Melania Tuesday. Good Morning.
Today, Vlad is going to release some of the most damning evidence of the USA's involvement in Ukrainian Bio Labs. OUR taxes are being sent there, laundered, and returned to the politicians that sent it over there to begin with. That's coming to an abrupt end today as well.
The world had to see just how Evil our leaders have become. Optics are needed or nothing would be believed. The message must be harsh, as the truth usually is harsh. Know you are with me. All of you here were called here.
Watch for an Earthquake in Ca. God works in very cool ways.
Vlad, you are being asked by me to release what you feel will have the biggest impact on the world's opinion. Show the world just how corrupt the Ukrainians have become off the USA's endless funding.. Show the world what bioweapons were being developed. Show the world how evil it is.