Anonymous ID: ee22b2 June 25, 2024, 8:02 a.m. No.21084067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4083 >>4092 >>4310 >>4741 >>4795 >>4836 >>4839

Florida Judge Begins Dismantling Governor DeSantis’ Secrecy Operation


June 23, 2024 | Sundance1/2

People will see…. it might take a little more time than I would prefer, but the truth will come out and people will see. A judge in Florida is starting to take apart the secrecy operation that Ron DeSantis and his DC Bush clan constructed during their block Trump operation.


DeSantis moved from Congress to the Florida Governor position in 2018; the intent was always to run for President in 2024 and take apart the Trump constructs returning the Republican apparatus to traditional corporate controls.Part of their lengthy approach was to import some of the Washington DC silo/secrecy functions and overlay them into Florida state politics.


Arguably, Florida had the strongest public record transparency laws in the country, known collectively as “the sunshine laws.” When importing the schemes of DC, in order to support the hidden DeSantis agenda, those sunshine laws were considered a problem. The DeSantis team began changing the rules, subverting laws and demanding support from legislation.


They changed the law so the ‘Top Gov’ could run for President without giving up his office in April 2023. The following month, May 2023, they pressured legislature to change the transparency law on travel. This change kept the governor and top aide’s travel arrangements (who pays, how, etc.) hidden from the public. They made this specific law change retroactive to hide all the Sea Island donors who gave DeSantis private jets to use, while the 2024 campaign was denying they were campaigning in 2022.


Now, a Florida judge is responding to a lawsuit whereDeSantis’ lawyers are admitting the governor’s chief-of-staff, James Uthmeier, was arranging/conducting the governor’s official office business on his private cellphone. The governor’s office is admitting personal cell phones were used and yet still rebuking the judge’s prior order to make the call logs public.

Leon County Circuit Judge Lee Marsh is not happy about this.


FLORIDA – […]“We ought to just put out word, ‘Let’s do all of our business on private, bring-your-own cellphones,” Marsh said. “Then we don’t need public records laws because there’ll be no public records, right?”


[…] On Tuesday, Marsh rubbed his eyes and held his head in his hands in apparent exasperation while debating Florida’s public records law with DeSantis’ lawyers.


Marsh noted the state’s definition of “public records” said nothing about data points or whether records needed to be on state property.It defines a public record as “any material, regardless of the physical form, characteristics, or means of transmission, made or received pursuant to law or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business by any agency.”


[…] Marsh said the way the administration communicated about the migrant flights “appears to be an end around Florida’s public record laws.”“This is supposed to be the open free state of Florida, where it’s transparency, and

this was done with, you know, Clarice Starling and private emails,” Marsh said.


This smacks of trying to not be open with the records.”


Marsh then questioned why Uthmeier, who described himself in an affidavit in the case as “the highest-ranking nonelected official in the State of Florida,” was using his personal phone for state calls. […]“Why is this individual using a private cellphone and thus avoiding public records?” Marsh asked.


“Your honor, I don’t have an answer for that,” Lunny said. (read more)


Now, you might say, ‘With everything going on in the world, why do these granular hindsight details matter right now? Why focus inside our camp?’ The answer is pretty simple….

Anonymous ID: ee22b2 June 25, 2024, 8:07 a.m. No.21084083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4092 >>4310 >>4545 >>4741 >>4795 >>4836 >>4839



Think about all the people, even the people reading this right now, that did not know/believe that Florida GovernorRon DeSantis was a con job. DeSantis was part of a lengthy andorganized Washington DC operation to eliminate the threat that Donald Trump represented.


Congressman Ron DeSantis, a completely controlled political agent from the corporate camp of the Bushes and the Sea Island team, was recruited to assist as Washington DC’s right-wing insurance policy…. with the intent to maintain or recover the UniParty operation. This GOP effort was a construct traceable all the way back to 2017, leading to the DeSantis’ shift to Florida governor in 2018. Yet, how many people had any idea?


How many people, throughout 2019 all the way to 2022/’23/’24, realized Ron DeSantis was a set-up by the main DC people who control politics, which included Intelligence Community support?


How many people deny theFlorida Dept of Law Enforcement (FDLE) escorted the FBI agents from the airport to Mar-a-Lago in August 2022, and thereforehad full operational knowledge of the FBI arrival and intents.


How many people cannot fathom the reality of how the FDLE escort indicates the office of Governor Ron DeSantis was fully aware of the pending FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago?


How many people have the capacity to look back honestly, with hindsight, and see the planning for the 5 days in the bunker, complete silence and invisibility from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, that immediately followed the FBI raid?


How many people will admit what that reality demonstrates?


