I can't stop laughing at this meme Q+ retruthed, and at the fact Q+ retruthed it.
This might be the best shitpost yet.
I can't stop laughing at this meme Q+ retruthed, and at the fact Q+ retruthed it.
This might be the best shitpost yet.
Hate is not truth about a jewish cabal.
You muhjoo morons keep committing the same fallacy over and over again: the fallacy of composition.
It doesn't how matter how many bad white people you reference, or how many bad black people you reference, or how many bad jews you reference, it will never be "the whites" nor "the blacks" nor "the jews".
The false conflation is from you Marxist idiots, CONFLATING THE INDIVIDUAL WITH THE GROUP.
Why can't you morons criticize INDIVIDUALS BY NAME WITHOUT REFERENCE to a group predicate?
>Saul Alinsky Tactic 306 - Accuse others of being what you are yourself
Alinsky never wrote that in Rules for Radicals.
>I stand divided
No shit
Where is your outrage at the bad deeds done by non Jews?
When you accuse anon of projecting, you're in facr projecting your own projection, a projectionception where you're doing exactly what you're accusing "the jews" of doing, i.e. blanket condemnation of an entire people you have never met, based on group affiliation.
You're the one projecting.
Majority of NY jewish voters voting Trump
Shill cringier.