Anonymous ID: ac266a June 25, 2024, 11:43 a.m. No.21085034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5043

In a stunning announcement, Chief Executive Leadership Institute CEO Jeffrey Sonnenfeld says there will not be one Fortune 500 CEO supporting Donald Trump. This is wholly unprecedented. Retweet so all Americans see this shocking news.


Biden-Harris HQ


April 12, 2021


Chief Executive Leadership Institute CEO Jeffrey Sonnenfeld says there will not be one Fortune 500 CEO supporting Donald Trump.


More than 100 of the nation's top corporate leaders met virtually on Saturday to discuss ways for companies to continue responding to the passage of more restrictive voting laws across the country


"The gathering was an enthusiastic voluntary statement of defiance against threats of reprisals for exercising their patriotic voices," said Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, a Yale University management professor who helped organize the confab.


In addition to Sonnenfeld, the meeting was organized by Lynn Forester de Rothschild, the founding partner of Inclusive Capitalism LLC, and Leadership Now, a group of Harvard University alums and corporate leaders focused on sustaining democracy.

Anonymous ID: ac266a June 25, 2024, 11:48 a.m. No.21085046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5146 >>5269 >>5312 >>5380 >>5502 >>5575 >>5576

Kenya Protesters Storm Parliament, Police Fire Live Rounds, After Lawmakers Unleash Eco-Austerity


The Kenyan capital of Nairobi has descended into violence and mayhem as large street protests by Kenyans outraged at new tax policies and a harsh 'Eco-Austerity' program imposed by the government have resulted in the parliament building being set on fire.


Legislators are evacuating after the anti-tax protesters initially breached parliament. They quickly overwhelmed police soon after the lawmakers voted to pass a bill which introduces new nationwide taxes, including an eco-levy which raises the price of basic goods such as diapers, as part of efforts to curb waste management and be more environmentally friendly.


The new taxes were tucked away in Kenya’s Finance Bill 2024, and directly impacts imports, prices, and sales of diapers, batteries/dry cells, smartphones, earphones, clocks, radios, TV sets, cameras… staplers, printers, calculators, photocopying machines, keyboards, mice, projectors and LCD monitors.


The stringent Eco Levy especially impacts those who intend to import plastics into the Kenyan market, imposing a hefty fee per kilo on the products.


Protesters have been shouting while entering parliament, "We’re coming for every politician." There are widespread reports that police have begun utilizing live fire against the throngs, also amid riot control measures such as tear-gas.


Currently, President William Ruto is outside the capital attending an African Union event, but he's tried to strike a conciliatory tone, praising the enthusiasm of the youth - who are by and large the backbone of the demonstrations.

Anonymous ID: ac266a June 25, 2024, 11:50 a.m. No.21085058   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5067






US Kerry [1]- 4bb96075acadc3d80b5ac872874c3037a386f4f595fe99e687439aabd0219809

UK FCO [2]- f33a6de5c627e3270ed3e02f62cd0c857467a780cf6123d2172d80d02a072f74

EC [3]- eae5c9b064ed649ba468f0800abf8b56ae5cfe355b93b1ce90a1b92a48a9ab72


sha256sum 2016-11-07_WL-Insurance_US.aes256 ab786b76a195cacde2d94506ca512ee950340f1404244312778144f67d4c8002

sha256sum 2016-11-07_WL-Insurance_UK.aes256 655821253135f8eabff54ec62c7f243a27d1d0b7037dc210f59267c43279a340

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Anonymous ID: ac266a June 25, 2024, 11:59 a.m. No.21085096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5269 >>5380 >>5502 >>5575 >>5576

Longtime Chicago Democrat Leader Ed Burke Sentenced to Prison on 13 Corruption Convictions, Receives Light Sentence


Former Alderman Ed Burke, the longest-serving City Council member in Chicago history with a 54-year tenure, has been a Democrat powerhouse in the Windy City for decades.


In December, a federal jury convicted Burke, 80, on 13 corruption counts tied to using his position and power to win private law business from developers in 2016, 2017, and 2018.


