>where's are the plane fags when you need them?
Coverage anon, coverage.
ADS-B doesn't see much out over the Black Sea.
Rapidan Dam "Imminent Failure" 24 June 2024 MN
455K subscribers
>After nearly four years of working at media matters, I got laid off.
One must always consider the source. Needs further verification imo.
assuming a similar planet material density that would be like five times earth gravity?
it's that shit got (you) glued to your seat right now
That's it. Ignore the other image. kek
It's ok anon. You are not alone in your stupidity here on this board. Many will rush to your defense. Doesn't make any of you right, of course, but at least there is some comfort in the shared delusion. Pretty comfy I'd say. So enjoy. But count me out. Rah Rah RRN is not for me.
Are you trying to conjure it?
Learn how to be a good sport.
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth!
she looks wasted on something
In a world full of wokeness every unlawful transgression is a crime of passion.