How many people deny their intellectually honest understanding and accept thatgovernor’s schedules are planned months in advance… and those 5 days in the bunker were planned and organized with a purpose, that aligned with the schedule of the FBI coming out of Washington DC.

In essence, there was some form of coordination and communication with someone…. DC to Tallahassee, someone!


Immediately following his 5 days in the bunker, DeSantis launched an August/Sept, Oct national tour (example above) … that turned into a “book tour”… that included visits to big billionaire donors in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey and New York, in the months leading up to a FLORIDA election.


Why “campaign” nationally for a Florida election, and then deny you are campaigning nationally for a Florida election?


Can you see it?


Can you see why it is of value to accept what the Deep State does and yet so many people deny?


The example of Florida Governor Ron DeSantisshould be a reference pointfor everyone to accept just how manipulated, controlled, organized andweaponized the systems of our government are that deliver their illusion of choice. And how easy it is to fall for it.


Once the people of Florida realize the scale of the deception, manipulation and lies that have surrounded them…. lies that are now in part surfacing in the court case against thehiding schemes that DeSantis deployed…. then perhaps the Great Awakening will have a bigger context!


….There are trillions at stake!


Oh, and hey, the people who took the COVID-19 shots…. Well, they ain’t vaccinated either.

Anonymous ID: ee22b2 June 25, 2024, 9:03 a.m. No.21084326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4332 >>4741 >>4795 >>4836 >>4839

One Killed, One Seriously Injured – Hungarian President Viktor Orban Motorcade Crash in Germany


June 25, 2024 | Sundance |

Hungarian President Viktor Orban is not liked by NATO and Western leaders for his opposition to the war in Ukraine. Hungary just took over as rotating lead of presidency of the EU. Germany is the largest nation in the EU and vehemently opposed to the Orban peace initiative.


President Orban was traveling to the airport in Germany, when suddenly a car made an unexpected turn into his motorcade. One motorcycle officer was killed, another seriously injured. Viktor Orban is unharmed.Samantha Power and William Burns shout, “VERDAMMT!”


GERMANY – […] The crash took place at around 11.15am in the district of Degerloch in Stuttgart, Germany, when the Hungarian leader was being escorted to the airport.


[…] The Stuttgart traffic police motorcycle squad were escorting the Hungarian president to Stuttgart Airport on Löffelstrasse.


However, a woman, 69, driving a BMW reportedly drove through an intersection that had been closed off by the police for Orban’s convoy at Albplatz.


She is understood to have turned left at the Rubensstrasse intersection and hit the motorcycle of a 61-year-old male officer who was accompanying Orban’s car.


Due to the force of the impact, the police vehicle was thrown onto the motorcycle of a 27-year-old colleague who had used his motor to block the intersection for traffic.


Both police officers were seriously injured in the collision and were rushed to hospital, reports Bild.


But despite the best efforts of paramedics, the 61-year-old cop died of his injuries shortly afterwards.


The public prosecutor’s office and the Stuttgart police announced the horror collision in a statement. (link)


Suspicious Cat remains, well, suspicious.


The NWO is getting desperate now, the EU elections have freaked them out and they will do anything to retain power. Anyone who disagrees with them, they want to destroy, this is going to be a hard dismantling of this power grid. The Great Awakening is not for the light of heart.

Anonymous ID: ee22b2 June 25, 2024, 9:24 a.m. No.21084435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4522

Shocking new court docs reveal what Alec Baldwin was doing right before he shot Halyna Hutchins…

June 21, 2024 (4 days ago)


Well, well, well, it looks like we didn’t get the full story from Alec Baldwin about the deadly shooting on the set of his low-budget western, “Rust.” The tragedy occurred when Baldwin pointed a loaded gun at Halyna Hutchins, a wife and mother, and pulled the trigger, ending her life.Baldwin’s account of that fateful day starkly contrasts with the prosecutors’ claims, as we’re now discovering from recent court documents. While Alec denies ever actually pulling the trigger, prosecutors paint a picture more akin to the “wild west,” with Baldwin as the reckless gunslinger. Thanks to these court filings, we now have a clearer picture of the events leading up to the moment Baldwin fatally shot Ms. Hutchins, and it doesn’t look good for the notoriously angry actor.Prosecutors claim that Baldwin was horsing around on set and even fired a blank at another crew member.

This new information comes just days before his trial is set to begin.


Radar Online:

Alec Baldwin allegedly “engaged in horseplay with his gun” and “fired a blank round at a crew member” shortly before Halyna Hutchins was shot and killed on the set of Rust three years ago, has learned.

In a sudden development to come days before Baldwin’s involuntary manslaughter trial kicks off in Santa Fe, New Mexico on July 9, the prosecutors leading the case against the actor claimed thatBaldwin “flouted security protocols” prior to Hutchins’ death.


