Anonymous ID: ba79f8 July 10, 2018, 12:47 p.m. No.2108300   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8396 >>8402


how about sam walton's book? he purposely set out to destroy his competitors from the beginning. he brags about it. would buy bulk, cheap underwear at half the price of his competitors and still make a profit because the product was cheaply made with slave-like laborers. did it was all kinds of products. created one-stop shopping for this very reason…to shut-out individual small business. scorched earth. that's good for his pocket but bad for business and citizens as a whole. businesses he shut down had employees who lost jobs. if they went to his store for a job, he'd only offer them a fraction of what they were paid before. he's probably the most beastly businessman in american history. the devil himself.

Anonymous ID: ba79f8 July 10, 2018, 1:04 p.m. No.2108472   🗄️.is 🔗kun



he created nothing. took this and that from here and there then put it in a box and said 'look what i made'. deception. greed. nothing wrong with starting small and building strength and wealth for you and yours but a GOOD man would share with those who helped him create it as well as with those who benefit from it's creation. nope…not sam walton. fuck 'em all, take it all. it's a LIE that businesses are beholden ONLY to profit…a big fat fucking (((lie))). that's not how capitalism is supposed to work. when combined with freedom and democracy, capitalism is an extremely powerful economic model….which is why (((they))) had to constrain it. kill lincoln, kill mckinley, kill garfield, try to kill others, force an income tax, force the federal reserve…


shit… if those consraints hadn't been (((put))) in place america COULD have owned the world by 1950. but COULD have doesn't mean we WOULD have. when good, working systems work for good, they are a threat to evil…so they kill it.

Anonymous ID: ba79f8 July 10, 2018, 1:19 p.m. No.2108601   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8624 >>8799



look on ebay for vintage, made in usa stainless steel appliances…like percolators, toasters, and mixers. you'll find some that are 30, 40, 50 years old still in working condition. they are not cheap…and NOT because of any antique/art deco value. it's because they still fucking work and will continue to do so. we don't make appliances in this country anymore…not like we used to when we made everything. nope…we destroyed japan so we could rebuild it in a way that ended up hurting america. how/why? (((THEY))) knew the japanese culture…knew workers would put company above anything else. look at how it is today. just recently, a top japanese business exec had to publicly apologize and offer restitution for routinely taking lunch breaks lasting 15 minutes when workers are only allowed 7-10 minutes for lunch. that kind of 'patriotism' is a powerful tool that can be exploited to the detriment of everyone involved…which is what has happened. japanese now smoke and drink heavily, eat western diets, get no sleep, no exercise.. hell, (((we))) did the same thing in germany….raze it to the ground with tax dollars and american lives then rebuild it with american tax dollars. NO MORE. pic related.