During the trial, prosecutors said Burke used his considerable power as a long-serving alderman to steer business toward his law firm, Klafter & Burke, and to pressure companies to use his firm if they wanted his support with the bureaucratic issues they encountered.


Prosecutors also said Burke threatened to block the Field Museum’s attempt to raise their entry fee because the museum did not provide an internship to his goddaughter.



He was found guilty of racketeering, corruptly soliciting, demanding, accepting, or agreeing to accept things of value, using an interstate facility to promote unlawful activity, and attempted extortion.


Although under the law, the racketeering and extortion counts were each punishable by up to 20 years in federal prison, the soliciting counts carry a ten-year sentence, and lying to the FBI includes a five-year sentence; on Monday, Burke was sentenced to only two years in prison and fined $2 million.


At sentencing, it pays to be a Democrat.

Anonymous ID: ac266a June 25, 2024, 12:02 p.m. No.21085099   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5269 >>5325 >>5380 >>5502 >>5575 >>5576

Election Integrity at Stake in Georgia: Fulton County Georgia Seeks to Destroy 2020 Election Ballots Amid Ongoing Lawsuits


In an ongoing lawsuit concerning the 2020 election, attorneys for Fulton County, Georgia, made a controversial argument yesterday. They suggested that a temporary injunction preserving the 2020 Fulton election ballots should be lifted, which would allow the ballots to be destroyed before they are unsealed, copied, and revealed to the public.


The attorneys also contended that Fulton County should receive attorney fees for the case, despite a Georgia Supreme Court ruling that overturned lower court decisions and confirmed standing for the plaintiffs who seek to copy and inspect the ballots, according to the VoterGA.


Representing Fulton Superior Court Clerk Che Alexander, Attorney Laura Moore made the case that there is no longer room in a secure warehouse cage for the ballots, so they may now be destroyed.


Moore conveniently omitted from her argument that Fulton County recently opened a new 60,000 sq. ft. Election Operations warehouse at an initial cost of nearly 30 million and an additional 4 million annual lease for Fulton taxpayers, per VoterGA.


More from the VoterGA press release:

Anonymous ID: ac266a June 25, 2024, 12:05 p.m. No.21085108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5142 >>5205 >>5211 >>5253

How can CNN debate moderator Dana Bash be impartial questioning Trump, she was married to Trump-bashing Russiagate conspiracist, Biden donor and Brennan aide JEREMY BASH who signed 2020 intel statement falsely insisting Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation.

Anonymous ID: ac266a June 25, 2024, 12:10 p.m. No.21085125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5269 >>5380 >>5502 >>5575 >>5576

America First Legal Sends All 50 States a Plan for How to Use Existing Federal Law to Prevent Foreign Nationals from Illegally Voting in American Elections


Today, America First Legal (AFL) sent a letter to the chief election official of all fifty States, with a copy to each Governor and Attorney General explaining how they can use two key existing federal laws to obtain information from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security about the citizenship or immigration status of any individual for “any purpose authorized by law.” Ensuring the integrity of voter rolls and investigating whether to remove potentially ineligible voters from voter rolls is undoubtedly a “purpose authorized by law,” and therefore, these laws can serve a vital function in providing States and localities with the information that they need to prevent aliens from voting.


Given the unprecedented amount of illegal immigration that the United States has experienced since January 20, 2021–with millions upon millions of illegal aliens coming into the interior of the United States–and widespread concerns about the presence of aliens on voter rolls, the time is now for responsible election officials to do everything that they can under existing law to protect the integrity of upcoming elections.


The Problem: The issue of noncitizens voting in federal elections can be complex–including what States are and are not allowed to do when voter applicants use the federal form:


Federal law prohibits foreign nationals from voting or registering to vote in federal elections.

Federal law also imposes upon States an obligation to conduct voter list maintenance.

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) created a federal voter registration form that does not require applicants to demonstrate proof of citizenship. Instead, it merely requires voter registrants to sign a form “under penalty of perjury,” swearing or affirming that “I am a United States citizen.”


