, senior vice president, and executive vice president. Res was hired by Trump to lead construction on Trump Tower as Vice President in charge of construction when she was thirty-one years old, and helped build Trump Tower between 1980 and 1984. Res was the first woman to oversee a major NYC construction site, and worked with Trump on some of his biggest projects, including the renovation of New York's Plaza Hotel.


From this 2015 washCOMpost article, here's the gist of it:

Nor can Res,who also disagrees with her former boss’s political stance: From his antiabortion position to his opposition to the Affordable Care Act, “his policies, the things he says he believes in, are very anti-women.” “I’m voting for Hillary,” Res said.


11/24/15 Donald Trump, a champion of women? His female employees think so.

In this outtake photo (in link) from Savvy Woman magazine cover story in 1989, Donald Trump poses with members of his team, Blanche Sprague, left, Susan Heilbron, center, and Barbara Res. Bullets, as the article is laden with the usual Communist Playbook proppaganda:

-The picture many current and former employees paint stands in contrast to the blustering controversies prompted by Trump’s comments since he hit the campaign trail.

-Asked in an interview about his comments about Kelly and Fiorina, Trump said: “They can take care of themselves. They are capable of taking care of themselves.” He also insisted that he does not discriminate. “I treat men and women in a very similar fashion,” he said.

-Those who have worked for Trump say looks aren’t everything. He is more interested in hiring smart people, regardless of gender, they say, and that has led Trump for decades to rely on strong, assertive women both as gatekeepers and as advisers.

-Norma Foerderer, for instance, spent two decades as a personal assistant to Trump, advising him on everything “from what color tie to wear to whether or not he should purchase a building,” … Rhona Graff, Trump’s current assistant and a senior vice president, has been with him for more than 25 years.

muh feminazis' panties in a bunch:

“I don’t like the fact the worlds are merging,” said Ereka Vetrini, a TV host and lifestyle expert. … “(carly) Fiorina and (megyn) Kelly?” she said. “I can’t disregard those comments.”

Nor can Res, who also disagrees with her former boss’s (←nice fucking grammar, compost; boss IS?) political stance: From his antiabortion position to his opposition to the Affordable Care Act, “his policies, the things he says he believes in, are very anti-women.” “I’m voting for Hillary,” Res said.