According to a new court filing submitted on Monday, the prosecution plans to present evidence of Baldwin’s allegedly reckless behavior to the jury when the 30 Rock actor’s trial starts next month.


One alleged incident unfolded when Baldwin, now 66, pointed his gun and fired “a blank round at a crew member” while he held the person target in his line of sight.


Baldwin was also accused of ignoring safety procedures between October 12, 2021 and the day of the fatal shooting on October 21, firing a weapon after filming was over, and holding his finger on the trigger in scenes.


The prosecution also alleged that Baldwin regularly rushed armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed to reload his gun faster and that the actor would regularly be on FaceTime with his family during firearms training.

If this is true, Alec Baldwin could be in some very serious trouble.Prosecutors claim they have pictures and video to back up their claims.


The Radar piece continues:

“[Baldwin] can be seen engaging in horseplay with his gun andpulling his gun when the scene did not call for the pulling of his gun,” the court documents that were filed on Monday read. “When he pulls his gun the muzzle of the gun is pointed directly at another actor.”


“Mr. Baldwin can be seen screaming intermittently throughout the attempts at filming the scene,” the filing continued. “He exercises complete control over the set by stopping the acting sequence, cursing loudly and rushing the other cast and crew.”


Even more startling was the prosecution’s claim that ==Baldwin “asked to be assigned the ‘biggest’ gun available” before Rust even started shooting three years ago.


According to the prosecution, the photos and videos of Baldwin’s behavior on the set of Rust serve as “intrinsic evidence” of the embattled actor’s “other acts”== leading up to Hutchins’ death.

The pressure is starting to get to Alec.


Many reports indicate that he’s running low on funds, thanks to his mounting legal fees. Not to mention all the lawsuits against him….

Anonymous ID: ee22b2 June 25, 2024, 9:48 a.m. No.21084553   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4577 >>4741 >>4795 >>4836 >>4839

Conservative-backed group is creating a list of federal workers it suspects could resist Trump plans

BY LISA MASCARO Updated 10:36 AM EDT, June 24, 2024 (I LOVE the fact

they are freaking out, they have been talking about it for months and months,this is truly funny!)1/3


WASHINGTON (AP) — From his home office in small-town Kentucky, a seasoned political operative is quietly investigating scores of federal employees suspected of being hostile to the policies of Republican Donald Trump, a highly unusual and potentially chilling effort that dovetails with broader conservative preparations for a new White House.


Tom Jones and his American Accountability Foundationare digging into the backgrounds, social media posts and commentary of key high-ranking government employees, starting with the Department of Homeland Security.


They’re relying in part on tips from his network of conservative contacts, including workers. In a move that alarms some, they’re preparing to publish the findings online.


With a $100,000 grant from the Heritage Foundation, the goal is to post 100 names of government workers to a website this summer to show a potential new administration who might be standing in the way of a second-term Trump agenda — and ripe for scrutiny, reclassifications, reassignments or firings.



“We need to understand who these people are and what they do,” said Jones, a former Capitol Hill aide to Republican senators.


The concept of compiling and publicizing a list of government employees shows the lengths Trump’s allies are willing to go to ensure nothing or no one will block his plans in a potential second term. Jones’ Project Sovereignty 2025 comes as Heritage’s Project 2025 lays the groundwork, with policies, proposals and personnel ready for a possible new White House.


What to know about the 2024 Election


The effort, focused on top career government officials who aren’t appointees within the political structure, has stunned democracy experts and shocked the civil service community in what they compare with the red scare of McCarthyism.


Jacqueline Simon, policy director at the American Federation of Government Employees, said the language being used — the Heritage Foundation’s announcement praised the group forferreting out “anti-American bad actors” — is “shocking.” Civil servants are often ex-military personnel and are required to take an oath to the Constitution to work for the federal government, not a loyalty test to a president, she and others said.


“It just seems as though their goal is to try to menace federal employees and sow fear,” said Simon, whose union backs President Joe Biden, a Democrat, for reelection. (Or you mean like Biden and his ADMIN are menacing all of MAGA over the US, at least 75 million citizens, like that menacing?)


(Of Course AP has to add this) As Trump, who has been convicted of felony charges in a hush money case and is under a four-count federal indictment accusing him of working to overturn his 2020 election loss, faces a likely rematch with Biden this fall, far-right conservatives have vowed to take a wrecking ball to what they call the deep-state bureaucracy.

Anonymous ID: ee22b2 June 25, 2024, 9:52 a.m. No.21084577   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4622 >>4741 >>4795 >>4836 >>4839



The Trump campaign has said outside groups don’t speak for the ex-president, who alone sets his policy priorities.Conservatives view the federal workforce as overstepping its role to become a power center that can drive or thwart a president’s agenda. Particularly during the Trump administration, government officials came under attack from the White House and Republicans on Capitol Hill, as his own Cabinet often raised objections to some of his more singular or even unlawful proposals.