The Supreme Court of the United States previously held that because the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) requires that States must “accept and use” the EAC form–which does not require documentary proof of citizenship–then “the NVRA forbids States to demand that an applicant submit additional information beyond that required by the Federal Form.”

The result is that, under current law as interpreted by the Supreme Court, anyone can register to vote using the EAC Federal Form without providing documentary proof of citizenship.

This outrageous state of affairs, which is completely contrary to common sense and the practices of other countries across the world, has led to numerous bills being introduced to correct the situation at the point of voter registration—such as the SAVE Act. Such bills are essential to protect the integrity of our elections. This plan provides something that States can do NOW until legislation like the SAVE Act becomes law.

Further, aside from the weaknesses in the EAC Federal Form, there are gaps and loopholes in the voter registration process in States that do not (or did not in the past, particularly prior to the requirements of the REAL ID Act of 2005 related to driver’s licenses) require documented proof of citizenship.

Even DHS’s Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) program, which many states use in various ways to determine eligibility for access to benefits for aliens in the United States, has critical flaws that make it unworkable for most States and localities to use to verify a voter registrant’s citizenship status.

Most notably, SAVE requires users to submit an Alien Registration Number or some other DHS identifier to run queries through the system–something that States and localities do not have when registering someone to vote.

Anonymous ID: ac266a June 25, 2024, 12:16 p.m. No.21085152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5168

U.S. Soldier Charged with Building Bombs for the Gulf Cartel in Mexico


Mexican authorities arrested a former U.S. soldier who had allegedly been building explosives for the Gulf Cartel just south of the Texas border. The arrest had been kept largely under wraps as federal authorities built up the case against him, as he stands accused of manufacturing land mines and other explosives.


Breitbart Texas confirmed with sources from Mexico’s Attorney General’s Office that in May, a group of federal officers arrested William Louis Anhert in Rio Bravo, Tamaulipas. The arrest came during a raid at a camp used by the Escorpiones faction of the Gulf Cartel. During that raid, authorities arrested several Gulf Cartel gunmen and seized various explosive devices and components.


Almost immediately after the arrest, Mexican authorities flew Anhert to Mexico City, where he has been held while awaiting trial on various federal charges tied to Mexico’s weapons and explosives laws. According to Mexican authorities, Anhert is a U.S. military veteran. However, details of his military career were not released. Anhert, a U.S. citizen, is reportedly wanted in Colorado for sex-related crimes.


Anhert’s arrest comes weeks after, as Breitbart Texas reported exclusively, the Escorpiones faction of the Gulf Cartel began using land mines and improvised explosive devices along various dirt roads in northern Tamaulipas. The use of these devices comes as the Escorpiones faction of the Gulf Cartel continuesesc waging a fierce turf war with a rival faction from Reynosa called Metros.


After initially trying to deny or suppress the information about the landmines, government officials were forced to admit that organized crime members had deployed them in the northern part of the state, Breitbart Texas reported.


Despite claims by the Tamaulipas government about the state being almost free of crime, the turf war within the Gulf Cartel has led to numerous shootouts, kidnappings, and murders.

Anonymous ID: ac266a June 25, 2024, 12:20 p.m. No.21085174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5269 >>5380 >>5502 >>5575 >>5576

Unsealed Court Docs Show Top Gender Medical Org Twisting Science For Politics, Colluding With Biden Admin Official


A Biden administration official pressured the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) to quickly issue its Standards of Care Version 8 (SoC 8) guidelines and remove minimum age recommendations for transgender procedures, despite a glaring lack of scientific justification, according to unsealed court documents.


Canadian sex researcher James Cantor wrote in an unsealed expert report that WPATH saw “evidence-based” medicine as a threat to its “policy goals,” allowing its S0C-8 to be influenced by “political pressure, litigation and legislative advocacy strategy, and the financial self-interest of WPATH members.” Internal WPATH communications contained in Cantor’s report reveal Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine pushed for the development of SoC 8 in order to advance the Biden administration’s political goals, even having a staff member suggest the removal of “specific listings of ages” that could “result in devastating legislation for trans care.”


