I wouldn't have one of those fucking things if someone gave it to me. And Detroit is skerd? No, they're not. They know that the overwhelming majority of the American people will continue to buy and drive their products. They have scaled way down on their EVs. Why? Cause they are not selling. People don't want to be forced to buy a shit product that has no infrastructure in place, can only go a limited amout of distance, takes a ridicules amount of time to recharge. Doesn't function in extreme weather conditions, hot or cold…………….on and on. 8 billion or our tax dollars for charging stations and only 7 or 8 have been installed? Where is that fucking money? Gone. That's where. Into the pockets of the grifting motherfuckers sucking the taxpayer dry on behalf of those fucking politicians who are receiving a perentage of that money back into their pockets. Total, fucking scam.
The premise of this entire shitshow is a sham and a fraud. There is no global warming. Climate has been changing since God made this rock appear. [Their] agenda is power, control and World Depopulation. Good Fucking Grief.