While Jones’ group won’t necessarily be recommending whether to fire or reassign the federal workers it lists, the work aligns with Heritage’s far-reaching Project 2025 blueprint for a conservative administration.


Heritage’s Project 2025 proposes reviving the Trump Schedule F policy that would try to reclassify tens of thousands of federal workers as political appointees, which could enable mass dismissals — although a Biden administration rule seeks to make that more difficult. The Heritage project is working to recruit and train a new generation to travel to Washington to fill government jobs.


In announcing the $100,000 Innovation Award last month,Heritage said it’d support American Accountability Foundation’s “investigative researchers, in-depth reports, and educational efforts to alert Congress, a conservative administration, and the American people to the presence of anti-American bad actors burrowed into the administrative state and ensure appropriate action is taken.”


Heritage President Kevin Roberts said the “weaponization of the federal government” has been possible only because of the “deep state of entrenched Leftist bureaucrats.” He said he was proud to support the work of American Accountability Foundation workers “in their fight to hold our government accountable and drain it of bad actors.”


The federal government employs about 2.2 million people, including those in the Washington, D.C., area and workers who the unions say many Americans know as friends or neighbors in communities across the country. (There is a total of 18 million with Federal contractors)


About 4,000 positions in the government are considered political appointees who routinely change from one presidential administration to the next, but most are career professionals — from landscapers at Veterans Administration cemeteries to economists at the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


The public list-making conjures for some the era of Joseph McCarthy, the senator who conducted grueling hearings into suspected communist sympathizers during the Cold War. The hearings were orchestrated by a top staffer, Roy Cohn, who became a confidant of a younger Trump.


Skye Perryman, CEO of the advocacy group Democracy Forward, said it’s deeply disturbing and reminiscent of “the darker parts of American history.” KEK!


Publicly naming government workers is an “intimidation tactic to try to chill the work of these civil servants,” she said, and part of a broader “retribution agenda” underway this election.


Democracy Forward Website for research:

Anonymous ID: ee22b2 June 25, 2024, 10 a.m. No.21084622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4741 >>4795 >>4836 >>4839



“They’re seeking to undermine our democracy,” she said. “They’re seeking to undermine the way that our government works for people.” (STFU with the democracy BS, you on that side are dictators and treasonous, we are a Republic, no one should be guaranteed a job for life in the Federal Government, not the Democratic Government)

Jones, from his desk overlooking rickhouses storing barrels in the Bourbon Capitol of Bardstown, scoffed at comparisons to McCarthyism as “nonsense.”


He’s a former staffer to then-Sen. Jim DeMint, the South Carolina conservative Republican who later led Heritage and now helms the Conservative Policy Institute, where American Accountability Foundation has a mailing address. Jones also worked for Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, and provided opposition research for Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz’s 2016 presidential bid.


With six researchers, Jones’ team operates remotely across the country, poring over the information about federal workers within Homeland Security, the State Department and other agencies that deal with immigration and border issues.


Their focus is on the highest ranksof the civil servants —GS-13, GS-14 and GS-15 employees and those in senior executive positionswho could put up roadblocks to Trump’s plans for tighter borders and more deportations.


“I think it’s important to the next administration to understand who those people are,” Jones said.


He dismissed the risks that could be involved in publicly posting the names, salary information and other details of federal workers who have some level of privacy or the idea his group’s work could put employees’ livelihoods in jeopardy.“You don’t get to make policy and then say, ‘Hey, don’t scrutinize me,”’he said.


He acknowledges some of the work is often a “gut check” or “instinct” about which federal employees would be suspected of trying to block a conservative agenda. “We’re looking at, ‘Are there wrong people on the bus right now that are, you know, openly hostile to efforts to secure the southern border?’” he said.


His own group came under scrutiny as it first probed Biden nominees.

Biden had repealed Trump’s Schedule Fexecutive order in January 2021, but aGovernment Accountability Office reportin 2022 found that agencies believedit could be reinstated by a future administration.


Since then, the Biden administration issued a rule that would make it harder to fire workers. A new administration could direct the Office of Personnel Management to undo the regulation, but the process would take time and be open to legal challenges. (Anything you can do Trump can do better)


(I wonder how many Civil Servants were purged by Bidan? He rejected the majority of SS)



Anonymous ID: ee22b2 June 25, 2024, 10:02 a.m. No.21084638   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I love this picture, because they weren't smiling very wide after he said HRC was corrupt, as a matter of fact all of you are! KEK (paraphrased)