“I have just spoken to Admiral Levine today, who—as always is extremely supportive of the SOC 8, but also very eager for its release—so to ensure integration in the US health policies of the Biden government,” one message from a WPATH member states. “So, let’s crack on with the job!!!”


Another message stated Levine’s eagerness “should be taken as a charge from the United States government to do what is required to complete the project immediately.”

Anonymous ID: ac266a June 25, 2024, 12:27 p.m. No.21085206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5269 >>5380 >>5502 >>5545 >>5575 >>5576

Fasting Boosts Cancer-Fighting Ability Of 'Natural Killer' Cells: Study


Fasting can program certain immunity cells in the body to fight cancer better and improve the cell’s ability to survive in a tumor environment, according to a recent study.


Fasting reshapes tissue-specific niches to improve NK cell-mediated anti-tumor immunity

Anonymous ID: ac266a June 25, 2024, 12:32 p.m. No.21085231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5237 >>5269 >>5380 >>5469 >>5502 >>5556 >>5575 >>5576

In Rare Move, Supreme Court Extends Its Term Into July To Allow For Several Large Rulings


In an uncommon move, the Supreme Court has just opted to extent their current term into July.


The reason for this is so that SCOTUS can wrap up work on around a dozen important cases — including President Trump’s immunity case and major rulings on federal agency power, abortion, social media censorship, gun rights, and J6.

Anonymous ID: ac266a June 25, 2024, 12:33 p.m. No.21085236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5269 >>5380 >>5502 >>5575 >>5576

Ukraine Asks Backers To OK Deeper Strikes in Russia


Washington recently loosened restrictions for Ukrainian attacks on Russian soil using American arms


Ukraine’s government has urged its Western sponsors to allow local troops to strike deeper inside Russia with foreign-supplied weapons. The United States once barred such operations, but has since authorized attacks along Russia’s border.


Writing on his official Telegram channel on Sunday, President Volodymyr Zelensky boasted that Ukrainian forces had downed a pair of Russian Kalibr missiles along with two-dozen other projectiles over the last 24 hours, but warned “Russian terror is not slowing down.”


“Therefore we must increase our pressure – by all methods and together with our partners,” he added. “We have enough determination to destroy terrorists on their territory – it is fair. And we need the same determination from our partners. We can stop Russia.”


While Zelensky mentioned no country by name, the message was presumably addressed to leaders in Washington, who still ostensibly maintain restrictions on the use of American weapons on Russian territory. Those rules have been loosened on multiple occasions in recent months, however.


In May, the White House signaled that Kiev would be permitted to hit Russian troops stationed across the border near Ukraine’s Kharkiv Oblast, while more recently similar attacks were authorized along the entirety of the Russo-Ukrainian border.


Though Pentagon spokesman Patrick Ryder insisted there was no change to US policy, claiming the May authorization was not limited to Kharkiv, unnamed officials previously told Reuters the first decision applied “only to targets inside Russia near the border with the Kharkiv region.”


Several of Kiev’s supporters have already lifted their own rules on Ukrainian strikes inside Russia, among them Canada, Poland, Sweden, Germany, and Denmark. Earlier this month, Danish Foreign Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen declared that F-16 fighter jets provided by his country could be used to hit Russian targets (once the first deliveries arrive, that is).


“Even if they are inside Russia, they are legitimate military targets because Russia attacked Ukraine. It fully complies with the rules of war,” he told journalists in Brussels.


Ukraine appears to be taking advantage of the scaled-back restrictions, reporting its first-ever kill on Russian soil using foreign military hardware earlier this month. According to Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk, troops neutralized a Russian S-300 air defense system at an unspecified location using an unnamed Western weapon.


The Kremlin also cast blame on Washington for a recent Ukrainian air raid on Crimea, which has been under Russian control since 2014. Russia’s military claimed the strikes used US-provided Army Tactical Missile Systems (ATACMS), and went on to say the attack was aided by “US satellite reconnaissance data” provided by “American specialists.”


US officials were quick to reject the charge, with the Pentagon stating that “Ukraine makes its own targeting decisions and conducts its own military operations.” It is unclear whether Washington imposes the same restrictions for strikes on Crimea, as it rejects Russia’s claims to the region and considers it part of Ukraine’s sovereign territory. Nonetheless, Moscow has threatened “consequences” for the deadly attack.

Anonymous ID: ac266a June 25, 2024, 12:35 p.m. No.21085246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5259 >>5334

After court ruling, AG tells IDF to immediately start drafting 3,000 Haredi students


Notice also orders the military to draw up a conscription plan for enlistment beyond the initial figure, bans government yeshiva funding ‘directly or indirectly’


The Attorney General’s Office on Tuesday instructed the Israel Defense Forces to immediately draft 3,000 ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students beginning July 1, following the High Court of Justice’s ruling earlier in the day that the government is obligated to conscript such men into military service.


In a letter addressed to the ministries of defense, finance, and education, the Attorney General’s Office also ordered the government to refrain from transferring funds previously allocated to yeshivas for students who were studying in lieu of military service, in accordance with the court’s decision, telling the ministries they can no longer provide such support in any format.


The instructions came hours after a landmark High Court decision that determined for the first time that ultra-Orthodox men are obligated to perform military service, since the previous legislative and administrative arrangements allowing for their blanket exemptions have now expired.


“The security establishment is obligated to act immediately to implement the ruling to draft yeshiva students who are obligated to perform military service, in accordance with the needs of the army and its capabilities, and in accordance with its commitment to draft 3,000 recruits,” Deputy Attorney General Gil Limon told the army in a letter to its legal adviser.


There are currently some 63,000 Haredi yeshiva students who, under the ruling, are obligated to perform military service, although the IDF told the court that it could realistically draft just 3,000 in the 2024 enlistment year, which began in June.

Anonymous ID: ac266a June 25, 2024, 12:39 p.m. No.21085270   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5284 >>5380 >>5502 >>5508 >>5575 >>5576

Western Intel Officials: Russia Behind Arson Attack At German Factory


The Wall Street Journal reported that officials initially believed that that the fire at a Diehl Metal Applications factory was an accident.


They now believe that the fire was intentionally set by “Russian saboteurs trying disrupt shipments of critical arms and ammunition to Ukraine,” the report said.


The fire happened in an area of the factory where “only a few people had access,” the report said. All CCTV footage was allegedly destroyed in the fire.


An intelligence agency of a member state of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) intercepted electronic-communications that “provided evidence of Russia’s involvement,” but the evidence was not allowed in Germany’s court systemthus preventing criminal charges from being filed and blame being placed on Russia.


European countries have tried to avoid escalating tensions with Russia amid its war in Ukraine but not placing blame on it for various mysterious incidents that have occurred on civilian and military infrastructure on the continent, the report said. Privately, however, they believe that Russia is responsible for at least some of the incidents.


The goal of Russia’s sabotage campaign is to cause division in country’s that support Ukraine. Russian nationals have been arrested for trying to attack U.S. military facilities in Germany and for carrying out attacks in the U.K.


Suspected cases of Russian sabotage include destroying an undersea gas pipelines and data cables in the Arctic and the Baltic Sea regions by civilian ships tied to Russia, the report said.


The report said that Russia is recruiting criminals on social media to carry out the attacks, some of whom may not be aware that they are being recruited by Russia and may believe that they are working for someone else. They are often paid in cryptocurrency.

Anonymous ID: ac266a June 25, 2024, 12:46 p.m. No.21085299   🗄️.is 🔗kun

IDF plan to replace Hamas to begin in northern Gaza in ‘coming days’ – Hanegbi


Apparently backing IDF Spokesman Hagari, national security adviser says Israel can’t get rid of Hamas ‘as an idea’; expresses some optimism about efforts to reach hostage deal


Israel’s plan for the “day after” Hamas will start to be implemented in northern Gaza in the coming days, said National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi on Tuesday.


Speaking at Reichman University’s Herzliya Conference, Hanegbi said that the Israel Defense Forces plan has “been sharpened” in recent weeks, and that “we will see a practical expression of this plan” shortly.


Washington has repeatedly criticized Jerusalem over this issue, arguing that failure to plan for “the day after” would lead to Israel either permanently occupying Gaza or a state of chaos in the Strip that would allow for Hamas to reconstitute.


Senior US officials pressed Defense Minister Yoav Gallant this week in Washington on the issue. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken “emphasized the importance of that work to Israel’s security” during his meeting with Gallant.


Hanegbi, who was in Washington last week, agreed in Herzliya that initiating a process to replace Hamas is key to long-term victory in Gaza.


“We can’t get rid of Hamas as an idea, there we need an alternative idea,” he said.


So they are going to replace Hamas like they did with the PLO - is this an confession?

Anonymous ID: ac266a June 25, 2024, 12:56 p.m. No.21085359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5366

Benny Gantz: Israel can destroy Hezbollah’s military in days


Reichman University President Boaz Ganor, while speaking at the Herzliya Conference, said Iran pre-arranged its false denial of knowledge of Hamas invasion.

Anonymous ID: ac266a June 25, 2024, 1:05 p.m. No.21085398   🗄️.is 🔗kun

America’s two corrupted parties.


Young Americans are now facing mandatory registration for selective service, i.e. a military draft. Meanwhile, recruitment for the “all-volunteer” military remains sluggish. But no one in authority suggests the obvious solution to recruitment shortfalls: downsize the U.S. military’s imperial bootprint, i.e. stop striving for “global reach, global power” and focus instead on true national defense.


I saw where the Biden administration is “helping” Americans to qualify for home mortgage loans by deleting medical-related debt from credit reports. In other words, people still have to pay their medical debts; the fact that they have medical debts will just be masked so that they can qualify for more debt in the form of a home mortgage loan. If that doesn’t scream Biden compromise, I don’t know what does.


It’s so sad and disheartening how quickly Aaron Bushnell’s sacrificial suicide to protest genocide in Gaza has been dismissed and forgotten by the corporate-owned media in America.


I’m not looking forward to the “debate” between Biden and Trump this Thursday. I expect a 90-minute shouting match between two grumpy old men. Still, I feel obligated to watch it, if only to write about it here. I expect Trump will be Trump (angry, insulting, undisciplined, and boastful) and Biden will be Biden (unfocused, confused, and also angry, shouting and pointing for emphasis).


I remember taking a class in high school on debate and discussion. It was all about persuasion through command of the material, of staying on subject, of stating facts clearly, of being logical but also of connecting with one’s audience. This week’s CNN debate dispensed with the audience, apparently because Trump is far better at connecting with (or pandering to) an audience than Biden is. I expect Trump to “win” in the sense he’ll be more spontaneous and less confused than Biden, but of course the real loser of the debate won’t be Biden or Trump. It’ll be us.


It’s hard for me to get past scenes of Members of Congress waving Ukrainian and Israeli flags and thinking it’s both patriotic and representative of the American people to do so.


I’m betting that in Thursday’s “debate,” neither candidate will speak much, if at all, of peace and diplomacy. I expect the corporate tool moderators won’t mention genocide in Gaza. Indeed, I think Biden and Trump will compete over who is more slavishly pro-Israel and pro-Bibi. I’m guessing Biden will win that competition, since no U.S. political figure has accepted more money from AIPAC and other hardline pro-Israel lobbies. “Lunch bucket” Joe has had to wield a wheelbarrow for all the millions in campaign cash he’s accepted over his fifty years in politics. But he’s a man of the people!


I understand many people want to thumb their noses at a corrupt system that produces corporate tools like Joe Biden and sells them as caring for the “little people.” But thumbing your nose shouldn’t lead you to cut off your nose to spite your face by voting for a narcissistic billionaire who sells overpriced Bibles and golden sneakers.


Unhappy with Biden/Trump? Vote for someone else. Jill Stein. RFK Jr. Don’t confine yourself to the Hobson’s Choice offered by America’s two corrupted parties.

Anonymous ID: ac266a June 25, 2024, 1:13 p.m. No.21085444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5502 >>5575 >>5576



Amos Hochstein, the special adviser and special envoy of the US President, met with the Lebanese authorities during his visit to Beirut last week. Hochstein told Lebanese officials that Hezbollah was mistaken if it thought the United States could prevent Israel from launching ground operations in southern Lebanon.


Hochstein met with the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament Nabih Berri in Beirut and asked him to deliver a message to Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah.


Hochstein asserted that Hezbollah’s speculations about the US having control over Israel are inaccurate. The United States cannot stop Israel. If the border situation remains critical, Israel will intensify its attacks, and Hezbollah should negotiate with Israel instead of increasing tensions.


Amos Hochstein is an American-Israeli businessman who is active in the field of energy and has worked in various countries, including Ukraine. Before the Ukrainian war, he was a member of the oil and gas monitoring board of Ukraine, and during the war, he helped European countries to replace Russian oil and gas with other sources of energy.


After the start of the war in Palestine, Hochstein traveled to Beirut and Tel Aviv many times on behalf of the United States and provided consultations to prevent the escalation of the war between Hezbollah and Israel. Through Lebanese government officials, he has made various proposals to persuade Hezbollah to withdraw from southern Lebanon and stop attacks against Israel, but he has not been successful so far.


It seems that one of the main reasons for Hochstein’s failure is his one-sided role. Instead of a mediator, he has become a mouthpiece for Israel’s threats.


Nabih Berri, the head of the Lebanese Parliament and leader of the Amal movement, has taken a firm stand since Hochstein left Lebanon. This demonstrates that Hochstein’s unilateral mediation is not satisfactory for the Lebanese authorities.


Nabih Berri said: “We met with the American envoy Hockstein and we were waiting for answers from him after his trip to Tel Aviv, but there was no news, and this causes us to have no confidence in the American action for peace. To create peace, Hochstein demanded that Hezbollah withdraw eight kilometers from the border, and I also demanded that the Israeli army withdraw eight kilometers from the border.”


Nabih Berri warned that if the Israeli forces launch a ground attack, the Amal forces will be waiting for them and will fight with Israel on the front lines, even ahead of Hezbollah.


Hezbollah also sent messages through third parties to the United States, stating that although it did not want war, the movement is confident that it could severely damage Israel if it attacked Lebanon.


Hezbollah had already told Hochstein in a decisive message that if we discover preparations for an Israeli attack on Lebanon, we will consider a pre-emptive attack.


Yesterday, Hochstein met with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant in Washington for further coordination. In this meeting, they discussed the transfer of messages between Israeli and Lebanese authorities and Phase C of Israel’s attack.

Anonymous ID: ac266a June 25, 2024, 1:16 p.m. No.21085465   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Telegraph Stealth-Edits Report Claiming Hezbollah 'Storing Weapons' at Beirut Airport


The Telegraph stealth-edited their report claiming Hezbollah is storing "huge quantities" of missiles and weapons at Beirut's main civilian airport to change the source of a quote from a security official at the "International Air Transport Association" to a security official at "a major international aviation body."


The original report stated:

A security source at the International Air Transport Association (IATA) told The Telegraph: "We have been aware of this for years, but we are unable to do anything without international legal action. We are hand tied to do what we'd really like, which is to close the airport and have all the weapons and explosives removed."

The report was then stealth-edited to state:

A security source at a major international aviation body told The Telegraph: "We have been aware of this for years, but we are unable to do anything without international legal action. We are hand tied to do what we'd really like, which is to close the airport and have all the weapons and explosives removed."

Despite changing their "source," they kept the quote the same and offered no explanation for the change!


Lebanon is now threatening to sue The Telegraph over the "false" claims they made in their report.